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ive noticed quite a few people who i paint with use digitals as well as I.




my advice:

your memory stick should only be inside your camera at the time of flicking your work. While painting, I keep my memory stick within reach so it can be ditched upon any "aproach". Also while entering and exiting (most vonerable times) mine is cuped in my hand and will be droped at the first sight of a problem.


chances are you will probly be cuffed anyway if you got all the obvious supplies with you....but having a camera containing around 200 picturess of your wet train peices isnt gonna help you in the least.


just a heads up!

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this is a quote from the link if you cant get to it...


"Some cameras do the GPS/geotagging automatically (it's embedded in the information in the image files), so if you upload your photos to flickr, you might blow up your spot, or someone else's.


Be very careful what you upload anywhere if your camera has GPS. "

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Good Idea fellas and if your going to video your panel make sure you have nothing on there before you go out wipe everything.

Same goes for film cameras use a brand new roll if out doing the illegal things we do.

And use a bodgey name when dropping of film to get prints and make a time to collect and dont go back then come back in a few days so you dont get nabbed if the photo lab people are a bit nosey.

Also if your taking a sketch write on the back of it good luck so its like it was givin to you ITS NOT YOURS.

Uncle Frank knows the go.

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Good Idea fellas and if your going to video your panel make sure you have nothing on there before you go out wipe everything.

Same goes for film cameras use a brand new roll if out doing the illegal things we do.

And use a bodgey name when dropping of film to get prints and make a time to collect and dont go back then come back in a few days so you dont get nabbed if the photo lab people are a bit nosey.

Also if your taking a sketch write on the back of it good luck so its like it was givin to you ITS NOT YOURS.

Uncle Frank knows the go.


actually years back when i brought sketches alot more...i would sketch my shit on a postal sticker...when i was done, i peeled it, and fold it till its the size of a cig butt. that works and they are not gonna unroll that .....

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I always clean my card before I go out. This is the first i've heard about GPS in camera's. I have a Nikon D80 .I looked it up and my camera luckly doesn't have it. I got stopped by a bull some months back. I was lucky as hell to have taken pics of the engines before I started down the line. He asked to see my camera. When all he found were the engine pictures. He told me to get off the Railroad property. I didn't argue. I went to the next spot.

As cool as most workers are bulls are the exact opposite. I never met one I liked.

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Guest Ginger Bread Man

having a camera containing around 200 picturess of your wet train peices isnt gonna help you in the least.


why would you carry around 200 pictures of wet trains? more so why carry them into a yard? is it to dance and graff with yer frenz? anyone with common sense would know not to carry any real train flix around. and certainly not into a yard. wait im sure you are talking about daytime freight spots? in which case proceed


Good Idea fellas and if your going to video your panel make sure you have nothing on there before you go out wipe everything.

Same goes for film cameras use a brand new roll if out doing the illegal things we do.

And use a bodgey name when dropping of film to get prints and make a time to collect and dont go back then come back in a few days so you dont get nabbed if the photo lab people are a bit nosey.

Also if your taking a sketch write on the back of it good luck so its like it was givin to you ITS NOT YOURS.

Uncle Frank knows the go.



this guy knows the deal

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I always clean my card before I go out. This is the first i've heard about GPS in camera's. I have a Nikon D80 .I looked it up and my camera luckly doesn't have it. I got stopped by a bull some months back. I was lucky as hell to have taken pics of the engines before I started down the line. He asked to see my camera. When all he found were the engine pictures. He told me to get off the Railroad property. I didn't argue. I went to the next spot.

As cool as most workers are bulls are the exact opposite. I never met one I liked.


I have walked buy tons of bulls who dont say a word to me, which is weird but I guess im lucky.

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Guest Ginger Bread Man

graffiti has no set of ruless. there are however patterns which you learn in due time... quit reading into all this interweb hypothesis and "rules" laid down by people who half the time dont know wtf they aree talking about and instead go paint, fuck with the bulls, and build up your chase story vault

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ya my mates had camera developers call the feds before..


its basically suspiscious if the cops find a camera on you without a card or tape, so if you can, take another one with you to replace it that way they wont search the ground or your body harder.


And remember deleting files off your camera doesnt actually get rid of them, they are stored for about 1000 pictures, in code which can be accessed at a later date with even the simplest of onlie software


The only way ur gonna beat that is to take loads of fotos of nothing and keep formatting your camera.

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so yea.a couple of years ago.... a friend of mine was benching in the yard..being the retard "he" is , he had his own freights on there...got pinched..unfortunately he got popped by the same bull once already....wasnt even in the yard the first time but anywayyyyyyyyyys...he searches him and finds his camera and memory card...puts it in thurr....and turns on the ole flickr and the screen was broken..kinda sucks but at the same time he was lucky...so if your ever in a jam...and in a position where getting caught is inevitable, break a screen to save your ass....

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all they have to do is take out the memory card and slide it into a card reader and look at the photos on the computer....unless they're too lazy to do that. but breaking the screen isn't gonna completely save your ass

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Also try to have a laptop where you keep all your photos, try to keep that laptop at a friends or girls house that doesn’t mind. Cops now days will raid your house and take the computer because a bunch of writers store their work on there. Don’t keep any black books at your house ether or loose photos, there’s one thing them finding 100 cans in your house and a bunch of markers but a completely different thing if they find 100 photos of all your work. Technology is getting writers caught up so much now days it’s incredible. Also don’t take photos of your work on your camera phone that shit is so stupid and you can easily forget that you have them on there, one of the first things cops do is check out everything you have on you and that cell phone can be a huge incrimination. Fuck cops

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