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kid, you obviously seem to have found out that pms do work and you can solve your issues there, but now apparently somebody has told you what to say and you repeat it like an idiot. dont you think that you are nobody in the dc scene to be putting that out there like that? what purpose did that serve? if your beef is with bangbangboogie or ultra or whoever focus on them thru pms or however but to come off your mouth about something you know nothing about is going a bit overboard. worry about what you do, you came on here talking shit and shit was talked back, what did you expect? now go back to your thread and leave it at that and possibly edit your post and talk about shit you know, not shit thats fed to you. it would show you are a better man than youve shown so far, think about it...


if it comes down to it, you are dry snitching on your last post, more to think about...

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word CAST...sounds like some gossipin going on...shit is weak...


that SNEK is good, nice connects and flow, just needs some cleaning up and the colors could be simpler...painting on that hill aint easy and those long bars / connects are hard to keep a straight line on...just my two cents...

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Dry snitching? Where? you know most people would want to know that they have a snitch in ther crew. Word is there is paper work to prove Cave is a snitch. Seems like a solid source too.


So the reaction thus far is to acknowledge its cool to have snitches in your crew? Is that how you do it?


I am not here to blow up your page. Not everybody has to add their two cents. I just want to know if that is how things are done in .COM, because if so when and if I may my trip to the East I want to avoid .com

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pile driver your a real annoying person, and I guess considering that your information comes from a so called reliable source, that you associate with said people than it would make sense that your just as annoying and antagonistic. And said behavior is really the basis of the circumstances that surround the issue you speak of, in addition to the culprit being a sociopath. Regardless this is clearly not the place to discuss this and the fact that those reliable sources you speak of have decided to attempt to vindicate themselves by spreading rumors to you, who have nothing to do with this situation, and have entrusted private information to someone that has disrespected their city and the most notorious and well respected writers in the city is even more disturbing. Clearly said reliable source is not respected in DC, where as CAVE is one of the most respected...I guess it makes sense that you two as annoying as you are would join forces...The only place your going to go to in DC is Dupont Circle for the gay festivities...you speculate on shit you know nothing about...and if you really are that engrossed in gossip and rumors then you should stay in San Francisco where your free to act like a gossipy bitch and enjoy all of the liberal homo-erotic bitch made shit you want...But the truth is your not coming to DC...the point is why don't you just leave it alone...This is not what graffiti is about, taliking shit online, spreading rumors, reacting to toy ass comments about peoples lives, leave as graff or take it to the person...stop being a bitch...

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I think the larger point here is that the DC graff scene respects snitches. And keep saying it's not true. One day you'll see the police reports and "victim" impact statements your "respected" writer friend made. Why don't you have him come on here and tell us all what he told the police. Have him explain to us how he is not a snitch. We can compare that to all the documentation. It will be fun and educational. You and your friends can learn about how the criminal justice system works. Being that you are all active criminals, it would be a good thing. How many illegal firearms do you think Cave owns now? At least one, right?


The crazy part is that only a couple years before, your homie hatched a plot to get his enemy, to "literally kill" his enemy, and I'm quoting him. Only reason it didn't work was it rained and your boy and his partner didn't think dude would show. Us, we just bumped, he split my shit and I fucked him up...no need to get private prisons and all that good American disenfranchisement involved. Obviously, you and your boy thought different.


And if you haven't figured it out. This situation says a lot more about you and your boys than it does about me or my friends. Holler.

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wow you didnt edit! Thats some hard core internet shit there buddy....Get over it you got your ass beat several times by the same person and snitched on the cops cause you got "jumped" by one person and after all the shit talking about fighting a fair one you pulled a knife...and still got your face beat in...are you really on here again after all these years harboing the same pathetic sentiments about this shit? Are you really so pissed off that your going to snitch to people about everyone in DC and spread false rumors? The statement about you being a sociopath is correct...

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Ok so your talking about snitching right?


And just to clear the air...inaworldgone...is TALE I write KAOS and who is pike driver? Either way its you TALE that has as pike driver put it:



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fyi - Today, 01:58 PM

my source is solid, he spilled the beans on all of the DC ethugs. DC is infested with snitches and you all seem to be cool with that. Have I entered an alternate graffiti universe? Yes I have been to DC before and met several of you so a return is not out of the question.


So your instigating this shit TALE? spilled the beans? You speak of friends. And whom would that be?

Are you pissed cause you got ass raped in jail or some shit? Get a fucking grip...noone is going to come on here and seriously argue with pathetic whinning.


Heres another nice PM from pikedriver...name edited for your protection...


Originally Posted by PileDriver


I assume you are Coma Koma ATB right? The toy who flew to SF with Aker. You have a cute wife ****, mind if I call on her sometime?

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The difference between you and me is that what I say is based on reality...and backed by proof. You present your subjective opinion as if it were evidence. In fact, you have no evidence, just an opinion. And one based on lies and ignorance. Any intelligent person can see that. Keep on with the lies...the truth is making its rounds. But realize there are cats in DC and elsewhere that have seen the proof with their own eyes. You are only fooling yourself and the toys DC is best known for.


Oh, and it's funny. The PM RatCave showed the prosecutor...the one where I told him its better if we handle it with a fair one...Yeah, what I meant by that was that it was inevitable for us to bump on the street. And random situations like that are virtual impossible to control. And when finally in that situation, RatCave made the split-second decision to split my shit with whatever object, and I responded with my own split-second decision. That was all natural and generally how it goes. It was what happened afterwards that speaks volumes on you and your son...and anyone else who associates with him.


I'm done. I expect you will only ignore my points and respond with conjecture and bullshit. I'm not interested in trying to argue circles with a willful idiot.

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That PM was meant for "Seaworthy" not you. Just a mix up don't look too deep into it


By the way, Kaos is already taken. Try again or I can help you pick out a new name.


btw KAOS has been putting in quality work since early 90's.....

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sometimes i think to myself just cuz things have shit on them does that always mean i should crush out their entirety?, sometimes it gets things better than mine buffed and then i feel like a real limmpdickrider and and i cry inside cuz deep down in there somewhere i know im spotschlocker...it weird. nevermind...

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Hey tales, i knew it would be a matter of time before u came out to hate. So im a snitch, hmmm, so what do you call someone, who sneaks up behind you with a knife, hides his face, TRIES to take you out when your back is turned, then ends up in the hospital more fucked up than the guy he tried to attack, then tells the detective that he was the one who got jumped?? I dont know what you call that. A reverse snitch, maybe??


After everything was over, i went to the hospital. The regular feds came, asked me questions. I lied, they left ( you remember this because you were telling everyone that i was going to go down, because i changed my story) After that the d3etective came in telling me that there were 3 people fucked up, and in the hospital ( didn't even know u got fucked up that bad). I stuck to my story. Then he tells me that me and spok are responsible for jumping YOU. YOU had some bullshit story about how i had a "asp", ( i didn't even know what that was before this) a folding night stick, or some other weapon and we jumped you when we saw you painting under the wall. Now this is 2 PEOPLE, vs, 1. Seems more likely that 2 people would jump 1, and that 1 person was defending himself from the others. Thats much more believable than 1-PERSON rolling up on 2, and pulling out a knife. The detective made it very clear, that i was going to be charged with something if i continued to lie. I remember when this all happened you said something on 12oz, as well to other writers that, WE jumped you, and You cut us in self defense. YOU were telling people that i was on top of you and you said, "get off of me or else" and the knife was, the " what else". PURE BULLSHIT.


So your in the hospital TALKING about how you were jumped by me and my boy, but in reality your coked up ass was the one who attacked us. YOU HID YOUR FACE. Now what am i supposed to do? Go to jail and get charged for the crime that you committed against me? It was ME or YOU and you fucking know it. Your rich son of a SENATOR friend was in on this shit too. Now why the FUCK would i want to get locked and charged after you stabbed me??? YOU went to the hospital. YOU talked. I didn't even know what i did to you until after it all was over. I had no idea you got your face split open. ANd u even told somebody that you had to wear an eye-patch for a while like a gay ass pirate.


i just thought that i was cut. I had my story straight and everything. YOU bitch ass tales fucked it up, by going to the hospital. Maybe if your going to try to murder attempt, you shouldn't END UP GETTING MORE FUCKED UP THEN THE PERSON THAT YOU WERE TRYING TO KILL. FUCKING PUSSY.



THANK GOD they believed me in the end. There must be something about you that oozes dishonesty. i ran into 2 of your boys, and off the break they were apologetic for your actions. after a long conversation they told me that your story sounded "suspicious". They said that your story sounded strange, and when they asked you specifics, you would then blow them off, or say that u didn't want to talk about it. Now these are YOUR PEOPLE. Supposed to be down for you, but before and after this were still cool. We've painted together, smoke, drank, even went out on a couple of occasions. I like your boys, there cool. They even asked me to push the crew. I politely declined. but i said that we could still pant. Oh and after i talked to one of your boys, i got a call from SPACE (who was there with you when it happened) he left a message saying that he wanted to talk about it, and basically said that he felt the same way that i did about the situation. YOU SHOULD ASK HIM ABOUT IT.....


Your a LIAR and everybody knows it. I herd that the judge even said that he didn't believe you but the SENATORS money was too much to ignore i guess. The cuts i had were determined defensive wounds, and that hurt your story. After they went to the scene and printed the cans, it showed that we were the ones who were painting. Your fucking LIAR ass even had people willing to testify and LIE and say that I was known for beating people up with weapons, and jumping people. We had to get lawyers. You were trying your best to reverse the charges on us, and you came real close. Your "SON of a SENATOR financed legal team" had people going to the art show asking for me and spok by our graff names. Coming to my house, lying to my mom, about who they were. They were some sneaky, persistent ass motherfuckers....

Yea i wrote a victims letter, after everything was done, and we were definitely not going to be charged. You tried to send US to jail, for the crime that YOU committed against us. FUCK YOU. After all the months of going back and forth to court, constantly pleading our innocence. I didn't even have SENATOR TO PAY FOR MY LAWYER. I had a free one. And Spok is on HEAVY probation for some serious shit. Im on probation for some bullshit as well. WE HAVE RECORDS. YOU surprisingly had a clean record. YOU cold of fucked up my whole life for that shit, and being Black i know i would of gotten more than 2 months for cutting a white dude. FUCK YOU AGAIN!


Im a fuckin beast. I was beating your ass while you were stabbing me with a knife. i didn't even know i was being stabbed, and i put you in the hospital. WOW, what the fuck?!?? And if nobody believes my story, The 3rd guy that was there knows it. He was even talking about how YOU put him on to some graff tips back in the day, right before you jumped out there with your FACE COVERED and started cutting. This is a guy that has nothing to lie for. WE were even about to beef before u sneaked up on us. People know him, and have heard his side. YOUR A COWARD. YOU SNEAK UP ON PEOPLE AND TRY TO LITERALLY STAB THEM IN THE BACK. YOU ARE NOT GANGSTER. YOU ARE PURE COWARD. 100% BITCH!!


Not trying to be cocky, but i have respect in DC. Ive done alot when it comes to painting, ive fought and stood up when the beef came beef, ( remember when i fought you, and you ran away from the fight because your finger hurts? Then you popped my moms tires the next day? remember that pussy?) You hate me because of all this shit. YOUR JEALOUS. You cant burn me (one of your boys told u that i burned u and i heard that you were boiling mad,haha!). I beat your ass and you ran away from me back in the day. I hung out with your boys and they dont understand why you act stupid and have anger problems (Bi-Polar disorder). But i cant blame you for what you did. I guess anybody would of lied to get out of it. But why are you still lying??? I dont even know what your side is, because ive heard 3 different versions. I never told anybody about 12oz. if i had you would of been fucked. I believe you wrote a death threat in a PM. That alone would of put you in, 100%. YOU have to talk all this shit because your a LIAR. You have to call me a snitch because it justifies in YOUR mind how YOU fucked up. You have to be feeling dumb as shit. Not only did you fail to kill me, you also got a permanent slash on your face courtesy of yours truly. I would be mad too if i had to wake up everyday and look at the mirror, and see a big ass scar on my face, because i stepped to the WRONG DUDE. YOU CANT FIGHT, THATS WHY YOU SNEAK UP WITH A KNIFE! But i heard that cowardly acts run in your family. Your brother did the same shit too........your mother must be so disappointed. It must really suck to be you.

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