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Free Agent: Run Multiple Virtual PCs for Free

Virtualization software lets you try out new OSes and programs without the risks and hassles of an actual installation.


Scott Spanbauer



Though you can never have too much speed, modern PCs are more than equal to the task of running basic productivity programs and Web browsers in a Linux-based graphical user interface. If your PC has untapped RAM, disk space, and CPU horsepower, here's a great way to put that horsepower to work: Install a virtual operating system.


Virtualization lets your main OS run copies of other OSes the same way you run programs, either in a window or full-screen. The host OS (a Linux distribution or Microsoft Windows) and the virtualization software assign resources--network connections, optical drives, memory and the like--to the virtualized operating system, which behaves as if it controls the entire PC.


Who should use virtualization software? If you're contemplating dual- or triple-booting operating systems on your PC, or you want to see how a new version of your current distribution behaves before upgrading, you'll want to consider it. Virtualization software allows you to install and run a new OS without having to repartition your drive or reboot your main operating system. Virtualization also lets you do risky things, like browse the Web using an unpatched version of Windows XP, without endangering the host system. Should someone hack into your virtualized OS, the damage remains within the confines of the virtual container--to undo the damage, all you have to do is delete the virtual drive.


Until recently, virtualization was an expensive proposition. But recent events have given Linux and Windows users a choice of several powerful, free, virtualization tools.

The Art of Xen

Click for full image.


XenSource's Xen 3.0 is a free, open-source virtualization server that works with any Linux distribution and comes partially preinstalled in Novell's SuSE Linux 10.1 and OpenSuSE 10.1, and Red Hat's Enterprise Linux 5 and Fedora Core 5 distributions.


Because Xen is small and runs as part of the Linux kernel, it has a reputation for good performance: Given enough memory, virtualized OSes should run nearly as fast as the host OS. However, Xen has a few drawbacks. For example, both host and guest operating systems must be recompiled to work with Xen, which limits the operating systems and distributions you can use. (See the Xen Wiki for a complete list.) Notably, you cannot currently run Windows XP virtually under Xen.


Most importantly, be prepared to become an expert at installing and configuring Xen; familiarizing yourself with the user manual is a good way to start.

VMWare: Not Choosy

Click for full image.


If you want to run Windows XP--or any other OS compatible with your computer's processor--in a virtual machine under Linux, bypass Xen and go directly to VMWare's free VMWare Virtual Server. The benefits are mostly the same as those of Xen 3.0--you can try out new operating systems and run risky programs under XP with no fear that malware will take over your PC--but the performance lag is more noticeable than with Xen.


Once you've installed VMWare Virtual Server (a multistep process that's well-documented in its user manual), you can install the operating system of your choice within a virtual machine, or skip the installation and simply download and plug in one of dozens of "virtual applications"--preinstalled and preconfigured VMWare virtual machine image files--from the company's Virtual Appliances directory. Ranging in size from a few megabytes to a gigabyte, VMWare's virtual applications include full-blown Linux distributions, databases, software firewalls, wikis, PBXs, proxy servers, and security suites.

Microsoft's Offering


Finally, you might want to try virtualizing the other way around. Not to be out-freebied, Microsoft recently released a free virtualization program of its own, Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2, which runs Linux and other operating systems under Windows XP Professional Edition or Windows Server 2003. (Sorry, it won't work with Windows XP Home Edition.) The security benefits are different, but someone out there will undoubtedly want to run Linux under Windows, if only to dip a toe in the open-source waters before jumping ship.

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More 64-Bit-Only Pressure for Vista


Microsoft has been cutting feature after feature from the original Vista spec sheet in a bid to keep its new OS somewhere close to schedule for release. Lastest thing to go, however, isn't fully gone. Reports are in that Microsoft has cut support for next-gen hi-def video playback on Vista, but that's only partially true.


All versions of Vista running on 32-bit processers won't be able to play HD content--that's HDTV recordings, BluRay and HDD-DVDs, too. But those running on true 64-bit CPUs will be able to handle hi-def video. More grist for that Wintel conspiracy deal, eh?



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pi=3 1/8 babylonians 2200BC

pi=(16/9)^2=3.16 egypt 2000BC

pi=3 I kings 7:23,II Chronicles 4:2,500 BC *Bible is right dont make waves

pi=3.14163 archimedes 300bc

pi=355/113=3.1415929 valentinus 1573

pi=3.1415926535897932 I Newton 1665

pi=20 places Euler 1755 1Hr

pi=205 digits Johann Dase 1844 2 months

pi= 16/sqr(3) or 9.23 bill 246 indiana state law 1897

pi to 840 places Ferguson (desk calculator) 1947 3yrs

2000 places EINAC 1949 70 Hr

3000 places NORAC 1955 13 minutes (NavalOrdanceResearchCalculator)

7500 places pegasus (london)1957 33H

10,000 places IBM 704 1958 1Hr43Min

16,167 places IBM 704 1959 4.3Hr

20,000 places IBM 7090 1961 39Min

100,000 places IBM 7090 1961 8hr

250,000 places IBM 7030 1966

500,000 places CDC 6600 1967 28Hr

Taken from A History of PI by Petr Beckman,St Martins press

1,000,000 places CDC 7600 1973 24Hr

29,360,000 places Cray-2 1986

134,217,000 places NEC SX-2 1987

201,000,000 places NEC SX-2 1988

From: Ron Freimuth - Fido Science Echo.

480,000,000 places Gregory and David Chudnovsky, Columbia Univ Jun 1989

From: Jerry Lewis - Fido Science echo.

This last one if printed out is supposed to be 600miles long ... if its a


printer 132 columns 60 lines its 63,000 Sheets 21 boxes of paper or 12 Miles

of paper I guess the 600 miles is for one line in Pica.. Cray-2 and IBM-VF


several months of interupted time. Maybe Pi will come out in CDRom soon.

Maybe someone can append more to this list or maybe someone from Columbia can

give a bit more detail on the 500M digits.

The Biblical refrences you asked apout... the diameter of solomns temple bowl

and the circumference are given... in both th non cronological books

lets look for beowolf .. and trhe golden apples..

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130,000 digits of PI


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toilet papering, tee-pee-ing, etc.

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i am king damnit

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toilet papering, tee-pee-ing, etc.

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Today 04:18 AM

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opps that one was only 14 threads i topped


here this one is 15



Snapple Thread!@!

by Graffitispot!


Today 05:08 AM

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non ipod MP3 players?? ( 1 2 )

by beardo


Today 05:05 AM

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toilet papering, tee-pee-ing, etc.

by sarcasm


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by Mainter


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who keeps up a BLOG?

by fr8lover


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The Most Incredible/Stupid Knife

by Arbitrarian


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im gonna take my ass to bed now see you kids around 2:00 pm EST

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