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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Nah, I just really believe in ERD that shit is easy to use. Other then going into safe mode, but he is more likely to do that cause I doubt he is 1337 enough to change the admin password when he first installed.

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If you're browsing the wares at your local iPod-peddlin' location, but don't want to look like a fool when you get home and discover you just bought a silver shuffle with the old school headphones -- or perhaps the inverse is true -- then you might be pleased to hear that it's easy to spot the difference: the brand new silver shuffle has silver accents on the cardboard backing, while the old version was dressed up with green. Happy hunting!

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i was being nosey and clicked that link and some crazy shit came up. what the hell is that a list for? a few police depts and goverments on there...if you dont wanna say on here answer me in a PM


when you download from p2p and torrent sites, govt agencies, etc scan you. trying to find out what you're downloading.

peerguardian attempts to block them.


it works very well. want a tutorial?

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i was being nosey and clicked that link and some crazy shit came up. what the hell is that a list for? a few police depts and goverments on there...if you dont wanna say on here answer me in a PM



it came up for you??


sob what the fuck a router must be blocking this shit or something


Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at http://www.btack.info.nyud.net:8080.

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hey casek i clicked thwe link and got this


Please stop requesting pages that don't exist.

I was happily reading my logs until you came along!


You requested /forums/ind...67c65dec7c292e. Well it doesn't exist. Maybe it did once. I dunno. Please Check the address and try again.


Please clear your browser cache or whatever you have to do to request resources that actually exist.




(the hard working server admin bod)










hmmm pg is going bad wtf

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many of you may know, that we are having problems with our list servers, because we lost our main server and beacuse peeps are abusing our lists on a bigger scale, hammering the servers etcpp.


So, we were forced to use some kind of automated restriction system on our servers, which has limits on the "hits" (not the actual downloads) on our servers per day. It does not matter if you are behind a proxy or if its your actual IP, it will get you after a certain amount of time in the blocklist on the list servers when the IP is over the limit we set.


So, trying over and over again, will not help you getting the lists - wait and try the next day would be a better advice. And there is no need at this point, to update your lists daily, beacuse we are not updating em on a daily basis atm.


If you are forced to use a proxy by your isp, we are very sorry. Try to not use it, if you can. Try using another proxy.


At this point, regarding our list servers, all IPs get the same status and will be blocked after reaching the daily limit. If that IP is under the limit on the next day it will be able to get the lists until it reaches the limit again.

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