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Don't Call it Frisco


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you fucking bitches need to get off the dick though. the oze was dissed before blude hit that . he just had the respect to completely cover the diss. so if you have anything to say about oze having something over it you should talk to who ever dissed it in the first place. if you can figure out who did. people always decide to pay attention to things at the wrong time; often clouding their perspective of reality.:rolleyes:

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you fucking bitches need to get off the dick though. the oze was dissed before blude hit that . he just had the respect to completely cover the diss. so if you have anything to say about oze having something over it you should talk to who ever dissed it in the first place. if you can figure out who did. people always decide to pay attention to things at the wrong time; often clouding their perspective of reality.:rolleyes:
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oh you fucking ass we are so fucking in debt.

two of our "employees" are on unemployment, we owe over 7,000


none the less we did this shit for the love, and bootleggin is bound to happen but dont fucking say we are making any money.


thanks dickhead.


k well i wont put it up then. did you really need to add all those words that wernt so nice though

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


that dude destn rolled through philly a cpl years ago, did a lotta damage along my train line.. I dig his styles, even his hands, an comn from a philly dude, thats props. I always wondered where he was comin from at... never dropped SF anywehre I saw, but when i came out to SF last year, i was like if this ain't the dudes homeland, he's got killer king type status. (cause there was so much work)

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