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Ici Montréal


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yeah i too think this is a good opportunity to end all beefs, and make their names famous for something good that way. make it so they didnt die for nothing. probably wont happen though..

i just remember 99 when everyone knew everyone and there was not a single beef going on,

you could go to any party without a weapon, and only having to worry about 5'0 when painting

or going out. life was dope. today is just sad with all the ego wars and people getting bricks to

the head for going over a tag with a throwup, come on people!


Doing graff out of hate was never the right way to go about it, look back at history.

I'd rather paint with every writer than go over every writer, why stick with 3 people and go

to war with the world? you will loose in the end, youre simply outnumbered, you got no chance.

everyone knows, if you live by the sword you'll die by the sword. talking to you ****.

graffiti wars just go on and on and on, wasting paint on same spots, going over same people,

it could only be fun to a semi-retard and youre not a semi-retard, are you?

Its not even us against cops, its just us doing it, we all got different reasons, we all got different

stories, meet other writers to get to know theirs and get YOUR story out.

I dont mean hold hands or suck each others dicks, just show respect to people who are in

the same boat as you. The same fucking prison.

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never knew the guys either, but i still feel affected by this tragedy. it could have been any of us. the whole graff scene is in mourning and is behind all of the boys who lost their homies. RIP

and damo, you couldnt be more right man. some positive should come out of this tragedy.

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yeah i too think this is a good opportunity to end all beefs, and make their names famous for something good that way. make it so they didnt die for nothing. probably wont happen though..

i just remember 99 when everyone knew everyone and there was not a single beef going on,

you could go to any party without a weapon, and only having to worry about 5'0 when painting

or going out. life was dope. today is just sad with all the ego wars and people getting bricks to

the head for going over a tag with a throwup, come on people!


Doing graff out of hate was never the right way to go about it, look back at history.

I'd rather paint with every writer than go over every writer, why stick with 3 people and go

to war with the world? you will loose in the end, youre simply outnumbered, you got no chance.

everyone knows, if you live by the sword you'll die by the sword. talking to you ****.

graffiti wars just go on and on and on, wasting paint on same spots, going over same people,

it could only be fun to a semi-retard and youre not a semi-retard, are you?

Its not even us against cops, its just us doing it, we all got different reasons, we all got different

stories, meet other writers to get to know theirs and get YOUR story out.

I dont mean hold hands or suck each others dicks, just show respect to people who are in

the same boat as you. The same fucking prison.


thank you for putting this out. i truly second this. all beef should be ended. everything can be talked out i am sure... why change someones life for the worse over some stupid shit?? so much misunderstandings and style/crew incompability out there but yet we are all in the same game. we have to be more human and forgiving. forgiving shows true character unlike gratuitously stomping some fool with no remorse.... i don't get the violence. i would be a volunteer six for any peer and i admire anyone who wants to do good to others.


rest in peace jays. today was really hard, i really couldn't think about anything else. graffiti is so deep for that reason, fucking poetry in motion... your presence is still felt. i still see your signs of life on everything. wish i hadn't flaked out that time we tried to make plans.... it's such an awry thought to carry now. it sucks that it took your passing to make everyone realize how life is precious.


but please know that you did not die in vain. i definately do not see life the same way. i am alot more greatful and want to do good only. you are a legend and you will forever have a place in my heart.

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Shit's sad for sure, never met the kid but had a lot of respect for his work, like anybody else i guess. Was hard not to notice his stuff all around town.

Picture i caught on this day, painting drinking, and being thankfull I still have my homies close to me

To his familly and friends, keep up, lifes a bitch.

sincere condoleances R.I.P young Jays



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yeah i too think this is a good opportunity to end all beefs, and make their names famous for something good that way. make it so they didnt die for nothing. probably wont happen though..

i just remember 99 when everyone knew everyone and there was not a single beef going on,

you could go to any party without a weapon, and only having to worry about 5'0 when painting

or going out. life was dope. today is just sad with all the ego wars and people getting bricks to

the head for going over a tag with a throwup, come on people!


Doing graff out of hate was never the right way to go about it, look back at history.

I'd rather paint with every writer than go over every writer, why stick with 3 people and go

to war with the world? you will loose in the end, youre simply outnumbered, you got no chance.

everyone knows, if you live by the sword you'll die by the sword. talking to you ****.

graffiti wars just go on and on and on, wasting paint on same spots, going over same people,

it could only be fun to a semi-retard and youre not a semi-retard, are you?

Its not even us against cops, its just us doing it, we all got different reasons, we all got different

stories, meet other writers to get to know theirs and get YOUR story out.

I dont mean hold hands or suck each others dicks, just show respect to people who are in

the same boat as you. The same fucking prison.


Chui daccord avec ske ta dit et compris de qui tu parles. Je pense pas que cet accident va changer les gens et cest bien dommage.

Il faut aussi savoir se remettre en question soi meme

PEace et REP

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Fucking tragic shit. Condolences to the families of all three of these young guys... that is way too soon to go, and in such a tragic way. They didn't experience life to the fullest.


RIP to all 3 of them.


Be safe on those tracks and look twice... keep your ears open for the rails clicking as mentioned by a few people earlier in the thread...


Also, cosign on what damo wrote.



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Fuck man I still cant believe this, I didnt know these boys personally but I'd seen their shit all over... Just makes me think it could've been any of us too, it's such a known spot. I just hope some solidarity amongst graffers can emerge from this tragedy. Rest in paint boys, I wrote yall a lil poem:


First snow of the year, day before hallow's eve

3 boys leave this life like autumn's fallen leaves

Funk's Jays and Aber and their homie Riccardo

Man this is fucked, even though I didnt personally know-

Them, I knew their spots, tags and throwies all over montreal

I hope their souls find solace, their names will stay on the walls

They left their mark on this city and that's for real

Better than any tombstone on a cemetary hill...

All I can say is watch out and stay vigilant on the tracks

RIP boys and wordup to all MTL bombers, stay intact.

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holy shit this is sad to hear.. i only met him once this past august, but thats more than enough to be bummed the fuck out by this news. he seemed like a nice dude forsure. my thoughts go out to family and friends of the three that passed... R.I.P.

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