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The Jimmy Hoffa's end zone cemetery...superthread

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You mean, let me understand this cause. ya know maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe, but I'm funny how, I mean funny like I'm a clown.. I amuse you? I make you laugh. I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?




Also dope flicks Reign. RT that's sort of cool I guess? Why are there cameras on that house if it's boarded up? Boarded up houses are typically abandoned...right? or is that the new trend? I don't know I haven't been reading my home & garden mags lately.

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but on a different note

minus- no im not going to state my name, i said you can paint but have no letter structure. your graff is off balance too, but im not going to get into that. im sure yor better at graafff than me, considering your pfe affiliation. but you wont crush illiagal like me so it doesnt matter.


im jersey born, jersey raised, and living in jersey. wonder who wouldent be here if everyone in the nj graff game was the same way.

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you may have heard graffiti is against the law for alot of us . stating names over the internet makes a problem for some of us. some places people actually see my graffiti and the police dont like that. so ill be sure not to help any onngoing investigations. but let me guess whats next? pull the jelousy card that would be sick. dont be so upset minus, few more themo sketches and youll be ok

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Jesus who the fuck are you too? if you wanna say there's no letter structure then lets battle, simple and plain. Tell me what you two write and ill battle you both. Im not trying to be on some tough guy shit, but if you wanna call me out then lets battle.


^didn't we go back and forth and you swore to me that you didn't paint? I always thought you were blame with a different name. I stand corrected, your minus, thats great. Now your up here trying to battle with your lame ass stolen style. awesome.


this thread never fails to amuse, and blame your still corny bro but at least your not as corny as this homo evidence911, dude makes you look/sound legit.

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That's funny, Medow the "writer" and the word style don't even sound right in the same sentence. It's type funny how you call me corny, but I dare you to say it to my face.

Like my dude Bronson said...

"Whether fighting or graffiti I got them handstyles, I'll wipe the floor up with your face like a sham wow."

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I love reading this drama. Graffiti in a sense is cool...but there is something incredibly feminine and homosexual about a bunch of 40 year old fat guys arguing on the internet about something as petty as writing your name. It's only when these fat guys argue that I almost feel ashamed about graffiti. Embarrased.


Kids...take notes...do graffiti...it's as simple as that. Don't worry about the internet. You'll only come off as a tool when you come on here and self promote, ego trip, etc. Keep it in the streets kids. That's alllll you need.


Don't listen to these bitter has been's either. Jersey graff is dead and gay because either niggas died of crack or they're still alive and fat, bitter, and will refuse to teach history or pass the torch down to the next generation. Kids, fuck these old guys. Pave your own way. Do your own thing. Graffiti is free and for the free spirited. Bomb as much as you can...these old fat bitter old men will only hate because they can't get down like that anymore. They'll steer you away from bombing and try to convince you legal legal is the only road to respect in the Garden State.


Take a look at a lot of these young writers who are so called under the wing of the older guys...look at them...they stopped bombing....and now they do legals or some faggot ass hand me down piece in some crack house and they think they're really doin' the damn thing...only because some one down the line told them bombing is for toys or what have you. The truth of the matter is I've seen more soul in a nicely executed tag than these faggots with their Ironlaks, iMacs and corny multicolor pieces that lack the linework and the soul that I'm sorry...you only get through the pressure of bombing and practicing your hand. What a waste of time and money.


I see What4 is doing the damn thing. Anyone paying attention? Of course not...because in Jersey, you only get respect when you get down at Jams and legal walls. People have no heart anymore. In New York, you get respect for going all-city. In Jersey you get respect for how many legals you do on the same beat up ass spot. SHAME on you and what you have these kids thinking.

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I don't think Minus lacks letter structure. He can improve on it though. I think what needs work is his color choice because if you notice in his last photographs, his work doesn't quite POP like the rest of the pieces on the wall. When you have a blue piece with a purple background fill...it doesn't do much in terms of contrast. I think once he gets that down, he'll be set. Shame on his PFE buddies for not telling him that. SHAME SHAME SHAME. :)

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Oh yeah blame the blimp is real scary. Go paint some more gay ass legals with fancy colors.

Better yet, go pretend your a legend in the pfe thread


Better yet, PM me your name and we can handle this the grown man way.

Also, what's with this paying attention to my build or physique?

That's just plain old fashioned homosexual tendencies on your part..


You have so much hate for me, as well as the squad apparently, but NEVER go out of your way to say why, and who you are...


What you guys do on here is the equivalent of lining cats and not leaving names.


Then you get some herb that wants to discuss the whole illegal/legal debate.

How about this, no one gives a fcuk what 3 of you on 12 think! At all!

I know I don't give a shit about what some loser sitting in his mom's living room in his 20's thinks about me or my graf career.


While the haters were name dropping on threads, cats were painting, simple and plain.

What makes any of you think that validation is needed?

You think were going to rally the troops and tell them all to go hard because some nameless toy on 12 has an opinion?


As for Minus, don't worry about what he is up to. If he didn't rag you or disrespect your ups, then all you are doing is showing how much you're obviously on his dick.

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Gunnin 'em! haha bump that 17in. of snow. Idk how much I'm gettin' but however much I get I'll be grateful for I love the fuckin' snow. everyone wants to bitch about driving in the snow but they sell these really cool things called snow tires, and tire chains. lmao I know I'm going to be seeing a lot of new ups after this blizzard haha


Edit: HaterPlayer - Maybe if your name didn't have Hater in it? Dunno. Seems to send a negative message right off the bat.

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Validity. If one didn't need validation, one would not jump in defense when someone does not agree with the others opinion. Validity. One would not have to present their work online to "losers living in their mothers basement." It's even more arrogant when one posts their work and EXPECTS people to have nothing but positive feedback. This is a public forum. Not everyone is going to like your work. That's just life. Get over yourself. I think that's the new motto for 2011 graffiti. Get over yourself. It's just graffiti. Is it just me or do the old fat guys seem to self promote more than their younger counterparts? Talk about validity. These old fat guys are incredibly sensitive about their work...they act like dictators. On some "Get your head chopped off via guillotine if you don't believe what I believe" type shit. I mean..it came pretty close when this guy posted a picture of his handgun a long with his little graffitis. Hypocrites...

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I reacted in defense of crew, that's part of what being crew is about, maybe somewhere in your keeping it real agenda you forgot that.

It's kind of ironic.

The same individuals that are trying to tell Minus and crew, how to paint & what brand of paint to use, are the same individuals that are calling others, dictators and hypocrites...


I'm not entertaining this further. PM me if you wanna side thug it out over the internets.

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