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there's a difference between telling a joke and trying to cut on someone but not being original enough to create a witty reply .. you call it what you want, i'm calling out the facts. Next he's gonna tell someone their mother is so fat she sat on a rainbow and made skittles huh?

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i hae more Fame !!! had me laughing ... idk where half these niggas get that they famous ... love this site love it .....


if you aint never see me you must stay in your house all day and have never been to midtown uptown downtown blkyn and you def dont come to the bronx nikka im well respected by toys jocks and nikkas that been bombing for ten plus so get of the crotch my suicidal midget dick stroker

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i didnt imitate anything i TYPED it .. and add to that i gave credit to where it was from .. just like HE Doesnt give credit to where his name came from or where his original V came from ( JA ) .. and all jokes or BACK TO BACK comments BOTH biting what dude said and TRYING to make it seem as if he made it up? lemme guess "STATE MY NAME OR SHUT UP " cuz your boy cant even create his own response? LMAO.


Ok so if its good for the goose, then its good for the gander.... sit there , and call EVERYONE out (99.9999999999999% of the site -including myself)... That uses other peoples jokes, or comments, or vocab to diss someone, and they dont give the credit........ I highly doubt he really sat there and said to himself... OMG people are definetly gonna think i came up with this myself.


As for the state ya name or shut up part, i already know u aint gonna state it ....



- but honest question, to each and anyone, If you got sumthing slick to say,or attempt to belittle sumone .... then let it be known who u are and who is saying it. Other then that, its jus a bitch chump move.... and thats a real undeniable 100% real talk fact.

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