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:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:makes me sick!!!!!! ahaahhahahahhahahhahaha!:lol::lol::lol::lol:


everytime you make a move, rockin a piece, be it legal or even a chill spot under your local state rd, or catching a throw or a tagg (s) on mainstreet somwheres town usa...if you've attracted enough attention (eg. mad street bombing+ thousands $ worth of damage or if you participate in other crimminal activity (slankin rocks or even your boy "slankin") Your probably being "hunted" (tracked) and with the majority of everyone and there dead grandmothers trading in telegraphs for "smartphones" you leave very little for the, "long arm of the law" to do, as far as good ol fashioned police work goes. theyll just sit behind a desk, while your catching a tagg on the interstate and texting your homie joe blow at the same time and build a case(s) on, Pinging your location off cell phone towers and documenting your activity like your a u-boat. The prevailent attitude around here seems to be, "oh, what do they know?" "it won't happen to me, im under the radar, i don't post my own shit" food for thought.

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he may be twisted but what he says is true to some extent if you bombed enough for example in boston, philly, nyc, they know your face they might even know who you are and if they want to come get you it's not hard


especially with the internet. and most people will incriminate themselves

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