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Re: Maine Funk


wowzers! This threads getting too rich for my blood. sadly it predominantly features posts by cats from the same fucking crews or friends bumping the shit out of eachother. You forgot to throw in the Turdle from philly, among a million others cats who share names with the rest of the people on this thread.

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Re: Maine Funk


snap son!!! i wasn't taking any stabs at you. I don't take stabs at any of the older heads... My problem is with these groupie hoes up here jocking the shit out of every tom, dick, and harry that throws 1000 colors and an elaborate scheme into some half funky letters, and has a good attitude. I try to not even be disrespectful and put anybodys name out there specifically, because the rest of the "supporters" are going to say i'm a hater or i'm jealous. Would you really cosign somebody who's rocking other peoples outlines? I know you see all of the outright bites, not just of letters but of entire styles.? You really going to say that everybody that's on the asylum should be there? It's a terrible situation when the entire scene consists of one group of friends, that pretty much make up one crew. I really don't hate this thread, i hate the replies as much as anybody else does. A lot of the people i'm commenting on - i like their shit, i just don't like the way they are.

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Re: Maine Funk


I can't say I don't agree with you Major. Everyone is doing legals and art shows and commissions like they ME !!! I wanna see some fuckin' graffiti on this thread by young dudes with nothing to lose but some sneaker tread !!!

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Re: Maine Funk


Nothing is different than it ever was. "These days" are pretty much the same as 'those days", people look different, styles change, butall in all, things stay the same. None of you are old enough to be jaded about anything. Being jaded is giving up on something.


Legal walls have always been that way, they are not an open invitation for anybody. They are run selectively, so that they look good at the end of the day.


Go out and paint graffiti, stop wasting your time talking about painting graffiti on here. Lets see photos.


Go fucking paint.


Go fucking paint.


GO out and paint. Go DO graffiti. Thats what its all about, nothing more. None of my style influences were remembered for how much they talked about graffiti.


Respect to all those people in Maine not on here wasting their time talking and actually writing.

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