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back when graf meant something.....


i hate milwaukee, the people of milwaukee will take picture and put it in their newspapers, call certain parts of the city artsy and accept it more...fuck you! the minute you see someone doing it you call the cops, i think we should stop hating eachother and start hating those fucking heros with cell phone or those fuckers who are vilgilante buffers...i know where the southside guy lives, still working on the guy from riverwest, but FUCK THOSE PEOPLE!

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back when graf meant something.....


i hate milwaukee, the people of milwaukee will take picture and put it in their newspapers, call certain parts of the city artsy and accept it more...fuck you! the minute you see someone doing it you call the cops, i think we should stop hating eachother and start hating those fucking heros with cell phone or those fuckers who are vilgilante buffers...i know where the southside guy lives, still working on the guy from riverwest, but FUCK THOSE PEOPLE!



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back when graf meant something.....


i hate milwaukee, the people of milwaukee will take picture and put it in their newspapers, call certain parts of the city artsy and accept it more...fuck you! the minute you see someone doing it you call the cops, i think we should stop hating eachother and start hating those fucking heros with cell phone or those fuckers who are vilgilante buffers...i know where the southside guy lives, still working on the guy from riverwest, but FUCK THOSE PEOPLE!



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Ok. Let me put it to you AOW's in English. First of all, you need to learn how to communicate. Your grammar is despicable.


Secondly, You don't know anything about graffiti. It shows in everything you do. You are at the same level as CIK, If not WORSE. Everything I have ever seen, including your pinner tags on the street SUCK. Your boys may tell you that your all dat',, but the reality is that they do nothing but clown you behind your back. Your wiggitty wiggitty WAK!!! When a bunch of writers in this city get together, you guys are the laughing stock of the party, because you're NOBODYS! you have NO SKILLS! you don't know the rules, and you have never shown any RESPECT since day one. Aow is known as a TOY crew, and It always will be. None of you dudes will ever get good.....PERIOD! Keep pushing my buttons and I'll break it down even more for you fellas'


All out Wangstas'


YO. Bump that shit.

You have no fuckin idea of what your saying.


first off, The REAL AOW cats will burn the shit outta all you shit talkers.

NOME being the main one.

Habet....now hab is another story. habs a beast with his east and west coast styles. hes a fuckin beast.

Pase, got his easts on lock, and of course holds the fuckin city down on tags lately.

Merc, out in cali holdin it down on heavens and shit.

..........basically....all the origional cats, hold shit down.


now to the new generation, i have no idea whats up with them, but still....




so many more.....



btw, feel free to have me personalize a burner from nome to put you cats to shame.

send me a name...

i dare you.

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Ok. Let me put it to you AOW's in English. First of all, you need to learn how to communicate. Your grammar is despicable.


Secondly, You don't know anything about graffiti. It shows in everything you do. You are at the same level as CIK, If not WORSE. Everything I have ever seen, including your pinner tags on the street SUCK. Your boys may tell you that your all dat',, but the reality is that they do nothing but clown you behind your back. Your wiggitty wiggitty WAK!!! When a bunch of writers in this city get together, you guys are the laughing stock of the party, because you're NOBODYS! you have NO SKILLS! you don't know the rules, and you have never shown any RESPECT since day one. Aow is known as a TOY crew, and It always will be. None of you dudes will ever get good.....PERIOD! Keep pushing my buttons and I'll break it down even more for you fellas'


All out Wangstas'


YO. Bump that shit.

You have no fuckin idea of what your saying.


first off, The REAL AOW cats will burn the shit outta all you shit talkers.

NOME being the main one.

Habet....now hab is another story. habs a beast with his east and west coast styles. hes a fuckin beast.

Pase, got his easts on lock, and of course holds the fuckin city down on tags lately.

Merc, out in cali holdin it down on heavens and shit.

..........basically....all the origional cats, hold shit down.


now to the new generation, i have no idea whats up with them, but still....




so many more.....



btw, feel free to have me personalize a burner from nome to put you cats to shame.

send me a name...

i dare you.

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back when graf meant something.....


i hate milwaukee, the people of milwaukee will take picture and put it in their newspapers, call certain parts of the city artsy and accept it more...fuck you! the minute you see someone doing it you call the cops, i think we should stop hating eachother and start hating those fucking heros with cell phone or those fuckers who are vilgilante buffers...i know where the southside guy lives, still working on the guy from riverwest, but FUCK THOSE PEOPLE!



Meh.. if Milwaukee had about a million more people it wouldn't be that way.. too bad it's dying.

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