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Don't Call it Frisco


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And?.... Who gives a fuck? No one cares about your lame ass. You aren't even from the Sco. You've posted that same tired piece of yours like 4 times. Hiper may be a toy, but at least hes not self promoting and gossiping about people on the internet. You gossiping birds on here are all a bunch of fucking snitches. You should be ashamed of yourselves, Props to everyone who does their thing and minds their business. I'm feeling like a lame for even writing this...

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Originally posted by shutthefuckup!@Feb 28 2006, 06:33 PM

And?.... Who gives a fuck? No one cares about your lame ass. You aren't even from the Sco. You've posted that same tired piece of yours like 4 times. Hiper may be a toy, but at least hes not self promoting and gossiping about people on the internet. You gossiping birds on here are all a bunch of fucking snitches. You should be ashamed of yourselves, Props to everyone who does their thing and minds their business. I'm feeling like a lame for even writing this...


why you coming at me like that i'm not promoting anybody i didn't take these flics i just posted them and no hyper is not a toy, i never said he was, and neither is dotcom i was born and raised in hayes valley so don't start on where i come from because you don't know me or what i write so get off my nuts and chill the fuck out i have no beef with you or anyone for that matter

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