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So what's the deal with this fept cat? Does he really think he can fuck with neos? I mean, what has he done besides them little throwies? NEOS got burners for days. Maybe he figures if you go after one of the best, people will talk about it, regardless how shitty your work is. Hell, they're bound to talk about it more, the shittier your stuff is. Perhaps he's searching for the affection his mother never gave him. Maybe he spent many a lonely nights eating cold beefaroni while his moms got teamed in the other room for crack. And maybe the other room didn't have a door, just a torn, stained sheet that wasn't big enough to cover the entrance so every now and then he caught a glimpse of mommy dearest with a cock in every one of her holes, cum matted in her hair, lips burnt and chapped from the crack pipe and now he's vying for our attention, whether that attention is good or bad, because it can't be worse than the mental images burnt in his head of his mothers ass hole bleeding as she carpet surfs, smoking whatever she can find in the hopes that it's crack. Us calling him a douchebag tool for going at NEOS actually sounds good compared to the things that were said to him by whatever crack dealer/pimp was his stepdad that particular evening.

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So what's the deal with this fept cat? Does he really think he can fuck with neos? I mean, what has he done besides them little throwies? NEOS got burners for days. Maybe he figures if you go after one of the best, people will talk about it, regardless how shitty your work is. Hell, they're bound to talk about it more, the shittier your stuff is. Perhaps he's searching for the affection his mother never gave him. Maybe he spent many a lonely nights eating cold beefaroni while his moms got teamed in the other room for crack. And maybe the other room didn't have a door, just a torn, stained sheet that wasn't big enough to cover the entrance so every now and then he caught a glimpse of mommy dearest with a cock in every one of her holes, cum matted in her hair, lips burnt and chapped from the crack pipe and now he's vying for our attention, whether that attention is good or bad, because it can't be worse than the mental images burnt in his head of his mothers ass hole bleeding as she carpet surfs, smoking whatever she can find in the hopes that it's crack. Us calling him a douchebag tool for going at NEOS actually sounds good compared to the things that were said to him by whatever crack dealer/pimp was his stepdad that particular evening.


wow you are a very descriptive young man...;)




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be real all you dudes gum flapping are clueless. acting like girls. neos went over fept for no reason a some time ago, yall never even communicated and he never clipped any of your work, and you go directly over him for no reason. what sense does that make? thats a weak move, that begs for attention and reveals an insecure character, not a man. and now you search on 12oz for him? wake up and use human interaction. you still do the same thing - begging for attn - via 12oz posting pics of the same wall and stupid disses. ok, cool, but nobody is sweating that and it doesnt make you hard or king. its basic get a spot lace it consistently. ok. but post a picture everytime you paint. come on man. thats new school vanity of today. if they see it, they see it. if not, not. either way you did it or did not. snap out of it. the computer is not real life.


and all the cheerleaders hype it up on the only place they ever had a voice. thats why they write on walls, straight wannabes without the heart. dont claim it if your not a player in it. you dudes aint even a part of this outside of these website comments. you dick ride. chill out yall aint even a part of nothing your respect is nil. just wait your turn or make shit happen its that simple. what have you done to earn the authority to do shit like go over a legend like agent or talk shit on another mans name in the game? nothing. at least respect history that shit is basic. you dudes dont even bomb you talk. ok youre mad, but be real, its true. you just write on shit here and there. dont be a kid about it. forget the inhibitions and go hard if you really want it. its not far fetched its called freedom. before that you must have the heart.


and neos youre guilty of jacking your letters outside of that same piece you always do. be real that new ne throw is not authentic and you know it. look around. you know who is who and whats what. you make yourself look bad to the ones you really want to impress. its 360 degrees not 180. you can get the inexperienced excited, but the people you want to emulate are watcing youre actions, and your ego is the only place youre a champion . your pieces are good and you can paint them well, and not to take away, but for clarity, its nothing that you or i have never ever seen before. the style is typical. but burners are not it and if you bite letters in any portion of your game, thats fake. the philly hand needs major work. thats real. you dont bring it out until you practice. know that.


you can do a burner on any legal wall who couldnt, but you never even bombed hard. never. and you have the nerve to talk shit on others - who actually did and do - with this false sense of pride. you are fitting the description of a fool. and your illegal spots are gimmes. there are some areas you refuse to walk, therefore spots you refuse to hit, thats called fear. and its in you still. good or bad, its true. its obvious. and those are the spots where the gems are or where they were gentrified. either way the evidnce is clear. graffiti is no place for boundaries. even the entire thread knows that. you dont earn your full respect that way.


just being real. i cant hate i can only speak on how it is. and thats how it is.


deflate you ego. you are not special or breaking ground.

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preston- you talkin all types of reckless fam ...and you dont even write?


peace to dont matter for keepin shit real in this one sided thread, no shots taken.


This is Preston Maddox posting under my boys account. Just because I don't write, I can't have an opinion? What kind of pretentious, faggot shit is that? What, are you fept? Never mind, that was a stupid question. Even if you are, I wouldn't want to see you have your spot blown, so forget I asked. That was stupid and for that I apologize. But that's THE ONLY thing I apologize for. Why do so many of you pretentious fucks have the attitude that only writers can comment? You're writing and putting your art out there for all to see, correct? So it's inevitable that non-writers are going to formulate opinions. You're argument is like saying if I don't rap I can't criticize shit rappers. Or if I don't write, I can't criticize shit authors. It's really quite an immature, ill-informed, asinine train of thought. Every form of art is meant for the masses, not just those who happen to partake and create the art, no matter the medium. So get at me when you can formulate an intelligent debate, 'cause for real you're only embarrassing yourself and coming off like a pretentious tool bag. Sorry if I hurt your ego, but sometimes the truth hurts. Don't take it as a loss, take it as a lesson.


And on a side note, with graffiti art being such a small, frowned upon, criminalized sub-culture, you'd think everyone involved, from the actual artists to the fans who simply appreciate and enjoy the many great works, we'd stick together more and foster han atmosphere more conducive to growth and constructive criticism, one where everyone is eager to help one another learn and grow, rather than the crabs-in-a-bucket mentality that currently runs rampant and infiltrates the Harrisburg graf scene. And you sir seem to be the lead culprit infecting this wonderful sub-culture of ours. The whole scenario is really quite disheartening, not to mention pathetic. I can't think of any other artistic genre that has so much hatred towards it's own members and fans. And I hate to say it, but until that changes, mainstream art enthusiasts will never take it serious. But I suppose some of you want it like that. Expanding the horizons of graffiti and making it a viable and respected art form would be "selling out". I suppose getting arrested and having to produce your art in the worst and most deplorable possible conditions is "keeping it real"; real fucking stupid. Why wouldn't you want to see graffiti break through and overcome all of societies pigeon-holed limitations? Are you afraid that if that were to happen, others may embrace it, get inspired by it, start participating in it and produce something far superior to your own? Your mentality and outlook on graffiti that is shared by far too many is downright pathetic.:king2:

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the fuck outta here with that bullshit. youre the one thats "ill-informed", you got no place to be catchin feelins over writers let alone this so called "beef". you can have your opinions but to be comin at people that your not even involved with aint cool. if i recall your the one who caught feelins over pieces being gone over on the practice walls haha yo keep readin juxtapoz.

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The "keeping it real" mentality is an ignorant one, it's a form of machismo, the last bastion of someone who's afraid to grow mentally.

It's the same as religion, the last bastion of a coward.

When someone has something that is all they have, they try to keep it as it is instead of expanding upon it to make the most of it. They'll only surround themselves with like-minded people so they can all have their affirmation that what they think is the only right way to think. They'll lash out at any attempt to dissent and they'd eat their own if they believed it just.

These are people whom rational people avoid, not out of fear, but out of empathy.

If you come across a blind man, there's no need to steal his cane.

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