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Im with you, but its been determined unless they are legal murals there is nothing you can do about it... however if she DID flick a legal mural and sell it, then it is infringement. Either way the bitch is wack and you you should suffocate her with rancid cornbread... but yeah if its done illegally in the public space what he is doing is perfectly legal on the grounds of journalism or documenting a crime. You put those images out there with zero permission and as a result have zero claims to anything except being arrested for it.



Basically - in america you cant legally profit from crime (unless you wear a suit and tie while doing it)


I went to peep said show and despite the fact she is selling benched flicks and passing it off as something unique and creative she did... her whole mission is to shed light on the graffiti train culture (whether or not she knows dick shit about it). She claims she has much respect for graffiti artists and wants more people to appreciate the art that is rolling cross-country daily. However, she did have a Wase freight in there and a piece of an Ayer wall.


""Freight car graffitists paint with the expectation that their artwork will travel the country or even the world. The main goal is to be seen and/or recognized. Due to new anti-graffiti paint, a lot of these works of art are removed before many see them at all.


I am a train graffiti photographer, and enjoy opening this art form to public view. My photos capture these works of art and celebrate the talented artists' creations"" --- from her website.





here are some tits

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So following is better then practicing a hurt ass style. Wish user and lets would get out more.


your shit is gettin fresh and that gives you a little room to talk shit. at least you bomb too. and im with you about user and lets. theyre the dopest youngns out. they should paint more.


butttt. if you wanna diss my style diss it in the streets. not on the internet like an e-fag. you really want someone with a hurt style crossing everything you paint? c'mon now. enough with the shit talk.

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