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Respect his work? 100% Him as an individual? never!


did p hurt your feelings in the past you are coming off as if he did.


dudes get angry on here because p tells it like it is why sugar coat what you have to say? to spare a toys feelings?.. trust me alot of the shit that post has to say me and many other writers that have been around for a while are thinking .. me personally i just dont have the energy to argue with some kid that doesnt understand and never really will .. all the other ill writers that lurk on here quietly just call each other or pm each other to talk about alot of the toy fuckery going on they dont express there opinions on the forum because they will get drowned out by toys defending each other making up fake names and so on..post on the other hand says everything we are thinking out loud when we see alot of this toy shit and he doesnt hold his tounge i guess the truth really does hurt .. YOU WANT THE TRUTH YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH.:lol:

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i may have 6 post but i have painted more then 600 trains and bombed many walls where is your work at pleas post something motivate me. and to fukijama i have respect for many writers of this generation just no one you named in that line up or in any of the pics i have seen you post all mostly art school writers

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All the writers I named come from all types of backgrounds. Your attack on art school just bugs me out. Many dope writers came from the school I went to. And as far as I grafitti was never offered. I'm not gonna get into it. But I had classes with some of the hardest bombers of this generation. And the skill range is crazy

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Real talk what you put out there comes from you. Graf is one of the illest art forms cuz nobody can tell you how you're supposed to express yourself. This 12 oz shit is wak when it becomes shit talk this and bad mouth that. If youre a fan of Graf the. Just enjoy the show. Right click save what you dig. And the garbage just scroll past it

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Shout out to 90s Graff pre millennium shit. Smash deck noxer keeps ja skuf ve giz kech des cype nave nova fus jb rahb hands wak trool22 surk sed Noel year sacer


not comin at you crooked but you name 90s writers and this is the roster you come up with? ehh even tho ..shout out to giz ve, rahb jb bef eck speck vbw jaes wak krash trool sam and the rest its been a long time aow vbw crew

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not comin at you crooked but you name 90s writers and this is the roster you come up with? ehh even tho ..shout out to giz ve, rahb jb bef eck speck vbw jaes wak krash trool sam and the rest its been a long time aow vbw crew


Nah I respect it. I'm not really going in with it like that but NYC is filled with writers and alot if them deserve the recognition. Nov pane cycle rn desa since ways pg(rip) serf mint peak diva. Etc the list can keep going. Depending in what hood your from we all got names we remember

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All the writers I named come from all types of backgrounds. Your attack on art school just bugs me out. Many dope writers came from the school I went to. And as far as I grafitti was never offered. I'm not gonna get into it. But I had classes with some of the hardest bombers of this generation. And the skill range is crazy


i know many artschool vandals they were actual vandals not this newer version of artschool graffers which are internet fame writers with toyish styles that think they are hot shit and push there ugly unpolished work in peoples faces for fame you and most of the people you mentioned were not cut from the cloth of the art school vandals that actually vandalized streets and became staples in the world of graffiti instead you are cut from the cloth that hit blackbooks with mediocre styles that you think are fresh amongst you and your crew but look horrible in reality your friends may get on here and defend you but this is the truth you put your work up prepare for opinions do not get salty and this opinion is coming from some one who actually lived this

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