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Real Conspiracies we Should Worry About

russell jones

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By a really powerful person. Check this article on Rupert Murdoch.




All of it has been said before, but it's nice to see it collected in one place, especially in a standard news outlet. If you doubt that Murdoch is the most powerful man in the world, then read this. You'll stop being scared of your government, realize they're chumps, and start being scared of the people really in charge.


Telling quotes:


"Over time, Mr. Murdoch has shown an ability to adapt to changing political winds. In Britain, his newspapers had a long history of being pro-Tory and anti-Labor, and he was personally close with former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. But in 1997, two of Mr. Murdoch’s papers endorsed Tony Blair for prime minister. Mr. Murdoch became a frequent guest at No. 10 Downing Street, “effectively a member of Blair’s cabinet,” said Lance Price, who was a Blair spokesman from 1998 to 2001.


Mr. Murdoch had reason to court Mr. Blair: ensuring that the new government would allow him to keep intact his British holdings, which by then included The Times of London, multiple tabloids and a stake in Sky News. Many in the Labor Party under Mr. Blair favored the enactment of media ownership limits, which could have forced Mr. Murdoch to divest some of his interests. But Mr. Blair “quietly dropped the policy,” Mr. Price said."


"Mr. Murdoch’s association with the Clintons is perhaps the best example of his ever-morphing relationships with the powerful, and theirs with him. For years, the former president was a favorite target of The New York Post, which seemed to delight in referring to him as “former horndog-in-chief.”


In October 2002, Mr. Clinton and Mr. Murdoch had a lunch meeting at Mr. Clinton’s office in Harlem. It was arranged by Mr. Ginsberg, who had worked in the White House counsel’s office in the Clinton administration and is now the News Corporation’s executive vice president for corporate affairs.


More recently, Mr. Murdoch donated $500,000 to the former president’s Global Initiative and was one of its featured panelists at a 2005 event in New York. In 2006, The Post issued a surprising endorsement of Mrs. Clinton in her Senate re-election bid. On June 5 and 6 of this year, Mr. Ginsberg and Peter A. Chernin, president and chief operating officer of the News Corporation, were hosts of back-to-back fund-raisers for Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign, one in New York and one in Los Angeles."


I don't know if they are aware, but the Times is basically endorsing the view that Democrats and Republicans are all the same, with the same motivations. The fact that they can not come right out and say that, but rather use Murdoch as a crutch, says something about their own views, and their own lack of political fortitude. You need examples? Check how the Times has mindlessly substituted "Al Qaeda," for "insurgents" in Iraq reports. The dollar is always first, and always the most destructive motivation.

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i dont have to be scare of any devil.

neither the government


because its the manipulated minds that affect us,they are just a bunch of weak old pedos




the reason i speak agaist them its for people to hear it and then go research it,to inform.


ive said it millions of times,they are all under the same idea. recognize your enemy

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