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yer safe sire i use your blog for my classwork for graff projecks and stuff like that


that luke dude is a lil prick as if you wright your real name up

he may aswell put his address up like you say stupid toy

safe all :haha: :haha:

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why do these twats keep admitting to the tags they do!? they deserve an ASBO if they can't keep their damn mouths shut. Makes me wonder what kind of pressure the police are putting on them when they've been caught...


at least thats two less idiots putting a bad name on graffiti

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i've got two main thoughts on the issue:

1) these toys put the heat on the real writers in the first place, which makes me want to go out and deface some faces, but then

2) the police are happy catching them, not bothering putting cases together against the true drb scene, leaving the rest of us to go about our routine.


if :five-o: are satisfied catching lukey bucko, thats fine with me, as long as we're all safe.



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Props ta the TFD madman!! see ya been busy down tha courts. checked out the soon to be opened hip hop shop on saddlergate the other day, props ta the boys paintin up there (you know who ya are) shits lookin good.Big up ta everyone that represented at homegrown last saturday, was a heavy show! the Dirty Dark Breakers rinsed it!!! Next Homegrown on the 10th December, BIG TINGS A GWARN!!!


stay hooked on tha vapours boys!! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


one love

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its not a free for all. i didnt know anything about opi paintin this piece. i deffinately wouldnt want t c people just cappin shit. if people are gonna choose to go over over peoples stuff i would like to c some production work. the aim of this project was to make the place look good so that i could take it some where else as a demonstration and try and get all of us some where to paint, like another court. i will say this tho there are cameras goin up there at some point due to the fires and tagging of the building. boulton lane is not a legal spot but i think if it is approached properly it could be in the future just use ya loaf. if ya not checked my blog recently i would like some feed back on my digital magazine production fellas.

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OPI & VEKS... Chad park, Derby


shoulda emulsioned these boards first, u can still see all the little chaddites scrawlings underneath... we're trying to get the authorities to remove the boards so we got the whole wall to paint, the park ranger seemed to be into the idea so it might actually happen.

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