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"We're seen as criminals to some or many"


There was a time when writers embrased the fact that they were criminals destroying property and didn't pretend they were doing it for some stupid cause or phoney-bologny culture.





It looks like you were trying to spell "embaressed"

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man this debate is kind of ridiculous. graf might get bigger or die down a little but really we should all be grateful we dont have shrapnel blowing up around us or an economic depression that forces everybody to work eighty hours a week just for a loaf of bread. as long as you dont need to dodge artillery shells to get to the spot, and people have leisure time available to them, graf will continue on no matter how many cameras they install or how hard they buff.


but yea it would be really cool if people starting seeing graffiti as an expression of that oh-so coveted american virtue-- freedom. when i travel to europe or canada and i see graf all over the place, i think to myself: these people have freedom. when i ride around in the US and see buffed walls, I think: overzealous obsessive control freaks.

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there was never a hiatus in graffiti, it just wasn't as mainstream as it is today. the majority of getting up done is in tags or throwies is because spending time on a piece today is dangerous.

plus some new jacks have no style and just like to see there nam up in lights.

i would like to believe that graffiti will keep going strong, but with terrorism in play, any kind of law breaking is getting hard to do....

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