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those Gaze Styles for miles have made my week. Been waiting ages for those to surface. Some of the earliest stuff to influence me back when the only way to "network" was chipping in with your boy to buy a video graff and pick up a couple east coast and west coast magazines from sohozat on a trip downstate with said friend(DJ) to buy records and graff mags. Move, Styles for Miles Monkey Styles, Undercover.... If youre readin' this you know the deal....... good times... Gaze was so advanced with his ideas in his outlines back then its crazy to have watched his progress and now when i see a new Gaze I never saw, I can immediately place it in his time line like a missing puzzle piece. Bel really shut it down with that one.


funny. some are surfacing on the highway due to buff peel.

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Graves, Jive, & Maes

Fried Chicken anagallona Gasoline

This Friday November 4th










Fried Chicken anagallona Gasoline

New work from - Mike Graves, Keith Jive and Markham Maes. Local legends bring the street to the shop. The free beer and good times start at 7pm!



84 S. Broadway • Denver, CO


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