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Over the last few months, seeing Over tags throwies etc everywhere encouraged me to get out there off my arse and actually start painting more again.....


For me Over was above his time with all the new upin comers... hadnt been painting all that long and i can only imagine how sweet his stuff would have been in the years to come!

This is such a shame.


Rest In Peace.

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This kid was awesome! In the past couple of years, he has had shit totally locked down.. Never really got to know him, as he's only ever really been a friend of friends and all of that, which is a real shame, but I was thinking to myslef only a few weeks ago that he had one of the most awesome styles in Perth that had been comitting hard of recent times. Awesome dedication to repping his crews, hitting some of the raddest spots around perth and just an all out king of getting up..

It's a real shame to hear about the loss, as this guy had awesome talent and would only of gotten better! It's sad to think that I won't see any fresh new 'Over's' around the place, but I'm sure there's a billion in some spots that will probably avoid the buff for a long time.


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his last day was prolly the one of the best days ive ever had until i herd the next day what state he was in,2 crew pannels and gettin drunk with tight friends,cant really ask for much more...

i dont think anyone will forget over cause i know i never will..


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its either one or the other quality or quantity for most writers. this man had both, and killed this place with the upmost dedication for a city where the buff is so consistent. he put in the work big time. probly one of the youngest dudes to make such a heavy impact here. true inspiration, true king. wish they made more ppl like him in this world. gona miss u bro.

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He will always be remembered for his hardwork and commitment.

It is practically impossible to walk round the city and not be reminded of him.

He has some amazing spots on buildings I never thought you could get on.

A cat of quality and mad styles.

A real lost to the Perth graff scene.


Rest in Peace.

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