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that can happen. but hell, if pay is good....


spam i got earlier:



Laugh at me if you like, butchange your clothes.

Don Cosmo made a sign to his nephew to go upstairs again, in silence.

Because Ishould be doing myself a service as well!

And he went to fetch from the hall his big hooded cloak, still soakedwith the rain.

Sangue della Madonna, what had age to do with it?

You have the audacity to seekrefuge here with your companions in infamy? Whereupon Don Cosmo, shapinghis lips, emitted his habitual laugh, a triple Oh!

All that night he had remained out of doors, wandering about, a preyto hallucinations.

Don Cosmo made a sign to his nephew to go upstairs again, in silence. By this time all the seaports arecertain to have received orders from Palermo for our arrest.

Because Ishould be doing myself a service as well!

On the threshold the three mastiffs stood hesitating and bewildered.

When moved, the corpse revealed on its bloodstained breastfour medals. Oh, its delicious, was Don Cosmos invariable answer.

And who could it be at that hour, and in such vile weather?

LAUTE UNO LAUTENTWICKELUNG / der /Mundart Ton Girgenti.

Before the light comes, for heavens sake! I shall remember to be annoyed about it in themorning, when I get up. This suggestion was overruled by a wise observation from Lino Apes:What do you mean?

We canremain in hiding just outside the town, until he has hired the boat! Mauro had shouted at him, almost clawing his face with hishands. The barks were a warning that there was somebody outside thevilla. At the sound of their masters voice the dogs abandoned the assault,without however ceasing to bark.

Perhaps, Don Cosmo murmured, you would be doing him a service.

Donna Sara had eaten nothing for two days.

I know one who is a friend of mine,absolutely to be trusted.

He has put out the light, he told his uncle, as he rose from hisstooping posture. He went on:His sister, the Princes wife, ran away, last night, with the DeputyCapolino.

Lino Apes opened his eyes and inquired, with a show of terror:A man-eater?

Sangue della Madonna, what had age to do with it? And Don Cosmo, who had come hurrying to the door withCosta, called from above:Landino! Give thanks to God, that your name is GerlandoLaurentano!




-perhaps makros is sending spam now>?

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Spyware attacks! Windows Safe Mode is no Longer Safe.


Kevin Souter


Spyware and virii are getting craftier. New methods allow them to boot up even when the user attempts to use safe mode; making them extremely hard to remove.


Many of us have run into an annoying and time-consuming error. With your machine running goofey you decide to run a scan for trojans and spyware. Following the scan, which usually takes fourty minutes or longer if you scan the entire system, you are hit with the "access denied" error. Frustrating, for sure, but being the savvy computer user that you are you decide to boot to safe mode to take care of the issue. No spyware can load when booted to safe mode, right?




The newer variants of the CoolWebSearch, HuntBar, and VX2 infections all load even when safe mode is used. There are a few different ways of accomplishing this, the most common being that the spyware registers itself as a critical system process. This ensures that it is loaded regardless of what happens, and makes it much harder to shut down.


If you can't prevent it from loading then how do you kill it? The answer to that is easier than it might seem. If you're running Windows 98 or ME, then the easiest way is to boot to DOS, and use a command-line scanner to search your hard drive. These scans actually tend to run a bit faster, since they have more system resources available to them courtesy of no GUI being loaded.


"Well, that's all fine and dandy", you're likely thinking to yourself, "I run Windows XP. You can't read it from DOS." True. You can't read NTFS hard disks from DOS. However, you can use Barts PE.


Barts PE is effectively a stripped version of Windows XP. It boots completely from a CD, and loads a simple graphical user interface. Coupled with plugins, McAfee, for example, you can scan your entire computer without the fear that your nifty little infection has somehow loaded.


For more information on how to setup Barts PE and McAfee within it, visit:





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Thanks...I'm taking a break from Linux so I can concentrate on Tiny XP. It's fascinating and frustrating at the same time...much in the same way that Linux was when I first started using it.


Here's my latest challenge. I want my P4 box to be a server. It's running TXP Vista, has the RAID configured the way I want it, and is generally a very stable machine. I'm currently trying to bring my old HP Celeron box back to life beacuse it's slightly faster and has more RAM, but there's all kinds of hardware weirdness happening that I can't figure out...the biggest issues are that my left mouse button only works about 25% of the time, and when I try to install TXP 4 or 5 the only video I can get is 640x480. With TXP Vista, the video is normal but I want a smaller system for performance reasons. It's got the Intel 810 chipset w/onboard video, and I've screwed around with it for a couple of days now and had no luck with either of these problems.


I've got a couple of error codes, so the next time I get them I'll write them down. I think the BIOS is the culprit, but beyond flashing and resetting the CMOS I don't know what else to do...I'm looking for a way to upgrade the BIOS (Phoenix 6.0, I believe) but it's been a wild goose chase so far.


I'm a little frazzled by all of this, and by computers in general. It happens. The P4 is a trouper, though. Good thing I finally have a second machine to use.

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so im downloading an emulator (at zsnes) for a super nintendo. all goes well. then i wanted to download some games. i started by trying to download lagoon. i get the file and its an .smc file, and it says wondows cant open this kind of file... so what do i do? i already tried google, no dice.

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