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T-Bone, its obvious you are a pussy using an alias to do your "pussy-work"

Im sick of all this alias pussy shit.

You're a coward little bitch!...

I POST plentsty O' decent shit on here you fucking cunt puke!

Where were you when borat-derkaderka wrote a school paper a few posts ago?

yeah, uh-huh. fuk off hater.

No this is not JUST a graffiti forum occasionally somebody has jokes,

and we have random grown-up talk to help edify the childrenz...

If you dont spray then shut the fuck up...

This is milwaukees most elite forum, LOVE IT!


Nigga please, who isnt using an alias on here to do there pussy work? i aint saying u dont post decent shit on here, all im saying is i dont give a fuck if you post some funny shit, i love that, but u comin' up in here all talkin some politics and shit which is fine, but just use the right thread. im comin' in here to see the latest flicks and read the latest graff gossip and shit, not tryin to start no beef, you know, on some "general wall stomping" shit . and to answer your question, where was i, i was outta town with no access to a computer, if i had access and saw the "school paper" i prolly woulda added a lil "stfu" but i couldnt. and trust me i aint no hater.

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here's some politics for ya'



A king is a head of state, who may or may not, depending on the style of government of a nation, exercise monarchal powers over a territory, usually called a kingdom or a realm. A king is the second highest sovereign title, only looking up to an emperor. The female equivalent of king is queen; although the term "queen" may refer to one ruling as a monarch in her own right, a queen regnant, or to the wife of a king, a queen consort. The husband of a queen regnant is sometimes styled the king consort but is more commonly styled the prince consort. A king or queen may wear a crown or carry other regalia (symbols of office).


Historically the term "king" has been used for the rulers of very small peoples and territories.[citation needed] Such a king (Sumerian lugal, Semitic sharrum, Latin rex, Greek basileus, Sanskrit raja, Germanic kuningaz) could be a tribal leader or chief, or the tyrant of a city state. Often, the king will not only have a political function, but the same time a religious one, acting as high priest or divine king.

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An emperor (from the Latin "imperator") is a (male) monarch, usually the sovereign ruler of an empire or another type of imperial realm. Empress is the female equivalent. As a title, "empress" may indicate the wife of an emperor (empress consort) or a woman who rules in her own right (empress regnant). Emperors and Empresses are generally recognized to be above kings and queens in honour and rank.


Today, the Emperor of Japan is the only remaining monarch in the world who still has the title of Emperor.

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The English words peon and peonage were derived from the Spanish word, and have a variety of meanings related to the Spanish usages, as well as some other meanings. In the English-speaking world in general, the term peon is used colloquially to mean a person with little authority, often assigned unskilled or drudgerous tasks; an underling. In this sense, peon can be used in either a derogatory or self-effacing context.

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