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Originally posted by Lonesome Cowboy Bill@Mar 19 2006, 09:49 PM

all you right-wing folks:



what is your take on Indian Resrevations and Tribes and how they fit into your image of the constitution and the idea of states rights?


thought this was relevant........


The Feds versus the Indians

by Thomas J. DiLorenzo

History books and the popular culture are full of stories about how "the white man" brutally mistreated the American Indians during the latter half of the nineteenth century. Greedy capitalists are usually portrayed as the villains, killing Indians by the thousands to make way for the railroads in particular and economic development of the West in general.

But it was neither all white men nor all capitalists who brutalized the American Indians. The dispossession of the Indians--culminating in the late 1880s with the surviving tribes of the West being herded onto reservations--was the result of a corrupt and immoral relationship between certain Northern industrialists, particularly government-subsidized railroads, and the federal politicians whose careers they financed and promoted.

The eradication of the Plains Indians by the Union army was an indirect form of corporate welfare for politically connected railroad companies who enlisted the coercive powers of the central state to steal Indian property while engaging in a genocidal policy. Like many citizens today, the Indians were victims of governmental power, not of capitalism or European culture, as today's politically-correct historians insist.

In July 1865, barely three months after Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox, General William Tecumseh Sherman was put in charge of the Military Division of the Missouri, which included everything west of the Mississippi. Many historians have sugarcoated Sherman's actions during this period by writing that his assignment was to help the U.S. achieve its long sought-after "Manifest Destiny."

In reality, Sherman's assignment was to provide a segment of the railroad industry, which heavily bankrolled the Republican party, with veiled corporate welfare in the form of eradicating the Indians of the West. In Sherman's own words: "We are not going to let a few thieving, ragged Indians check and stop the progress of the railroads.... I regard the railroad as the most important element now in progress to facilitate the military interests of our Frontier."

"We must act with vindictive earnestness against the Sioux," Sherman wrote to Ulysses S. Grant (commanding general of the federal army) in 1866, "even to their extermination, men, women and children." The Sioux must "feel the superior power of the Government." Sherman vowed to remain in the West" till the Indians are all killed or taken to a country where they can be watched."

"During an assault," he instructed his troops, "the soldiers cannot pause to distinguish between male and female, or even discriminate as to age." He chillingly referred to this policy in an 1867 letter to Grant as "the final solution to the Indian problem," a phrase Hitler invoked some 70 years later.

Sherman viewed the Indians, writes biographer John F. Marszalek, "as he viewed recalcitrant Southerners during the war and newly freed people after: resisters to the legitimate forces of an ordered society." Many other Union officers "such as Philip Sheridan, George Armstrong Custer, John Pope, Benjamin Grierson, and others" helped Sherman achieve his "final solution" by the late 1880s.

The great triumvirate of the Civil War," biographer Michael Fellman writes, referring to Grant, Sherman, and Sheridan, "applied their shared ruthlessness, born of their Civil War experiences, against a people all three despised."

Marszalek writes that in the Fall of 1868 Sherman instructed Sheridan to "act with all the vigor he had shown in the Shenandoah Valley during the final months of the Civil War," and he did. The two men popularized the phrase "a good Indian is a dead Indian," and Sherman promised to lead interference with the press if there was any talk of "atrocities."

Such talk would certainly have been appropriate, for the "final solution" was accomplished by hundreds of sneak attacks on Indian villages filled with women and children, which were wiped out by massive artillery and rifle fire. These "campaigns" were especially frequent in the winter months, when Indian families would be together.

It was also official government policy to slaughter as many buffalo as possible as a means of eventually starving out the Indians. It was not just the "tragedy of the commons" that was responsible for the near extinction of the American buffalo; it was official U.S. government policy.

Ironically, ex-slaves were recruited into the federal army to ethnically cleanse the American West. Movies have been made and books have been written in recent years celebrating these black "buffalo soldiers" by people who are apparently unaware (one hopes) that the black soldiers were taking part in genocide.

Sherman's ultimate objective "which he did not quite achieve" was murder of the entire Indian population. Just before his death in 1891 he bitterly complained in a letter to his son that if it were not for "civilian interference" by various government officials, he and his armies would have "gotten rid of them all."

Sherman's (and Lincoln's) close friend and former business associate, Grenville Dodge, was in charge of building the government-subsidized transcontinental railroads that were "protected" by Sherman's armies, and he did so in a thoroughly corrupt and inefficient manner.

Per-mile subsidies provided incentives for bilking the taxpayers by building winding, circuitous routes. Dodge even laid track on top of several feet of snow in the winter months, and then rebuilt them after the spring thaw, collecting twice the subsidies. The entire enterprise was so marred by corruption, inefficiency, and fraud that at one point (1893) all of the government-subsidized railroads were bankrupt.

In his rush to collect subsidies Dodge invaded private farms, forcing the owners to defend their property with rifles. When Indians acted in a similar way to protect their property, the army was called in.

Yet the great railroad entrepreneur James J. Hill built the Great Northern Railroad without a dime's worth of subsidies and no land grants. "Our own line in the North was built without any government aid," Hill boasted proudly in 1893. Unburdened by government regulation (in contrast to his subsidized competitors), Hill chose the best routes, built the sturdiest tracks, and paid the Indians and other landowners free-market prices for rights-of-way across their property.

But Hill was in the minority. The government-business partnership Lincoln established had turned its attention to the West after conquering the South, employing "the great triumvirate of the Civil War" for ethnic cleansing on behalf of government power and its corrupt corporate clients.


Thomas DiLorenzo teaches at Loyola College.

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here is why we need to know our rights.

survey given to marines at 29 palms recently.




This questionnaire is to gather data concerning the attitudes of combat trained personnel with regards to nontraditional missions. All of your responses are confidential. Write your answers directly on the questionnaire form. In Part II, place an "X" in the space provided for your response.


Part I. Demographics


1. What Service are you in?

2. What is your pay grade? (e.g. E-?, O-?)

3. What is your MOS code and description?

4. What is your highest level of education in years?

5. How many months did you serve in Operation Desert Storm/Desert Shield?

6. How many months did you serve in Somalia?

7. What state or country did you primarily reside in during childhood?


Part II. Attitudes


Do you feel that U.S. combat troops should be used within the United States for any of the following missions?


8. Drug enforcement

(___) (___) (___) (___) (___)

Strongly Agree agree No opinion Strongly disagree Disagree

9. Disaster relief (e.g. hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes)


[transcriber's note: questions #9 through #46 all provide the same range of response options as shown in question #8, above. The response options have been omitted from the remaining questions for brevity.]


10. Security at national events (e.g. Olympic Games, Super Bowl)

11. Environmental disaster clean-up

12. Substitute teachers in public schools

13. Community assistance programs (e.g. landscaping, environmental clean-up, road repair, animal control)

14. Federal and State prison guards

15. National emergency police force

16. Advisors to S.W.A.T units, the FBI, or the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (B.A.T.F.)

17. Border patrol (e.g. prevention of illegal aliens into U.S. territory.)


Do you feel that U.S. combat troops under U.S. command should be used in other countries for any of the following United Nations missions?


18. Drug enforcement

19. Disaster relief (hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes)

20. Environmental disaster clean-up

21. Peace keeping

22. Nation building/reconstruct civil government, develop public school system, develop or improve public transportation system, etc.)

23. Humanitarian relief (e.g. food and medical supplies, temporary housing, and clothing)


Do you feel that U.S. combat troops should be used in other countries, under command of non-U.S. officers appointed by the United Nations for any of the following missions?


24. Drug enforcement

25. Disaster relief (e.g. hurricanes, floods, fires, earthquakes)

26. Environmental disaster clean-up

27. Peace keeping

28. Nation building (Reconstruct civil government, develop public school system, develop or improve public transportation system, etc.

29. Humanitarian relief (e.g. food and medical supplies, temporary housing, and clothing)

30. Police Action (e.g. Korea, Vietnam, but serving under non-U.S. officers)


Consider the following statements:


31. The U.S. runs a field training exercise. U.N. combat troops should be allowed to serve in U.S. combat units during these exercises under U.S. command and control.

32. The United Nations runs a field training exercise. U.S. combat troops under U.S. command and control should serve in U.N. combat units during these exercises.

33. The United Nations runs a field training exercise. U.S. combat troops should serve under U.N. command and control during these exercises.

34. U.S. combat troops should participate in U.N. missions as long as the U.S. has full command and control.

35. U.S. combat troops should participate in U.N. missions under United Nations command and control.

36. U.S. combat troops should be commanded by U.N. officers and noncommissioned officers (NCOs) at battalion and company levels while performing U.N. missions.

37. It would make no difference to me to have U.N. soldiers as members of my team. (e.g. fire team, squad, platoon)

38. It would make no difference to me to take orders from a U.N. company commander.

39. I feel the President of the United States has the authority to pass his responsibilities as Commander-in-Chief to the U.N. Secretary General.

40. I feel there is no conflict between my oath of office and serving as a U.N. soldier.

41. I feel my unit's combat effectiveness would not be affected by performing humanitarian missions for the United Nations.

42. I feel a designated unit of U.S. combat soldiers should be permanently assigned to the command and control of the United Nations.

43. I would be willing to volunteer for assignment to a U.S. combat unit under a U.N. commander.

44. I would like U.N. member countries, including the U.S., to give the U.N. all the soldiers necessary to maintain world peace.

45. I would swear to the following code: "I am a United Nations fighting person. I serve in the forces which maintain world peace and every nation's way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense."

46. The U.S. government declares a ban on the possession, sale transportation, and transfer of all non-sporting firearms. A thirty (30) day amnesty period is permitted for these firearms to be turned over to the local authorities. At the end of this period, a number of citizen groups refuse to turn over their firearms. Consider the following statement: I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the U.S. government.

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lord casek.. you should go out and get a copy of "the politically incorrect guide to american history" if you dont have it already. thomas woods the guy who wrote it is awesome. (if you dont have the book)


also go to mises.org and download some of the lectures (tom woods has like 10 on american history) on the constitution and taxes. good stuff.

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