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i was brought up rite and still turned out wrong i guess.....i see the difference, but also the similarity, in the sense that i dont care about someone elses property, nor do i care about some crackhead bitch......


ahhh so smart.

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id be willing to bet the division in this conversation lies with age...all the "yo fuck a crackhead bitch im a writer yo" opinions are from kids, early 20's at the oldest, and all the dudes who woulda lent a hand are grown men. you youngsters dont gotta argue with me, the adults know whats what.


do you i guess, you will grow up one day

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let's be honest, if you're a true bomber, you probly have more in common with the crackhead than you do with jenny & johny suburbs


but those do look like leaves not blood


A. eh, just cuz i like to paint shit doesnt mean im a crackhead/homeless and have anything in common with them other than we r both frowned upon to the common man....


B. nows when it gets funny, cuz i knew people would think i made it up....so i went back to see if crackheads was still sleepin with a friend and sure enough red balls gives u wings and that crackhead was out....


C. sorry i guess im not a good samaritan award winner


D. it had nothin to do with "im a writer yo", i just thought shit was funny, maybe we have different ideas of comedy....(but i wont front, do still got some growin up to do, but bein young is fun as shit....)


D. however, if that was someone i felt would have helped me, or deserved help, i woulda handed it over, but in my eyes, fiends put themselves in that situation(the situation of if they dont wanna help themselves, why would i TRY and help em....aint gonna work)....but i mean shit, i get up for old people on the train...so dont try and say i got no morals/ethics/yatta yatta yatta....probably give/show more respect than most, but to those i feel deserve it....

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