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Everything posted by DakeOne

  1. daek here.... you dont know what your talking about... and that piece is awesome. no need to be a negative nancy.
  2. to the person who decided it was cool to dog the over memorial piece at hq leederville. that was a pathetic weak disrespectful thing to do. you definatly should be ashamed of yourself. there will be no props thrown out to you. that piece was done by his fellow friends for his loved ones his family regularly come see the piece. your a fucked up individual i hope you get what you deserve. rank rank attitude.
  3. hey siel i'll give you some constructive critisism ... dont listen to anyones ideas and do what you want.
  4. all i can say is for the hole 'they dont want photos up' bussiness is you paint public property and where other people will see it. so who cares if ppl can see it on the internet......if you dont want your shit being photographed then paint on your own property where it cant be seen..... p.s awsesome
  5. only cos your king ophoe. thanx man
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