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some more toy stuff


why are you going to talk shit about this, when it is some ones memory of a friend who died you shit talking bitch !!!!!!!!!!


by the way you put this with cain flicks when he did not even do this. i know because i was there that day when it was done.









your calling cain a toy when he at least he is getting up and has done some sick shit.

post something you did so all the other shit talkers can tell you how much of a toy you are bitch.


you probably are not even from the real T.K.O.

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bump aura for coming out in the news AGAIN

fuck dennis donohue!!


people who leave their cans and materials behind after painting a spot are the toys who get spots blown up..when you grow as writer you learn that shit gets you caught up.

Salinas is filled with toys and gang bangers..so i guess it goes with the territory


bump Hour PIGS for being a crazy ass dude!

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your calling cain a toy when he at least he is getting up and has done some sick shit.

post something you did so all the other shit talkers can tell you how much of a toy you are bitch.


you probably are not even from the real T.K.O.



Bump all the TD's out here...haha

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