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margaret sanger and planned parenthood


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casek, how about we not go with alex jones for a minute. he is obviously someone who lacks any form of objectivity and has built the foundation for his "career" upon fear mongering and half truths. that so called "history of eugenics" consisted of him referencing the political climate of the early part of last century (a very dark and ignorant time in our social history) personal beliefs of a select few, and nazis (no secret there). it then jumps to america hiring ex-nazi scientist which he fails to mention were mostly used for rocketry and aeronautics and other military functions. from that he jumps into an introduction of huxleys speech mentioned above which jones dubs as (paraphrasing) "an admission that his book was not fiction but what the elite were actually planning to implement". he then set off to butcher the speech for the next three minutes in order to illustrate his supposed point (he is very good at editing, ill give him that). what struck me as hilarious is that he is so confident of the viewers predisposition to his way of thinking that he actually fails to show huxley making an admission of this at any time during this horribly chopped "speech". he essentially takes a lecture on science, psychology, history and literature delivered by someone with a firm grasp on human nature and the reality of the world around us and turns it on its head. he may very well have dubbed a "and i propose" at the start of the clip and finished it with "and only by these means will the white elite maintain control of the world". its absurd. i just cant accept that as a valid reference.


i got off on a tangent but my point is you are going to need more than a few you tube movies and planned parenthoods association with a bigot in an era where hate thrived to convince me there is validity to your argument. as dismissive as i may be coming off to you, i am actually willing to listen. i just expect some actual facts, not somones one sided interpretation of them.

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ha, fair enough. id like to see those and how they point to a systematic eugenics program. i have no doubt there are some startling numbers amongst the lower class. whether that is because of some methodical, secret program or due to the startling lack of education that our country offers the poor will be another story.


please provide links if you have the time.

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ok, i see how you can look at that data at face value, isolate the points that support your argument and get your smoking gun. Below are the main points I would assume you a referencing in that link.

"Black women are almost four times as likely as white women to have an abortion, and Hispanic women are 2.5 times as likely."

"The abortion rate among women living below the federal poverty level ($9,570 for a single woman with no children) is more than four times that of women above 300% of the poverty level (44 vs. 10 abortions per 1,000 women)"

"Two thirds of all abortions are among never-married women"

these all would point towards a working effort to weed out "undesirables" if you look at it from the right angle. now lets take a look at a crucial point that ties all of this together.

"Fifty-two percent of U.S. women obtaining abortions are younger than 25: Women aged 20–24 obtain 33% of all abortions, and teenagers obtain 19%"

we are looking 52% of women who, in many cases, have not reached the point in life where they are earning a steady income that would take them above the poverty line. i can almost assure you just from looking around me that there are no more than 1% to 2% in this segment that are earning close to $30k a year or higher. this goes a long way in explaining what some would perceive as the targeting of the lower class based solely on income but obviously, when placed in the correct context, it makes perfect sense. the 4:1 income ratio exists in great part because the majority of those having abortions are either high school or college aged and are in no position, either due to educational obligations or lack of professional experience, to move beyond that poverty line. this 52% also goes a long way in explaining the rate of abortion among never-married women which i assume could again be perceived as "undesirable" based on your criteria. obviously 19% is more than likely out the door immediately and "at risk" women under the age of 25 are going to make up a significant portion of the remaining 33%. the remainder can be filled out by common sense. single women are, more often than not, in a situation where they cannot support a child from a financial or emotional standpoint. male or female, being a single parent is tough for both parties involved.

to account for the racial divide all i needed to do was click over to another section to find a point that sums it up neatly enough.


"Only one out of three sexually experienced black males and fewer than half of sexually experienced black females had received instruction about contraception before the first time they had sex"

that fact coupled with mountains of data citing that black men and women are more susceptible to sexually transmitted disease would indicate that there is a much higher risk of pregnancy here, wouldnt it?

looking at alex jones little film last night it seemed to me that he wanted me to believe the white power structure in america is pouring resources into cleansing our country and the world of those they would deem as inferior. what strikes me as odd is that this white power structure can pull off amazing feats such as engineering 9/11 but cant manage to slip a simple sex education course or a few condoms or birth control pills into an inner city high school to avoid having to revert to plan B, "promoting abortion" amongst minorities to sloppily finish the job they set out to do. fucking bizarre, huh? not only that, this white power structure, many of whom seem to be of the liberal persuasion, are promoting their covert brand of eugenics in any predominately white, upper class school that will accept them. wouldnt these be the people they want reproducing? im starting to get confused as to how this plan works but maybe that is their point.

i could go on an on here but the bottom line is that if you take the blinders off the current state of sexual education and family planning doesnt jive with this whole eugenics thing. perhaps thats why AJ all but stopped his film with the nazis.....

ps - ive been listening to/watching "endgame" at work. im about an hour through and its pretty interesting thus far, all the over the top silliness aside. im actually kind of into the segement about the north american trade corridor.

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glad you dig the film boogie hands, you're always an interesting person to discuss things with...no matter if i get pissed or not, it still keeps me on my toes. i can appreciate that.

i can appreciate a lot of the people that piss me off in crossfire, though. always keeps me thinking.


i've settled down a lot of the "shoving things down peoples throats" type shit. when i first started reading this shit i was extremely freaked out. especially from going into military sites, the national security archives, etc. when it comes from the horses mouth, it's just not bullshit conspiracy theory.


anyhow, your questions: forigve me, i'll try and answer what i can in the time i have.

white power structure: well, it's sort of that type deal...same principles as hitler...master race, etc, but it's not an arian nation skinhead shit fest...it's more old money, old power.

the plan, as i have read it, is to reduce the population of the world to about 500,000,000.


as for why they want to do this, and why they are doing it in white high schools, too: it's not just the blacks, hispanics, etc. they want all of us. race doesn't matter, but it seems like they have an easier time doing it to minorities first.

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