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JAM is not a internet crew and we are not trying to beef with people over nothing

DUNE is the

leader of the crew but we move like ninjas not all us gone talk on here

but please dont take that for a weakness..........

Cheapfame i see you on the talk shit

i know Dune be on some talk shit

but fuck that yall getting way to personal for us not to be in a war

this coming from PHELT

let me know something.............526


dune - That's only because they banned me pimp. So I can't even say much. And if you saw me...why didn't you move out chump? You talking all crazy.. But you aint on Shit. I just got word of who you probably are so when I see you. Its naturally on. I will be gay a fag and all of that. Just know pimp. I aint worried son. Not to say the least. But you keep entertaining these people. But know if you touch me. You revealed yourself and you will never be able to move around this bitch again. You might as well pack up and move. Now come finish me off punky Brewster ass gump!!! Southsides finest.you must think you spooking somebody dude. I will see your faggot ass. Keep talkin. Your entertaining these people. You are funny. I like you.


First off, much respect to you PHELT...but for you to go through the trouble of responding to my comments toward dune, you must have taken notice that his bullshit has finally gained the wrong type of attention. It's the type of attention that not only affects dune but also the rest of the crew. Please take note that I'm not talking shit nor am I making idle threats...I am very sincere in my reactions toward dune's nonsense. The above post is exactly what I have a problem with. I respect "real", and dune is the total opposite. I care about graph in general and have gone through way to much to sit back and allow people like him to fabricate fame. It has to be earned the hard way...to many have put in work to sit back and watch him foolishy demand respect that he doesn't deserve. Take note Phelt...a leader must first know how to follow...I took the liberty of going back several pages and noticed how even when advised by fellow crew members to back off he continues with his nonsense. How can one lead if he can't respect the wise advice of his peers? My problem is not with jam, its with dune...be forwarned...if he continues this behavior, I will deal with him personally. His face, vehicle, home, and even government name where all more than easy to access...dune will be dealt with accordingly.


There was graph before the internet, and there will be graph well beyond.

One day you'll all thank CheapFame!!!

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