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Don't Call it Frisco


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not tryna make an ass out of you but it was an ALSO?:cool:

yeah.. i saw that a little after i posted it.

but thats only because i was like this ---> :mad2: and then like this ----> :hatred:

for the record, im not also. skreenname, you are a dumbass. and i really like your O you did in your also throwup. do you mind if i use it?

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Re: Don't Call it Frisco


im not also either skreen name, i just wanted to put your punk ass in your place for steppin outta line. Also`s letters are level too. look at them, they all are even and straight, shits clean too. your shit is all over the place. dean called it, you are a dumbshit and now youve made a public spectacle of yourself. priceless.

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