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partying in portland...


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i always thought faggs jocked other dudes hella hard or bitched about them to other faggs out of jealousy. you can replace the word faggs with toys or bitches or nobodies you get the point.


if somebody as dumb as you likes my graffiti i'm doing something wrong. you cant deny were up. you get up enough you are remembered you leave your mark on that place and time. nobodies gonna remember all the toys and faggs who never got up but ran there mouths alot on 12oz.


your sweating vear dosent do anything but make you look like a jocker. when will fools get this?




I,m with tooth on this one. used to think vear had some skill. must be hangin with the outlaw faggots to much.. some of the gayest shit ive seen..and getting gayer by the moment.


Just cause your up doesnt mean your not a toy.

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fuck. all this shit is so annoying. every other post is someone saying that outlaws is whack and that they are a bunch of toys. as someone who pays attention to the graff in this city, i know for a fucking fact, that there are really not that many people in this city who get up who aren't toys, and of the few who do come clean, a grip of those cats are either on outlaws or close to them. straight up. so, unless you're running shit in some other city, and are coming on this thread to bitch about some shit that doesnt concern you, then most of you motherfuckers who keep saying shit about outlaws, are not, never were, and never will be 1/2 as good as them.


im right.


**and, if you claim to be better then outlaws, and you don't see your shit getting posted on here. then you are not better then outlaws and thus shouldn't say shit.

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i always thought faggs jocked other dudes hella hard or bitched about them to other faggs out of jealousy. you can replace the word faggs with toys or bitches or nobodies you get the point.


if somebody as dumb as you likes my graffiti i'm doing something wrong. you cant deny were up. you get up enough you are remembered you leave your mark on that place and time. nobodies gonna remember all the toys and faggs who never got up but ran there mouths alot on 12oz.


your sweating vear dosent do anything but make you look like a jocker. when will fools get this?



BAHAHAHAHAAAAAA... ae you fucking kidding me? listen toy, what the fuck ever happened to quality. nowadays a kid can pick up a can jock this wack ass hipster ``style`` and do what this omg idiot does and somehow they dont get dissed, they get praised. gimmie a fuckin break. and that vear garbage is shit.


i aint down with fraudulant graff and thats what that is. if theres anyone older than 25 reading this listen up. could you imagine what would happen if some idiot tried putting that on a wall in 95? ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. could you?


good graff would be recognized in any era. take the mid 90`s kings and put there shit onna wall today. still sickning.


stop doing that garbage your making a mockery of graffiti. and yourselves.

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your not slick...


i think you was suckin on mommas teet a little to long fuckface. its called camoflauuuuge hoe hoe hoe.


now go stand in the corner and think about what you said while i throw rocks at your head.


foolish young hipster, the joke is on you. and your funny haircut.

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