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partying in portland...


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ya know.. they say they want pete cuz he paints over shit b4 they get a chance yo document the vandalism... why dont they just down load his before pictures of the work he does... i dont trust it.. the media or the cops...


because in court to have to show a "chain of custody", and pictures taken by a non-LEO would be considered "fruit of the tainted tree"; any good lawyer would beat the case saying Pete did the graffiti then Pete buffed the graffiti because Pete is an attention whore.

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i gurantee that they dont do shit to pete, and have him like flick the shit he buffs before he buffs it, oddio why or who would trusts the media? and especially cops, media & cops both fucking shad assholes! btw nice post bro always keepin it real! SIX is like super the Truth!! love that guys style!


dont get me wrong.. i wouldnt trust either anyway.. but i think they are trying to get other concerned citizens to turn him in thinking that he is making it harder to build cases against writers... shit, my dad even said, what if he were to buff his work when they get hit, would the cops be against that? which he would never do, cuz i got him knowin whats up...

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anybody see that jukes down in the industrial? saw it on my way back home from osu someone should flick it! loke clean as usual!


no diss.. i like jukes shit.. but its not exactly clean.. and which industrial area can you see coming from osu? by old spagetti factory?

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