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Documentary Discussion: BBC 'The Power of Nightmares'


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This is a three hour documentary about how leaders use the power of nightmares, like terrorism, to shake countries into siding with them. I think it's a great example of manifest desinty: if you dig the worst in people you'll find it in yourself.



I: Baby It's Cold Outside


Should we be worried about the threat from organised terrorism or is it simply a phantom menace being used to stop society from falling apart?


In the past our politicians offered us dreams of a better world. Now they promise to protect us from nightmares.


The most frightening of these is the threat of an international terror network. But just as the dreams were not true, neither are these nightmares.


In a new series, the Power of Nightmares explores how the idea that we are threatened by a hidden and organised terrorist network is an illusion.


It is a myth that has spread unquestioned through politics, the security services and the international media.


At the heart of the story are two groups: the American neo-conservatives and the radical Islamists.


Both were idealists who were born out of the failure of the liberal dream to build a better world.


These two groups have changed the world but not in the way either intended.

"Those with the darkest fears became the most powerful"

Together they created today's nightmare vision of an organised terror network.


A fantasy that politicians then found restored their power and authority in a disillusioned age. Those with the darkest fears became the most powerful.


The rise of the politics of fear begins in 1949 with two men whose radical ideas would inspire the attack of 9/11 and influence the neo-conservative movement that dominates Washington.


Both these men believed that modern liberal freedoms were eroding the bonds that held society together.


The two movements they inspired set out, in their different ways, to rescue their societies from this decay. But in an age of growing disillusion with politics, the neo-conservatives turned to fear in order to pursue their vision.


They would create a hidden network of evil run by the Soviet Union that only they could see.


The Islamists were faced by the refusal of the masses to follow their dream and began to turn to terror to force the people to "see the truth"'.


II: The Phantom Victory

The Power of Nightmares continues its assessment of whether the threat from a hidden and organised terrorist network is an illusion. Part two, the Phantom Victory looks at how two groups, radical Islamists and neo-conservatives with seemingly opposing ideologies came together to defeat a common enemy.


On 25 December 1979, Soviet forces invaded Afghanistan.


Moscow was able to install a friendly government in a neighbouring country but at a price.


The invasion gave a common cause to an extraordinary alliance of radical Islamists in Afghanistan and around the world and to the neo-conservatives in the US.


It was a key battleground of the Cold War.


Washington provided money and arms including even Stinger missiles capable of shooting down Soviet helicopters.


But it was Islamic Mujahideen fighters who would fire them.


Among the many foreigners drawn to Afghanistan was a young, wealthy Saudi called Osama Bin Laden.


Long before 9/11, he would have been seen by neo-conservatives in Washington as one of their foot soldiers, helping fight America's cause.


After nearly 10 years of fighting, Soviet troops pulled out of Afghanistan.


Both the neo-conservatives and the Islamists believed that it is they who defeated the "evil empire" and now had the power to transform the world.


But both failed in their revolutions.


In response, the neo-conservatives invented a new fantasy enemy, Bill Clinton, focusing on the scandal surrounding him and Monica Lewinsky.


Meanwhile, the Islamists descend into a desperate cycle of violence and terror to try to persuade the people to follow them.


Out of all this comes the seeds of the strange world of fantasy, deception, violence and fear in which we now live.



III: The Shadows In The Cave


In the wake of the shock and panic created by the devastating attack on the World Trade Center on 11 September, 2001, the neo-conservatives reconstructed the radical Islamists in the image of their last evil enemy, the Soviet Union - a sinister web of terror run from the centre by Osama Bin Laden in his lair in Afghanistan.


There are dangerous and fanatical individuals and groups around the world who have been inspired by extreme Islamist ideas, and who will use the techniques of mass terror - the attacks on America and Madrid make this only too clear.


But the nightmare vision of a uniquely powerful hidden organisation waiting to strike our societies is an illusion.


Wherever one looks for this al-Qaeda organisation, from the mountains of Afghanistan to the "sleeper cells" in America, the British and Americans are chasing a phantom enemy.


But the reason that no-one questions the illusion is because this nightmare enemy gives so many groups new power and influence in a cynical age - and not just politicians.


Those with the darkest imaginations have now become the most powerful.


In part one, the programme looked at the origins of the neo-conservatives and the radical Islamists in the 1950s.


The second part of the series examined how the radical Islamists and neo-conservatives came together to defeat the Soviet Union in Afghanistan.

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The Money Masters




THE MONEY MASTERS is a 3 1/2 hour non-fiction, historical documentary that traces the origins of the political power structure that rules our nation and the world today. The modern political power structure has its roots in the hidden manipulation and accumulation of gold and other forms of money. The development of fractional reserve banking practices in the 17th century brought to a cunning sophistication the secret techniques initially used by goldsmiths fraudulently to accumulate wealth. With the formation of the privately-owned Bank of England in 1694, the yoke of economic slavery to a privately-owned "central" bank was first forced upon the backs of an entire nation, not removed but only made heavier with the passing of the three centuries to our day. Nation after nation, including America, has fallen prey to this cabal of international central bankers.


Google video:





The REAL Face of The European Union




The European Economic Community (EEC) began as a free-trade agreement in 1972. Today's European Union is well on its way to becoming a federal superstate, complete with one currency, one legal system, one military, one police force - even its own national anthem.


In this shocking new documentary featuring EU insiders and commentators, independent author Phillip Day covers the history and goals of the European Union, as well as the disturbing, irrevocable implications this new government has for every citizen. Whether the viewer is for or against participation, this film asks the troubling questions the mainstream media has refused to confront.




FEMA Plans On Suspension Of The Constitution Exposed During Iran Contra Hearings




FEMA Camp Footage




Texe Marrs: Gulag USA - Concentration Camps in America




Concentration camps in America? Feds set to toss millions of innocent Americans into gruesome factories of torture and death? Could it be? Sounds preposterous...


Yet, in this video, Texe Marrs marshals overwhelming evidence so convincing it boggles the mind. The killers who would perpetrate these new concentration camp holocausts are active today inside our borders. Indeed, they walk among us.




Despotism and Democracy (1946)




This is a 1946 educational video made by Encyclopedia Brittanica, teaching us what Despotism is. In a mere 10 minutes, this video will open your eyes if they've been shut. It explains how societies and nations can be measured by the degree that power is concentrated and respect for the individual is restricted. It's stunning how well it portrays the current world, in it's simple and somewhat corny style. If anybody is in doubt about where we are heading, or even where we have come since WW2, this is the video they should be seeing.


Producer: Encyclopaedia Britannica Films - 1946




The American Union by 2005 - 2006 by Robert Gaylon Ross




This video reveals the plans of the international bankers to dominate the entire world both economically and politically. This charge is validated by video clips from C-SPAN, showing David Rockefeller, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright & Warren Christopher describing what they have in mind for the U.S. and the rest of the world, as well.




The Power of Nightmares - Rise Of The Politics Of Fear




In the past our politicians offered us dreams of a better world. Now they promise to protect us from nightmares. The most frightening of these is the threat of an international terror network. But just as the dreams were not true, neither are these nightmares.


In a new series, the Power of Nightmares explores how the idea that we are threatened by a hidden and organised terrorist network is an illusion. It is a myth that has spread unquestioned through politics, the security services and the international media.


At the heart of the story are two groups: the American neo-conservatives and the radical Islamists.

Both were idealists who were born out of the failure of the liberal dream to build a better world.

These two groups have changed the world but not in the way either intended.


Together they created today's nightmare vision of an organised terror network.A fantasy that politicians then found restored their power and authority in a disillusioned age. Those with the darkest fears became the most powerful.


The rise of the politics of fear begins in 1949 with two men whose radical ideas would inspire the attack of 9/11 and influence the neo-conservative movement that dominates Washington. Both these men believed that modern liberal freedoms were eroding the bonds that held society together.


The two movements they inspired set out, in their different ways, to rescue their societies from this decay. But in an age of growing disillusion with politics, the neo-conservatives turned to fear in order to pursue their vision. They would create a hidden network of evil run by the Soviet Union that only they could see.


The Islamists were faced by the refusal of the masses to follow their dream and began to turn to terror to force the people to "see the truth".


http://bulk.ctyme.com/bbc1.wmv Part One: Baby It's Cold Outside (73.2 MB)

http://bulk.ctyme.com/bbc2.wmv Part Two: The Phantom Victory (71.3 MB)

http://bulk.ctyme.com/bbc3.wmv Part Three: The Shadows in the Cave (71.3 MB)


Several other formats http://www.archive.org/details/ThePowerOfNightmares


We Become Silent - The Last Days Of Health Freedom




International award-winning filmmaker Kevin P. Miller of Well TV announced the release of a new documentary about the threat to medical freedom of choice. 'We Become Silent: The Last Days of Health Freedom' details the ongoing attempts by multinational pharmaceutical interests and giant food companies in concert with the WTO, the WHO and others to limit the publics access to herbs, vitamins and other therapies.


'We Become Silent features the only known video from inside a Codex meeting, exclusive interviews with delegates to the Codex Alimentarius Commission, U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials, two U.S. Congressmen, actor Mel Gibson, and more. Consumer activists like Dr. Robert Verkerk of Alliance for Natural Health play a major role in the documentary, as do Julian Whitaker, MD, Dr. Carolyn Dean of Friends of Freedom International, Scott Tips of the National Health Federation, John Hammell of International Advocates for Health Freedom, and many of the best-known health freedom advocates from around the world.


'We Become Silent is a powerful statement about the dominance of multinational corporations over personal freedoms, the WTO, Codex, and the challenges consumers face in trying to repel this monolith from their daily lives.


'We Become Silent is narrated by Dame Judi Dench, the noted UK actress who has won multiple Golden Globe awards, an Oscar, and a Tony for her on-stage work, in addition to dozens of other honors throughout her prestigious career.




Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre (U.S. Use of Phosphorus Bombs in Iraq)




Fallujah: The Hidden Massacre," featuring interviews with U.S. soldiers, Iraqi doctors and international journalists on the U.S. attack on Fallujah. Produced by Italian state broadcaster RAI TV, the documentary charges U.S. warplanes illegally dropped white phosphorus incendiary bombs on civilian populations, burning the skin off Iraqi victims. One U.S. soldier charges this amounts to the U.S. using chemical weapons against the Iraqi people.




Ted Gunderson - SATANISM & The CIA's International Trafficking in Children




Ted Gunderson, the 27-year FBI veteran, former Los Angeles Senior Special Agent in Charge, shares compelling evidence and keen insight into the notorious McMartin PreSchool alleged child-molestation case. He shows the link between Satanic ritual-abuse, drug trafficking and the international trafficking in children by the CIA.


Ted shares the stage with Linda Wiegand, a mother who has suffered the grief of having lost her two boys to her ex-husband. A man accused by the children of sexuality molesting them under intimidation and threats to their life, and later given custody of them by the court. This video is a must for anyone who is truly interested in the truth about what is going on behind closed doors in this nation and the world!




Beyond Treason (Use Of Depleted Uranium in Iraq)







This extremely powerful 89 minute film presents comprehensive documentation from United States Government archives of a massive cover-up, including military and civilian experimentation, dating back over 60 years.


Hear the testimony of experts and of United States military veterans who demand answers to questions that the Department of Defense will not address.


What causes Gulf War Illness?

(a.k.a. Gulf War Syndrome; Persian Gulf Illness)


Some believe these illnesses are caused by exposure to depleted uranium munitions used on the battlefield. Others believe chemical and biological exposures are the prime suspect. While yet an even larger group argue that experimental vaccines given to our troops, without their knowledge or consent, may have lead to the demise of many of these soldiers.


Is it a combination of overlapping exposures?

Depleted Uranium Exposure

Chemical & Biological Exposures

Experimental Vaccinations


A growing number of scientists and respected experts in their fields have been coming forward to share their research and first-hand knowledge of official betrayal.


As ailing Gulf War Heroes from all 27 coalition countries slowly die of ?unknown causes,? they wait for answers from their respective governments? but no satisfying or even credible answers have come forth from the military establishment. Records that span over a decade point to negligence and even culpability on the part of the U.S. Department of Defense and their "disposable army" mentality.


From the first Gulf War the VA has determined that 250,000 troops are now permanently disabled, 15,000 troops are dead and over 425,000 troops are ill and slowly dying from what the Department of Defense still calls a ?mystery disease.? How many more will have to die before action is taken?



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Plan Colombia: Cashing-in on the Drug-War Failure (2003)




With most of the US military aid under the so-called "Plan Colombia" delivered, Pres. Pastrana unilaterally withdraws from the peace process engaged with the FARC guerilla (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) and steps up violence in this 50 year-quasi-civil war. But what is left of the initial anti-narcotics purpose of the US "Plan Colombia"? After 20 years of drug-wars in the Andes resulting in a two fold increase of cocaine import in the US in the last ten years alone, what is to be expected from a plan focusing primarily on spraying coca-fields in rebel-held parts of the country when coca is grown all over Colombia ? Is the US Government even concerned still with fighting drugs when the post 9-11 rhetoric made it easy for the State Dep. to now single out the leftist FARC as the enemy # 1 in Colombia on the ground that they use what might be viewed as "terrorist tactics" ?


Many interviews including Noam Chomsky, Ramsey Clark, Colombian Presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt (now a hostage of the FARC), US MCs Paul Wellstone and John Conyers, US Gov. officials, a WWF scientist, many different Colombians from all walks of life, including guerilla-leaders, will shed light on the complex issues of drug-trafficking and civil struggle in Colombia. The doc. also looks at the impact and result of the current chemical-spraying campaign carried out by US Defense-contractor Dyncorps, it will probe the US plan in search for alternate motives to a drug-war that the US Gov. has seemed so keen on losing over the past 30 years.




The Trials of Henry Kissinger (2002)




Director: Eugene Jarecki


Based on a book by Christopher Hitchins, the film shows many former Kissinger supporters - including Nixon speech-writer, William Safire - calling the former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State secretive, a liar and even a war criminal. Kissinger's Cold War schemes of bombing Cambodia, the genocidal invasion of East Timor by Indonesia and the coup and related atrocities in Chile are all well researched in this 80 minute film.


Near the end of the film, Schneider is asked if he planned to press charges against Kissinger for his role. His response was, `we are considering it.' The date when charges finally were first reported in the //New York Times// was Sept. 11, 2001. The $3 million civil suit against Kissinger quickly faded into the background in the wake of the terrorist attacks.




Fritz Springmeier - The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines & Their Mind Control




Who really controls world events from behind-the-scene? Years of extensive research and investigation have gone into this massively documented work. Fritz Springmeier discloses mind-boggling facts and never before revealed truths about the top Illuminati dynasties. Discover the amazing role these bloodlines have played-and are now wielding-in human history, with family names such as Astor, DuPont, Kennedy, Onassis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn, and Krupp. You'll also learn of the secretive, Chinese Li family, which operates with impunity in the U.S.A. and around the world.


Along the way you'll find out why President John F. Kennedy and actress Grace Kelly were killed; who created the United Nations; who controls the two major U.S. political parties; how the Rothschilds invented and control modern-day Israel; who secretly founded false religions such as the Jehovah's Witnesses; and much, much more. This is a lecture by the same name given before The Prophecy Club.




Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:45 am Post subject:




Plan Colombia: Cashing-in on the Drug-War Failure (2003)




With most of the US military aid under the so-called "Plan Colombia" delivered, Pres. Pastrana unilaterally withdraws from the peace process engaged with the FARC guerilla (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) and steps up violence in this 50 year-quasi-civil war. But what is left of the initial anti-narcotics purpose of the US "Plan Colombia"? After 20 years of drug-wars in the Andes resulting in a two fold increase of cocaine import in the US in the last ten years alone, what is to be expected from a plan focusing primarily on spraying coca-fields in rebel-held parts of the country when coca is grown all over Colombia ? Is the US Government even concerned still with fighting drugs when the post 9-11 rhetoric made it easy for the State Dep. to now single out the leftist FARC as the enemy # 1 in Colombia on the ground that they use what might be viewed as "terrorist tactics" ?


Many interviews including Noam Chomsky, Ramsey Clark, Colombian Presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt (now a hostage of the FARC), US MCs Paul Wellstone and John Conyers, US Gov. officials, a WWF scientist, many different Colombians from all walks of life, including guerilla-leaders, will shed light on the complex issues of drug-trafficking and civil struggle in Colombia. The doc. also looks at the impact and result of the current chemical-spraying campaign carried out by US Defense-contractor Dyncorps, it will probe the US plan in search for alternate motives to a drug-war that the US Gov. has seemed so keen on losing over the past 30 years.






The Oil Factor: Behind the War on Terror (2004)




In 2004, three years into President Bush's "war-on-terror", is the world a safer place than it was in the summer of 2001? Have the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan been met with the kind of successes "against terrorism" that had been promised by the Bush administration? These questions remain unresolved.


Was invading Iraq and Afghanistan really meant to reduce terrorist threats or was it a ploy to to implement another agenda? Is it a coincidence that in their "war-on-terror" George Bush and Dick Cheney targeted Iraq, a country known to possess the second largest oil reserves in the world? Is it another coincidence U.S. forces in Afghanistan and Central Asia are based near Central Asian oil and natural gas fields?


According to most experts, the Middle East holds 70% of the world oil reserves while North America, Europe and Japan are primary consumers. And, while emerging technologies might provide alternatives to oil used for energy, these innovations cannot remedy the need for oil used in plastics which accounts for about half of all present uses for oil.


With easy to understand maps and graphics, "The Oil Factor" looks at dwindling oil reserves and current consumption. It presents recognized oil experts, a Pentagon insider and pro-Bush administration officials to identify motives for invading Afghanistan and Iraq, and the positioning of U.S. troops around the world wherever oil is pumped or shipped, deployments not generally known by most Americans at this time. "The Oil Factor" presents behind-the-scenes manipulations of the Bush-Cheney government pertinent to current military activities in the region.


After a year and a half of investigation and a three month trip covering Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan, "The Oil Factor" looks at both the human cost and the greater geo-strategic picture of the Bush administration's "war-on-terror". Along with solid facts and figures, clear, illustrative maps and graphics and original footage shot on location, "The Oil Factor" features such personalities as Zbigniew Brzezinski, Noam Chomsky, The Project for the New American Century Director Gary Schmitt, best-seller "Taliban" author Ahmed Rashid and the Pentagon's Karen Kwiatkowski.


This film discloses information not being seen in the media news, but that should be. Why?


"The Oil Factor" is brought to you by the makers of "Hidden Wars of Desert Storm", a highly acclaimed film documenting George H. Bush's war against Iraq. The team is comprised of Audrey Brohy and Gerard Ungerman, a husband-and-wife documentary film-making team since 1995, a multi-talented editor Jason Stezel, and composer Fritz Heede.






David Irving - Truth in History




Ctrl wrote:


"The VHS tape this was captured from is badly degraded

for the first 9:30 of the video. The degraded part is

only the opening narrative and David Irving's address is

fine. It's not the best quality, but it is watchable and

the information is good.


Mr. Irving currently sits in a German jail for thought crimes."






The Trials of Henry Kissinger (2002)




Director: Eugene Jarecki


Based on a book by Christopher Hitchins, the film shows many former Kissinger supporters - including Nixon speech-writer, William Safire - calling the former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State secretive, a liar and even a war criminal. Kissinger's Cold War schemes of bombing Cambodia, the genocidal invasion of East Timor by Indonesia and the coup and related atrocities in Chile are all well researched in this 80 minute film.


Near the end of the film, Schneider is asked if he planned to press charges against Kissinger for his role. His response was, `we are considering it.' The date when charges finally were first reported in the //New York Times// was Sept. 11, 2001. The $3 million civil suit against Kissinger quickly faded into the background in the wake of the terrorist attacks.






The Truth Behind the Gates of Auschwitz (By David Cole)




Preface by David Cole:

"It is an undisputed fact of history that, during World War II, the Germans ran a network of prison and labor camps, both in Germany and in the territories they controlled. Into these camps were sent Jews, prisoners-of-war, resistance fighters, Gypsies, and other people considered enemies of the Third Reich.


The largest of these camps was the one called Auschwitz, located in Poland. Those interned at Auschwitz came from all over Europe and consisted of men, women, and children. Those able to work were used as labor for the German war effort. Auschwitz was liberated by the Soviet Army in January of 1945.


But that is where the consensus ends.


Since the end of World War II we have been told repeatedly that many of these camps served a darker purpose: the genocide of six million Jews and the execution of five million non-Jews through the use of homicidal gas chambers in what is now commonly known as the "Holocaust." The largest number of people are said to have been murdered at Auschwitz.


But there are some people who maintain these claims of mass murder have never been proven. These people point to the lack of documentation other than the highly questionable and partially discredited evidence supplied by the Soviet Union at the Nuremberg Trials and the unreliable nature of the eyewitness testimonies, many of which have also been discredited. (For example, many former camp inmates, as well as American soldiers, still speak of "gassing" at the Dachau camp in Germany, even though it is no longer held that any [homicidal] gas chamber was ever in use at that camp.)


Still, the Holocaust is an event that has seemingly grown in importance since the end of the war, taught as fact...usually accepted without question.


But how do we know it really happened? What "proofs" are offered for those not willing to take history on faith alone?


This video deals with, among other things, one of those proofs, one piece in a very large puzzle: the supposed gas chamber at the Auschwitz Main Camp. This tape is the first in a series of tapes covering my September 1992 trip to Europe to investigate first hand the sites of the alleged "Final Solution."


It is by no means intended to be the last word on the controversy, but just the opposite. I hope this tape can begin an open debate that's long overdue: what is fact and what is simple wartime propanganda regarding the event we have come to know as the Holocaust."


Part 1:




Part 2:






Texe Marrs - Illuminati Mystery Babylon (2002)




Have the Rothschilds and other banking cartel conspirators controlled America behind the scenes for over 225 years? Did they secretly fund the American Revolution and bankroll the continental army of General George Washington? Do they today manipulate our economy, our culture, and our politicians?


The Illuminati leaders of Mystery Babylon have put their stooges in the highest offices. Alan Greenspan, chairman of the Federal Reserve, is one of them. So is Russian President Vladimir Putin, France's President Jacque Chiraq, and Britain's Prime Minister Tony Blair.


In a tremendous new video/DVD expos� Texe Marrs unmasks this Luciferian sect that has used its cunning, treachery, and massive wealth to such unbelievable advantage. Virtually every major nation on earth has by now fallen into its hands.


The awful, staggering truth must get out. We are no longer a free people. Illuminati Mystery Babylon is reaching the zenith of its power, and our very lives are now at risk.





Fritz Springmeier - The Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines & Their Mind Control




Who really controls world events from behind-the-scene? Years of extensive research and investigation have gone into this massively documented work. Fritz Springmeier discloses mind-boggling facts and never before revealed truths about the top Illuminati dynasties. Discover the amazing role these bloodlines have played-and are now wielding-in human history, with family names such as Astor, DuPont, Kennedy, Onassis, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn, and Krupp. You'll also learn of the secretive, Chinese Li family, which operates with impunity in the U.S.A. and around the world.


Along the way you'll find out why President John F. Kennedy and actress Grace Kelly were killed; who created the United Nations; who controls the two major U.S. political parties; how the Rothschilds invented and control modern-day Israel; who secretly founded false religions such as the Jehovah's Witnesses; and much, much more. This is a lecture by the same name given before The Prophecy Club.






Dispatches: Supermarket Secrets (The Crap you buy and eat every Day)




How and what we eat has radically changed over the past few decades with the all-consuming rise of the supermarket. But what price are we paying for the homogenised, cheap and convenient food that supermarkets specialise in? In a two-part programme, journalist Jane Moore investigates how supermarkets have affected the food on our plates and reveals the tell-tale signs that the food we buy may not have been grown in the way we think.


Using a combination of undercover filming and scientific analysis, Supermarket Secrets investigates whether the food on supermarket shelves is really as good as it looks, whether prices are as good as they seem and what happens behind the scenes in the production of supermarket food.


This year Britain's shoppers are expected to spend around 70billion on food. 56% of this total expenditure will take place in supermarkets. These films ask how supermarkets manage to push prices down and profits up. Are farmers and growers being pressured to produce food in a manner that leads to it being less nutritious than in the past? And what of the conditions that livestock is reared in today?


Part 1:




Part 2:






The Clinton Chronicles




For the first time on video, a documentary that puts together the whole story!--The names and faces of the key players who Clinton used to build his Circle of Power..as well as those who got in his way and lost their jobs, reputations, virtue and lives! From Whitewater to ADFA...From millions in drug smuggling in Mena, Arkansas, to money laundering with the BCCI...From Gennifer Flowers to Paula Jones...From Vince Foster's "suicide" to the gangland slaying of private investigator Jerry Parks.






Uncovered: The Whole Truth About The Iraq War




In his documentary feature, filmmaker Robert Greenwald chronicles the Bush Administration's determined quest to invade Iraq following the events of September 11, 2001. The film deconstructs the administration's case for war through interviews with U.S intelligence and defense officials, foreign service experts, and U.N. weapons inspectors ? including a former CIA director, a former ambassador to Saudi Arabia and even President's Bush's Secretary of the Army. Their analyses and conclusions are sobering, and often disturbing, regardless of one's political affiliations.




The Lightbringers - The Emissaries of Jahbulon (History of freemasonry) (2005)




This is Juri Lina's 1 hour amazing documentary "The Lightbringers - Emissaries of Jahbulon (2005)" which exposes the secret history of world's most notorious secret society known as freemasons. Using footage from various masonic sites and lodges the viewer is taken on a tour which enables him to see the sinister forces behind the world today and how they came to power.




Secrets Of The CIA




Engaging profiles of 5 former CIA agents which includes the varied experiences encountered during they're recruitment, frightening top-secret operations, eventual disillusionment and defection. A remarkable look at the lengths our government has gone to manipulate public opinion, radically undermine civilizations in other countries, and commit crimes against humanity. An exceptional expose.




The 9/11 - 7/7 Connection




On Friday 22nd July 2005, Ian Crane opened the Glastonbury Symposium with an analysis of the sinister geopolitical webs that have been spun, resulting in the tragic events of 9/11 and 7/7.


Just two weeks after 7/7, Ian's research already indicated that the official version of the supposed 'terror' attacks in London cannot stand up to the scrutiny of research.


The subsequent failed attacks on 21/7, the assassination of Jean-Charles Menezes the folowing day and the bombing at Sharm-El-Sheik in Egypt on July 23rd raise even more painful and very disturbing questions.


This compilation of two live recordings (Glastonbury - 22nd July and Totnes - 30th August 2005) raises some very important and disturbing questions and is a 'must see' for anyone who still holds the view that the events of 9/11 and 7/7 were perpetrated by 'Muslim fanatics'.


Ian does not offer specifi answers, but for those who truly value the concept of democracy, it is imperative that they are aware of these extremely important but as yet unanswered questions.




Aerosol Crimes (aka Chemtrails)




A non-profit documentary by world renowned Chemtrail researcher Clifford Carnicom. An excellent investigation into aerosol activities, documenting the related environmental and health concerns associated with the observed activity, including excellent expert and anecdotal accounts, extraordinary footage and a reasoned speculation as to the possible motives. A must see for anyone with a love of our beautiful world and its blue skies...




Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election




Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election is the riveting story about the battle for the Presidency in Florida and the undermining of democracy in America. Filmmakers Richard Ray P�ez and Joan Sekler examine modern America's most controversial political contest: the election of George W. Bush. What emerges is a disturbing picture of an election marred by suspicious irregularities, electoral injustices, and sinister voter purges in a state governed by the winning candidate's brother.


George W. Bush stole the presidency of the United States? and got away with it. " ?the movie highlights those on the front lines ?from the African-Americans who were turned away from the polling booths for assorted reasons. In one memorable scene the filmmakers freeze-frame a 'protest' against the ballot recount, identifying participants as staff members of Republican elected officials."


--Elaine Dutka, Los Angeles Times


http://www.question911.com/linkout.php?filename=Unprecedented%20-%20The%202000%20Presidential%20Election%201of2.wmv >Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election 1 of 2 (48 MB)

http://www.question911.com/linkout.php?filename=Unprecedented%20-%20The%202000%20Presidential%20Election%202of2.wmv >Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election 2 of 2(48 MB)




Greg Palast - Florida Election Fraud Scandal 10-26-2004


In Jacksonville, to determine if Republicans were using "caging lists" (1,886 names and addresses of voters in traditionally Democrat areas of Jacksonville, Florida.) or other means of intimidating voters, newsnight filmed a private detective filming every "early voter" - the majority of whom are black - from behind a vehicle with blacked-out windows. The private detective claimed not to know who was paying for his all-day services. On the scene, Democratic Congresswoman Corinne Brown said the surveillance operation was part of a campaign of intimidation tactics used by the Republican Party to intimidate and scare off African American voters, almost all of whom are registered Democrats.


Part 1:



Part 2:



The Corporation




One hundred and fifty years ago, the corporation was a relatively insignificant entity. Today, it is a vivid, dramatic and pervasive presence in all our lives. Like the Church, the Monarchy and the Communist Party in other times and places, the corporation is today?s dominant institution.


"It probably goes without saying, but it would really help our efforts if as many people as possible bought a copy of The Corporation from this site. If you already downloaded it - with the best of intentions, we're sure - why not check out the Special Edition DVD, packed with over 8 hours of extras. Or at least show a little financial appreciation. Even if it's only a couple of bucks, it all helps. The filmmakers are still trying to recover costs, and there are plenty of ongoing expenses - like maintaining this fine website, for example."


-- http://www.thecorporation.com/


http://www.question911.com/linkout.php?filename=The%20Corporation%201of6.wmv >The Corporation 1of6 (WMV 47megs)

http://www.question911.com/linkout.php?filename=The%20Corporation%202of6.wmv >The Corporation 2of6 (WMV 47megs)

http://www.question911.com/linkout.php?filename=The%20Corporation%203of6.wmv >The Corporation 3of6 (WMV 47megs)

http://www.question911.com/linkout.php?filename=The%20Corporation%204of6.wmv >The Corporation 4of6 (WMV 47megs)

http://www.question911.com/linkout.php?filename=The%20Corporation%205of6.wmv >The Corporation 5of6 (WMV 47megs)

http://www.question911.com/linkout.php?filename=The%20Corporation%206of6.wmv >The Corporation 6of6 (WMV 47megs)


Sherry Peel Jackson - Breaking the invisible Shackles of the IRS.




By Sherry Peel Jackson, Certified Fraud Examiner and Ex-IRS agent. She Challenges all citizens to demand answers from congress about the legality of Federal Income taxes and the Federal Reserve. This is a 2 hour lecture about some of the inner secrets of the IRS, and the fundamental lack of juridical framework that supports it. If you are a U.S. citizen you will most likely want to obtain this.


Jackson's blog:http://stillaslave.blogspot.com




Theft By Deception - Deciphering the Federal Income Tax




The misrepresentation and misapplication of the United States federal income tax constitutes the largest acquisition of wealth by way of deception in history.


A handful of government lawyers fabricated an intricate maze of legalese which created a perfectly Constitutional tax (a tax on income derived from certain types of international and foreign commerce), but which at the same time could easily be misread to give the impression that the income of all Americans is subject to the tax. For decades, the American people have been ?conditioned? to believe that the income tax applies to all income and trained to pay "their" taxes.


All the while, however, hidden in a previously nearly universally misunderstood (therefore misapplied) section of the law known as Subchapter N, Section 861 was the truth that the income tax is NOT a direct tax on incomes but is an indirect tax imposed only on those individuals engaged in certain types of international and possessions commerce.


Most Americans are engaged in purely domestic commerce (commerce that occurs entirely within and between the 50 states). Subchapter N proves that domestic income received by residents of the United States (most incomes) is not taxed, due to Constitutional restrictions on Congress' power to tax.


Using clear language, well-produced graphics, and a simple step-by-step approach, this video explains both how and why certain representatives of the Federal Government long ago spun a statutory and regulatory web of deception that created the myth of a compulsory federal income tax for the great majority of United States citizens


T. Croghan, Attorney, former prosecutor for the U.S. Justice Department


Read more: http://www.theft-by-deception.com



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Monopoly Men (Federal Reserve Fraud) (1999)




The Federal Reserve, or the Fed as it is lovingly called, may be one of the most mysterious entities in modern American government.


Created during Wilson's presidency to protect the economy in times of financial turmoil, its real business remains to be discovered. During the Wilson presidency, the U.S. government sanctions the creation of the Federal Reserve. Thought by many to be a government organization maintained to provide financial accountability in the event of a domestic depression, the actual business of the Fed is shrouded in secrecy.


Many Americans will be shocked to discover that the principle business of the Fed is to print money from nothing, lend it to the U.S. government and charge interest on these loans. Who keeps the interest? Good question. Find out as the connective tissue between this and other top-secret international organizations is explored and exposed.




Masters of the Universe - The Secret Birth of the Federal Reserve




Was there a takeover of the US by international bankers? You visit the scene of a crime so perfect that, for thirty years, no one knew it had even taken place.


Join us in a 45 minute documentary with Daniel Hopsicker on the banking elite, the Federal Reserve, the Bilderbergers, the Trilateral Comission and the New World Order in general, as we investigate the birth of a criminal conspiracy to rob each and every bank vault in America.




Spin (Brian Springer - 1995)




Using the 1992 presidential election as his springboard, documentary filmmaker Brian Springer captures the behind-the-scenes maneuverings of politicians and newscasters in the early 1990s. Pat Robertson banters about "homos," Al Gore learns how to avoid abortion questions, George Bush talks to Larry King about halcyon -- all presuming they're off camera. Composed of 100% unauthorized satellite footage, Spin is a surreal expose of media-constructed reality.


You can download both a VCD & SCVD here: http://www.illegal-art.org/video/




Ted Pike - Why The Mid-East Bleeds




Ted Pike's gripping video expose dramatizes how abuses by false Zionist leadership, with Evangelical Christian support, have helped create international Arab terrorism.


This powerful documentary explains how Zionists have used a false religious argument to ram a cruel, unbiblical return of Jews to Palestine down the throat of the Arab world. Such injustice, if allowed to continue, will only lead to increased terrorism, loss of freedoms, and Mideast war.


This Video Documents:


* The Talmudic basis of hate and racism that fuels Zionist aggression

* What really happened in the West Bank under Sharon's 2002 invasion

* How loss of freedoms under "homeland security" directly results from unconditional support of Israel

* How U.S. takeover of Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, etc. actually sets up Israel as ruler of the mid-east




Jim Condit - The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler




"The Zionists brought us to the Holocaust. It is well known that it was possible to redeem Jews from the Nazis with money, and save many hundreds of thousands of Jews in Hungary...THE ZIONIST LEADERS WHO NOW SIT IN GOVERNMENT PREVENTED IT!"


-- Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Ehrenreich (circa 1954)


To the billions of people around the world who know only the standard Establishment version of 20th Century history, the above quotation is incomprehensible, its implications impossible to fathom. Adolf Hitler and the Nazis were the sworn enemies of all Jews, they will say, and to suggest there could be any collusion between Zionists and Hitler's Third Reich is both beyond belief and a slap at the memory of those who died at the hands of Nazi persecutors.


Incomprehensible, perhaps, but by no means impossible. The Zionist-Nazi collaboration, however suppressed it has been to the general public, is a little-known, but crucial, part of European history, one that continues to profoundly shape and affect world events in the 21st Century.


This mind-boggling voyage is but one of many facts which have been compiled and collated, and which is presented in this DVD by Jim Condit Jr. in this fascinating new DVD entitled The Final Solution to Adolf Hitler. This thorough analysis examines Hitler's career and influence, from his humble beginning in Austria to his appointment as German Chancellor by President Paul von Hindenburg, from his ascent to absolute dictator of the Third Reich to his role in bringing about the modern state of Israel and the emerging world government.




Afghan Massacre - The Convoy of Death




On Friday, May 23rd, the nationwide, public radio and television show Democracy Now! premiered Afghan Massacre: The Convoy of Death, a controversial documentary film alleging U.S. military involvement in a massacre of Taliban prisoners in Afghanistan. The film, never before shown in the U.S., aired during the Friday broadcast of Democracy Now!, at 9 a.m. EST. Afghan Massacre: the Convoy of Death has been broadcast on national television in Britain, Germany, Italy and Australia and has been screened by the European parliament.


Produced and directed by Irish filmmaker and former BBC producer Jamie Doran, the film tells the story of thousands of prisoners who surrendered to the US military's Afghan allies after the siege of Kunduz. According to the film, some three thousand of the prisoners were forced into sealed containers and loaded onto trucks for transport to Sheberghan prison. When the prisoners began shouting for air, U.S.-allied Afghan soldiers fired directly into the truck, killing many of them. The rest suffered through an appalling road trip lasting up to four days, so thirsty they clawed at the skin of their fellow prisoners as they licked perspiration and even drank blood from open wounds.


Witnesses say that when the trucks arrived and soldiers opened the containers, most of the people inside were dead. They also say US Special Forces re-directed the containers carrying the living and dead into the desert and stood by as survivors were shot and buried. Now, up to three thousand bodies lie buried in a mass grave.


Outraged human rights groups and lawyers are calling for an investigation but the U.N. special envoy to Afghanistan refuses any U.N.-backed investigation until the Afghan government can protect witnesses. Two of the witnesses in the film have already been killed.




Century Of The Self




It is a must see for anyone who wants to understand how exactly they are conditioned into conformity by the unseen controllers of society.<br>


The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country.


We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized - Edward Bernays


right click and choose "save as".







There are four parts. Each part is around 160 MB. The video is in MP4 format which requires VLC Media Player (http://www.videolan.org


The Century of the Self

The Untold History Of Controlling The Masses Through The Manipulation Of Unconscious Desires






Adam Curtis' acclaimed series examines the rise of the all-consuming self against the backdrop of the Freud dynasty.


To many in both politics and business, the triumph of the self is the ultimate expression of democracy, where power has finally moved to the people. Certainly the people may feel they are in charge, but are they really? The Century of the Self tells the untold and sometimes controversial story of the growth of the mass-consumer society in Britain and the United States. How was the all-consuming self created, by whom, and in whose interests?


The Freud dynasty is at the heart of this compelling social history. Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis; Edward Bernays, who invented public relations; Anna Freud, Sigmund's devoted daughter; and present-day PR guru and Sigmund's great grandson, Matthew Freud.


Sigmund Freud's work into the bubbling and murky world of the subconscious changed the world. By introducing a technique to probe the unconscious mind, Freud provided useful tools for understanding the secret desires of the masses. Unwittingly, his work served as the precursor to a world full of political spin doctors, marketing moguls, and society's belief that the pursuit of satisfaction and happiness is man's ultimate goal.


One: Happiness Machines


The story of the relationship between Sigmund Freud and his American nephew, Edward Bernays. Bernays invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses. He showed American corporations how they could make people want things they didn't need by systematically linking mass-produced goods to their unconscious desires.


Bernays was one of the main architects of the modern techniques of mass-consumer persuasion, using every trick in the book, from celebrity endorsement and outrageous PR stunts, to eroticising the motorcar.


His most notorious coup was breaking the taboo on women smoking by persuading them that cigarettes were a symbol of independence and freedom. But Bernays was convinced that this was more than just a way of selling consumer goods. It was a new political idea of how to control the masses. By satisfying the inner irrational desires that his uncle had identified, people could be made happy and thus docile.


It was the start of the all-consuming self which has come to dominate today's world.


Two: The Engineering of Consent


The programme explores how those in power in post-war America used Freud's ideas about the unconscious mind to try and control the masses.


Politicians and planners came to believe Freud's underlying premise - that deep within all human beings were dangerous and irrational desires and fears. They were convinced that it was the unleashing of these instincts that had led to the barbarism of Nazi Germany. To stop it ever happening again they set out to find ways to control this hidden enemy within the human mind.


Sigmund Freud's daughter, Anna, and his nephew, Edward Bernays, provided the centrepiece philosophy. The US government, big business, and the CIA used their ideas to develop techniques to manage and control the minds of the American people. But this was not a cynical exercise in manipulation. Those in power believed that the only way to make democracy work and create a stable society was to repress the savage barbarism that lurked just under the surface of normal American life.


Three: There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads: He Must Be Destroyed


In the 1960s, a radical group of psychotherapists challenged the influence of Freudian ideas in America. They were inspired by the ideas of Wilhelm Reich, a pupil of Freud's, who had turned against him and was hated by the Freud family. He believed that the inner self did not need to be repressed and controlled. It should be encouraged to express itself.


Out of this came a political movement that sought to create new beings free of the psychological conformity that had been implanted in people's minds by business and politics.


This programme shows how this rapidly developed in America through self-help movements like Werber Erhard's Erhard Seminar Training - into the irresistible rise of the expressive self: the Me Generation.


But the American corporations soon realised that this new self was not a threat but their greatest opportunity. It was in their interest to encourage people to feel they were unique individuals and then sell them ways to express that individuality. To do this they turned to techniques developed by Freudian psychoanalysts to read the inner desires of the new self.


Four: Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering


This episode explains how politicians on the left, in both Britain and America, turned to the techniques developed by business to read and fulfil the inner desires of the self.


Both New Labour, under Tony Blair, and the Democrats, led by Bill Clinton, used the focus group, which had been invented by psychoanalysts, in order to regain power. They set out to mould their policies to people's inner desires and feelings, just as capitalism had learnt to do with products.


Out of this grew a new culture of public relations and marketing in politics, business and journalism. One of its stars in Britain was Matthew Freud who followed in the footsteps of his relation, Edward Bernays, the inventor of public relations in the 1920s.


The politicians believed they were creating a new and better form of democracy, one that truly responded to the inner feelings of individual. But what they didn't realise was that the aim of those who had originally created these techniques had not been to liberate the people but to develop a new way of controlling them.




FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order (2004)




In 1910, a group of international bankers secretly met on a small island off the coast of Georgia. Their plan: to formulate a program to destroy the financial structure of America. To do that, they pushed Woodrow Wilson into the presidency; and in 1913, Wilson signed into law, the Federal Reserve Act and the Federal Income Tax. In 1921, these international bankers established the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).


The U.S. Government took advantage of the CFR's experience in finance and foreign affairs, and one of their study groups, the Advisory Committee on Post-War Foreign Policy, became part of the State Department in 1941. The secret goal of this study group was to condition the Congress, and the people of this country to accept the establishment of the United Nations (UN). The UN, initiated in 1945, does not seek to promote world peace and cooperation- it was the first step towards a one-world government, which is now referred to as the New World Order.


The CFR is a subsidiary of the Round Table Organization, a group of British Elitists controlled by the most powerful family in the world- the Rothschilds, who, through an organization known as the Illuminati, have been controlling world events since 1776. The Illuminati controls world leaders and the money that runs their countries. They can elect a President, and they can kill a President. They can shut-off the oil, and plunge the world into war. Even though they operate under the strictest secrecy, their goals have been known for over 2,000 years.


This is the 2 hour 40 minute video from David Rivera's appearance on The Prophecy Club, where he covers the contents of his book by the same name. From the beginning of the Illuminti's involvement in the New World Order, to the present.




The Iron Triangle - The Carlyle Group Exposed




The Bush family, the Saudi Royal family, Osama Bin Laden's family and Donald Rumsfeld's inner circle - these are just some of the high profile figures who have played a direct role in the rise of one of the most powerful and influential and secretive firms in Washington.


The company is called The Carlyle Group. And in the wake of the events of September 11th and the invasion of Iraq, its power and influence have become significantly stronger.


The company operates within the so-called iron-triangle of industry, government and the military. Its list of former and current advisers and associates includes a vast array of some of the most powerful men in America and indeed around the world.


This program exposes the history of the Carlyle Group, from it's inception as a private equity firm to it's precent status as one of the largest defence contractors in the world.



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John Ankerberg: Masonry - Behind Closed Doors




What goes on behind the closed doors of the masonic lodge? Is freemasonry a religion? And why all the rituals? Jack Harris, former worshipful master in the masonic lodge, reenacts portions of masonic rituals from the first three degrees in freemasonry and explains what he taught in the lodge. If you are truly curious about freemasonry, and what goes on behind closed doors, you want to watch this show!




The Other Israel




When most Americans think of the one producer who has done more to "push the limits" of anti-Christian and anti-patriotic television, the name Norman Lear first comes to mind. Through such TV sitcoms as "Soap" Norman Lear has thrust profanitya and adultery into the living rooms of Americans as never before.


Yet Lear is not content merely to broadcast his smut. Nearly a decade ago he founded a political organization called "People for the American Way" (PAW) to help beat back the forces of decency which oppose him. PAW, with 275,000 members has become the most outspoken antagonist of Christian patriotic values this nation has ever seen, rivaled only by the ACLU.


But now "People for the American Way" has a new enemy, an enemy so threatening that on May 11, 1989 they issued a special 3-page press release from Washington, D.C. alerting Americans to beware of the enticements of its message.

New Enemy For Norman Lear


That enemy is Ted Pike and his 60-minute video, "The Other Israel", which PAW describes as "particularly dangerous." Why so dangerous? Because "The Other Israel" exposes the real masters behind communism, liberalism, and media control in such a devastating manner that PAW also feels threatened. For the last year, while thousands of copies of "The Other Israel" have sold, opening the eyes of tens of thousands, PAW has given it the "silent treatment," hoping it would fade away. To the contrary, it continues to sell rapidly, largely through word of mouth. This video flourishes because it confirms with irrefutable documentation what thinking Americans already suspect. That an elite of "insiders" in the mass media are consciously working to move America away from its Christian roots toward the humanistic values of a "new order."


This is why PAW is determined to prejudice you against seeing this video. To do that it is taking drastic measures to ruin the reputation of Christian author and filmmaker, Ted Pike. In PAW's recent press release it brought out its big guns by calling Pike "anti-Semitic" - an accusation which is the "kiss of death" to the career of any public person.




The UN Deception (2001)


The U.N. Deception reports what the nightly news does not: the UN's creators intended their organization to become a world government. Learn how top United Nations proponents exploit small arms, the environment, and justice to pressure Capitol Hill into quietly surrendering America's heritage of freedom. Should these UN plans remain unopposed, the consequences are ultimately grim. There is, however, a way to avert this danger. Start by witnessing The U.N. Deception!




The United Nations: A Look Into The Future (1998)


The UN is fast assuming authority over many facets of our lives and threatens to engulf us in a new world order of compulsions and controls. This innovative 30-minute video gives us an inside view of what is going on, and by extension what in all probability will soon be going on, in some of the most crucial areas of our lives, including religion, education, abortion, the military, the political process, gun control, population controls, family values, property rights, and individual rights.


Warning us that the UN is moving toward criminalizing all pro-life activity, William F. Jasper, senior editor of The New American, points out that the UN has given NGO (non-governmental organization) status to the world's most militant abortion organizations, empowering them to play a leading role in supporting UN pro-abortion policies. Father Nicholas Gruner of the International Servants of Jesus and Mary decries the murder of millions of babies through this most repulsive form of birth control. Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) tells us that we should be gravely concerned about UN worldwide funding of abortion plus pressure to abolish anti-abortion laws wherever they still exist.


William Norman Grigg, senior editor of The New American, speaks of the historical conflict between family and state, explaining that the state expands through absorbing the functions of the family. Those who are part of the government apparatus constantly maneuver to take over family responsibilities and rights. One such right slated to go is homeschooling: Every child will eventually be forced to attend a government school, with severe penalties for recalcitrant parents.




Jordan Maxwell - The Occult World of Commerce




Jordan Maxwell honors Jason Whitney with a special twenty-minute introduction into the esoteric foundation of words and terms frequently used in present-day society.


Jason Whitney presents a brief, yet elaborate Power Point production which offers key insight as to how our legal system is predicated upon one thing, "commerce", and the regulation thereof, or better said, the extraction of money "energy" from society.


Understanding of the concepts presented by both Maxwell and Whitney are essential for anyone who desires a greater understanding as to how our out of control judicial/legal/banking systems are designed and operate in America.


This presentation addresses:

Man as a Word-Controlled Creature

Civil Law vs. Admiralty/Maritime Law

Maritime/Admiralty Law Superimposed over Civil Law

One's Mother as a Merchant Vessel

Giving Birth as a Commercial Maritime Concept

Hospitals and Energy Farms

Spiritual Beings vs. Human Beings

Freemasonry, Banking and the Court Connection

Judicial Slush Funds

The use of Public Records Act Requests

And more...




JFK2 - The Bush Connection




JFK 2 is research at it's best, proves without a doubt George H.W. Bush's complicity in the JFK assassination. This video is the culmination of all the cutting edge research done over the years.




Jordan Maxwell - Inner World of The Occult




Jordan Maxwell delivers an interesting lecture in which he delves deeply into the occult and its role in the control of the western world and its leaders through the Faustian financial fraternity. He also shows, in detail, the role and significance of the attacks of September 11, 2001; how they help to bring forth the New World Order.


He is the foremost expert when it comes to research on the occult; on those images that we see all around us and the pictures which few of us understand, which are subliminal. The video has slides, pictures and stories and makes much clearer, the significance of what we are seeing happen in the world today.




Jordan Maxwell - Matrix of Power




Matrix of Power digs deep into the fabric of American society revealing the true nature of secret unions. Look hard enough and symbols of hidden organizations are everywhere. The Freemasons, the Illuminati, and the Bohemian Society each claim influence over world affairs. Matrix of Power revisits the New World Order to understand its modern day connotations. By looking at money, politics, and history, patterns begin to emerge. Soon viewers will be wondering, who's really in charge? The answer may surprise you






Rigged US Elections Exposed By Programmer


A programmer, Clinton Curtis, states under oath during a hearing in Ohio, that he has personally written software for a congressman that would flip votes 51/49 in electronic voting machines.






Waco: The Big Lie (1999)


Using outakes of satellite footage shot by a local news station, director Linda Thompson paints a chilling portrait of the ATF and FBI's military assault on the Branch Davidian's compound in Waco.


Thompson argues convincingly that the ATF's initial assault on Mt. Carmel was legally grounded on nothing more than a $200 weapons surchage that Koresh had failed to pay. With proof of that in their back pocket, the ATF called out U.S. Army gunships, and attacked the compound with dozens of stoked, reckless agents employing massive gunpower. The footage on this video demonstrates that the Branch Davidians did not meet the ATF with "a hail of gunfire." You'll see unthreatened ATF agents riddling the front of the compound with gunfire, fully aware that inside were dozens of women and children.


The ATF had plenty of time to shoot not only the house; they fired on themselves, other agents, children playing outside, long before a Branch Davidian fired a single shot in self defense. The video also details the FBI's effective bamboozlement of a compliant press, but the most controversial part of the tape comes at the end, when Thompson provides footage allegedly showing government tanks with flamethrowers that she contends set the fire that killed all 89 people inside.




Waco - A New Revelation (1999)




Waco: A New Revelation is the film that triggered a new Congressional investigation of the Waco tragedy, and caused the Justice Department and the FBI to reverse their long-held positions on Waco. It has generated a firestorm of events unprecedented in the history of documentary filmmaking.


After six years of painstaking investigation, the complete story of the tragedy in Texas is finally coming to light. This compelling feature-length documentary presents new revelations about the events that led up to the deaths of 79 men, women and children at Mount Carmel on April 19, 1993.


Waco: A New Revelation presents evidence addressing the following questions:


* Why didn't the Branch Davidians and their children come out of the Mount Carmel compound?

* Did the FBI actually start the Waco fire using pyrotechnic devices?

* Why was critical evidence missing from the evidence locker nearly six years after the event?

* What was the role of the elite U.S. Army Delta Force during the final assult -- and why was their presence denied untill now?

* Does the trail of evidence lead to the first lady Hillary Clinton, President Clinton and the White House?


In the spring of 1998, under the Freedom of Information Act, investigators from MGA Studio's film division became the first private citizens to gain access to the Waco investigation evidence lockers. What they found was shocking. Upon examination, the evidence gathered under the supervision of federal officials appeared to contradict the FBI's congressional testimony, raising serious and disturbing questions about events surrounding the siege at Mt. Carmel and the deaths of the Davidians.


Gene CullenSince 1993, former members of the FBI, former Special Forces and CIA operatives have come forward with new evidence to suggest that the FBI's claim is inaccurate.



Part 1:









United States vs. United Nations (2003)


This 23 minute video explains how United Nations? policies and practices infringe upon the freedoms guaranteed United States citizens under the U.S. Constitution. United States vs. United Nations answers the questions that many Americans are beginning to wonder out loud: Is UN membership compatible with our form of government? Do our UN "commitments" endanger America? What will happen if the UN becomes what its founders intended?



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Was 9/11 more than just an attack? Could the Bush administration have had anything to gain from the attack? Two prominent European politicians, Michael Meacher and Andreas von Blow, express their serious doubts about the official version of the 9/11 story.




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just copyed and pasted from a site.......


belive or not, just thought it would go in here....


make you own mind up....


ps I'am from the uk...these days not sure what to belive....



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