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partying in portland...


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chill out man, im not trying to start beef im just trying to bring some flicks and when people say dumb shit i call them out. when did i say that posting flicks from a crew made you affiliated? you were talking shit about me posting tmr yet you post pbsk. not hating pbsk ive met a few of you and you seem like hommies, but if you couldnt read the kbar throw or even just recogize his style then you are obviously new to the game and have no right to talk not that im some og but shit man. you ask too many questions about shit you shouldnt. just go back to posting flicks and stop talking.

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fuck off the homie lookup will fuck you up you probably dont even know where he lives or what race he is look at you fuckin groupies quite it already oh yeah post somemore shit on you thread cuz it sucks dick fools living there graff carrers on a couple of trains fools that never really killed it think there the shit fuck off bmb will tear a fuckin hole in your ass them fools got sickass train not a bunch of exageration to cover their flaws get it straight pussys we will kill you pussys we see you in our yards


:) i hope you wernt talking to me cuz your boy is a fucking pussy. hands down hes already been running and yes what he looks like is known, but after ibd catches him you mite not be able to regognize him anymore....hahahahahahaha

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fuck off the homie lookup will fuck you up you probably dont even know where he lives or what race he is look at you fuckin groupies quite it already oh yeah post somemore shit on you thread cuz it sucks dick fools living there graff carrers on a couple of trains fools that never really killed it think there the shit fuck off bmb will tear a fuckin hole in your ass them fools got sickass train not a bunch of exageration to cover their flaws get it straight pussys we will kill you pussys we see you in our yards

Thats funny because I could have sworn I saw a dark curly haired, bugged eyed hipster with a white beanie, writing 'lookup' on the corner of shaver & mallory. though, what do I know, right. those IBD guys are probably just pussies. Hey lookup, if you're reading this, how was that fashon show at deadwave?

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Geso will kill that guy.I saw him fight 3 people and win ..and they were all fucked up.and then he called on a hole croud..IBD is crazy..that kid lookup is so dead,.i love the trains trav geso regal geso..I sawsome new tags around town..are they living here?If so i feel bad for who ever gets in there way.

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not jealous just telling the truth.hes up in one area and its a illusion that hes up in the hole city..i walk around and see regal bonus and other people way more than him.just dont like his stuff and i think his fillins arnt good.that is what this thread is for to post photos and comment???who said i have to like adek..

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