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Hmoob lubneej tseem tswj cov raug tsimtxom

Sau los ntawm Robert Mentzer

Wausau Daily Herald


Cov pojniam Hmoob ntsib teebmeem vim mus piav tsis tau rau leejtwg, qhov no kuj yog ib qhov teebmeem ua rau tawgcuab tawgyim, hais los ntawm ib pab pojniam thaum lawv tuaj sibntxhooj uake tham txog Hmoob tej teebmeem.


Lub rooj sibtham no yog rub los ntawm chaw sau xovxwm Wausau Daily Herald. Lawv kom cov pojniam Hmoob no qhia txog lawv lubneej Hmoob thiab kev pauv ntawm lubneej Hmoob. Vim 2 khub niamtxiv tau sibtua txij xyoo ta los thiab xyoo no. Thiab lub hli tag los, ib tug tub ceevxwm hauv nroog Wausau tseem rhawv tswvyim yuav txov nws tus pojniam thaum nws muab nws lub lumfai mus tsoo taw choj. Qhov no ua rau cov pojniam thiab txivneej Hmoob hauv lub zejzos ra loj kawg.


Lub rooj sibtham no yog tham txog Hmoob lubneej thiab kev xav, twb yog vim cov pojniam tsis muaj cuabkav mus cuag kev pabcuam. Pivtxwv li, The Women's Community, yog ib lub chaw rau tus neeg ntsib teebmeem tuaj nyob thiab so ibntu xwb. Tiam sis lus Hmoob los txhais tias, "Yog ib Lub Tsev Pojnrauj," hais los ntawm Maiv Neng Xyooj, nws muaj hnubnyoog 31 xyoo.


Los lus sibnrauj kuj txhais tau tias txav nyob nrug ntawm lub zejzos, los yog kuj hais tau tias nrauj nws tus txiv thiab.


Mim Lis Thoj, hnubnyoog 41 xyoo, nws hais tias, "Yuav dhau ua tau ib tug pojniam luag hwm thiab saib tau, tus pojniam ntawv yuav tsum muaj ib tug txivtsev."


Yog ib nkawm niamtxiv twg muaj teebmeem lawm, tus pojniam yuav tsum tau mus cuag nws tus txiv cov kwvtij thiab pab nws.


"Yog kuv mus cuag kuv cov neejtsa, qhov no yuav rhuav plhu tshaj qhov kuv mus ntsib kuv cov kwvtij," Maiv Neeb hais. "Thaum kuv mus ntsib kuv cov neejtsa, yog thaum kuv cov kwvtij twb pom zoo lawm, thaum ntawv kuv mam li mus."


Tib txoj kev xav li no thiaj khoo tau cov pojniam Hmoob mus lawm ib suam, qhov no tejzaum yuav rov tig tawm tsam cov neeg uas lub zejzos tseem xav txaiv yuav.


"Cov pojniam ua raug tsimtxom (domestic violence), vim lawv tsis muaj kev pabcuam, qhov yuav hais no yog ib yam txau tusiab kawg, vim yog cov pojniam Hmoob xwb," Mim Lis hais.


Maiv Neeb hais ntxiv tias tom qab Padalina Thoj raug nws tus txiv tua thaum xyoo 2006 hauv nroog Weston, cov pojniam hauv zejzos los nyho tias "nws tsim nyog tuag vim nws ua tsis ncaj rau nws tus txiv."


Maiv Tooj Yi Yaj, hnubnyoog 44 xyoo, kev txawjntse thiaj yog tu yuamsij.


"Yog yuav muab cov neeg American lubneej coj los piv peb Hmoob lubneej, qhov no nyuaj rau cov txivneej Hmoob los totaub," Maiv Tooj Yi Yaj hais. "Yog tias peb cov pojniam muaj kev txawjntse zog, thiab peb muab ob lubneej los sibxyaw, tejzaum tej kev kubntxhov yuav tsawg zog thiab."

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Culture inhibits Hmong victims

By Robert Mentzer

Wausau Daily Herald



Hmong wives face intense social pressures that can be obstacles to leaving an abusive relationship, said a group of women who spoke this week in a roundtable interview.



The panel, organized by the Wausau Daily Herald, allowed the six women to share views and experiences as Hmong women in a changing culture. Two murder-suicides in Weston in the past year and the accusation last month that a Wausau police officer tried to kill his wife in a car crash have focused attention on gender differences in the Hmong community.



Panel members talked about the cultural attitudes and expectations that can prevent women from seeking help. For example, the Hmong translation for The Women's Community, a Wausau shelter for victims of abuse, is "House of the Divorced Women," said Mai Neng Xiong, 31.



Divorce can mean separation, not only from their husbands but from the larger community.



"A woman, in order for her to have status or respect, it's sad to say, but you need to be connected to a man," said Mee Lee Thao, 41.



In any marital dispute, the wife is required to go to her husband's family to seek resolution.



"If I go to my family, that will bring disgrace upon me, and then (upon) my husband's family," Xiong said. "The only time I have the right to go to my family is after my husband's family has given me permission."



The same sense of community that ties Hmong women together can be turned against those who the community wishes to exclude.



Xiong said after the death of Padalina Thao, who was killed by her husband in Weston in 2006, women joined men in the community who said she "deserved what she got because she cheated on her husband."



For Mai Tongyee Yang, 44, education is the key.



"To compare our culture to the American culture, that's very hard to make the man understand," Yang said. "If our women can be more educated, and if our women combine these cultures together, there will be less domestic violence."

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