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Don't Call it Frisco


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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


as much as i support your photos phunk,

wassup wit the book?

u puttin together a portfolio? hahaha

if u really care bout frisco graff, if anything

u should be trying to work wit other folks to get some serious frisco

graff book together...

sounds like u riding pretty high on your horse.

most of us hold down school and jobs and have

been flickin for way longer than you.

no offense, but if anyone had an expensive camera and hella time

they could do the same...

just remember u aint the only one...

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as much as i support your photos phunk,

wassup wit the book?

u puttin together a portfolio? hahaha

if u really care bout frisco graff, if anything

u should be trying to work wit other folks to get some serious frisco

graff book together...

sounds like u riding pretty high on your horse.

most of us hold down school and jobs and have

been flickin for way longer than you.

no offense, but if anyone had an expensive camera and hella time

they could do the same...

just remember u aint the only one...



c. clarence,


i'm tempted to respond in depth to your comments, but i tend to think that this isn't the place for that conversation. if you want to have a dialogue about this, feel free to pm me and i'll be happy to discuss it with you.


i'll just say a couple things, though. for the last 2 years on this forum and elsewhere, writers have urged me over and over to put together a book of my graff photos. now that i'm finally working my butt off to make that happen, a small number of people want to attack me for it. i guess the lesson is that it's impossible to please everybody. damned if i do, damned if i don't. nonetheless, i'm working hard to create something worthwhile, respectful, and lasting. my guess is that you have no idea who i'm working with, how many people are involved, how hard we're working, what i've sacrificed to make this happen or how careful and fair i am trying to be. you made a lot of assumptions in your comments, most of which just aren't true.


to my knowledge, there has never --never -- been a decent photo book showcasing/documenting the bay graff scene. i'm working my ass off to try to finally make that happen. i'm doing my best, which is all any of us can do. will it be perfect? nope. will i do my best to create something positive, cool, vivid, fair, and accurate? absolutely. will people still complain loudly? probably, and that's kind of sad.


i welcome your help and ideas and those of any others who want to contact me. seriously.


thanks, peace and happy holidays,



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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


if u wanna do the bay scene justice, u cant make a book wit only your flix.

youve only been photographing for what 2 years?!

i respect your work, and i know who youre working with...

im not downing u, but if u wanna make a tight book, do it right...

i got a photo collection that probably double or triples your stacks...

do yo thing, but if its only your flix,

you wont do frisco no justice, cause everyting will be from the last 3 years....

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


wtf? i would never dream of jockin yall.... 2 years? ur homies aint even been in the city that long....

we got us a comedian.


anyways, i'll post up some flix.... cause all this talk sucks.

most my old classic flix are hard copy, so these digis are just shit from the last

years.... sorry.

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wtf? i would never dream of jockin yall.... 2 years? ur homies aint even been in the city that long....

we got us a comedian.


anyways, i'll post up some flix.... cause all this talk sucks.

most my old classic flix are hard copy, so these digis are just shit from the last

years.... sorry.


scroll through your post. 2 years bitch!

thats why you dont answer those pms.... halfsteppin hater.....

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


with the attitiude that the only accurate representation of bay graff is to go all the way back to the begining:"you wont do frisco no justice, cause everyting will be from the last 3 years...." then why stop there? i mean why not go all the way back to begining of modern graffiti. that would be more accurate. the times that inspired san francisco. before san francisco graff. or why not go all the way back to cavemen writing on cave walls? i guess my point is that thereis no way to accurately portray history. especially when only one person is doing it. but it sure would be a long book if everyone had their flicks and stories to tell. the past 3 years of graff in the bay are maybe not the most descriptive of what the san francisco scene stands for, but they are definately not irrelevant. i believe in future years the documentation that mr funk has contributed will be widely renouned and, definately not complete or 100 percent accurate, but definately well appreciated. and seriously, do you think when history is being made; the makers are sitting around worrying and complaining that the books might be inaccurate? most of "history" you read in books is bullshit based, biased oppinions of people we dont give a fuck about anyway. if you think you can do better than that go ahead and try. gauranteed not everyone will agree. funk is a hell aof a photographer, cool, easy going guy who gives more than two shits about what we do here. and thats more than i can say for most people in his classial position(not to judge).or most people in general. the book will be good regaurdless. people will bitch regaurdless. and most of those peopl who bitch will not ever come close to exposing a perspective that does better "justice". and i dont mean to direct this toward clarence. im simply trying to explain my pespective on the matter. much respect to all. and happy jesus day.

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


phunk, drop your book, do your thang, get your fame.

im sure it will be succesful and interesting...

but if its only your flix, it wont do the scene justice.

if youre serious about doing something for the graff scene,

then do it right. its not your art u should be concerned about,

but the art your flicking... think about it.

if its gonna be your portfolio, dont front like its for the community...

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