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and i re-bumped mine a few pages back..RELM bitch...fucking basek talking shit....ull get smashed on u fucking wanna be blood...hahahahaha who let u in NSD anyways?


porcelain all u do is talk shit you fuckin road side pussy shu ta fuck up already bitch wheres your shit at bet u is wacker dan wack bitch fucken hater toy ass bitch!!bump yoker nsd!!

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hmm..my homie bumped into a couple nsd kids down in the tunnels...said you were cool until he seen u went over his shit...tsk tsk tsk........since you guys always do this..i say mad ups not bump..but props to DAGR..EARY..MODE..NOEM..OATH..GLEEK..SOUR..MEAN..AURA..and thats my 2 cents for the night..ima go drink some beer and paint something...

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its not my beef. easoe is comin up though.. fuck salinas graff scene.. haha. but bump that new mean piece that looks like spawn

i thought id put something out there with this quote,what scene????most the taggers in salinas are too caught up in there own beef and their own crew and shit when people outside salinas are

laughing their asses off,yeah we got some dope people that get up and crews that keep it real,like tsb,but when you ask people about salinas, graff doesn't even come to their thoughts,unlike santa-cruz and other places:lol:

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hmm..my homie bumped into a couple nsd kids down in the tunnels...said you were cool until he seen u went over his shit...tsk tsk tsk........since you guys always do this..i say mad ups not bump..but props to DAGR..EARY..MODE..NOEM..OATH..GLEEK..SOUR..MEAN..AURA..and thats my 2 cents for the night..ima go drink some beer and paint something...


whered they go over his shit?

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when i was driving home from work today I watched two kids get shot at like 8 feet away from me


thats what comes to mind when I think salinas



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