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hides bro, show me some straight letter action. You and your mates clearly have a chill ass spot wherever you are, which is OK if you're down for ditch flick fame, but if you've got all the time of day why not practice some straight letter stuff without all the wibble wobbles. Also keen to see you rock every letter in the same colour.


Your handies are looking much better.

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Maybe because your posting kinder garden standards. gtfo


theres a lot of graff that is hard to read, it's because of different styles and how people want to do there letter structure, instead of trying to make people laugh with your pathetic insults you sad cunt, why don't you get ur ugly cunt head out of your ass and stop talking shit.


GTFO nerdy cunt

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theres a lot of graff that is hard to read, it's because of different styles and how people want to do there letter structure, instead of trying to make people laugh with your pathetic insults you sad cunt, why don't you get ur ugly cunt head out of your ass and stop talking shit.


GTFO nerdy cunt


Wow nice dude

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blesu and heyyo both of use fuck up, no 1 wants to see that shit heyyo and no 1 wants to hear u dribble ur shit blesu so put up or shut up cunt!


although a lot of you don't like it, i still think its better than a poxy tag.. i dont see how anyone could prefer a tag over a piece even if you dont like it much

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