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I'm in the process of writing a final paper for a class on Americans "war on drugs".And I know that a majority of people on here are users and the "War on drugs" affects us all user and non. The government has used hard working Americans tax money for a useless cause. The government when begining this "war" in 1982 had a goal and a prmose which was to have a "Drug Free America" by 1995. :haha: I know you've heard those 3 words before. But it has only become worse since this war began. People need to become educated about this and i think that there may be some deep thought on here where i can get some ideas.

put whatever you feel

here are some links to websites with facts that you need to open your eyes to.

drugwarfacts.comThe war on drugs and civil liberties

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yeah.... no.


even if it's for a school paper....

there are better places online to find this kind of information.


and I resent that you've implied that 'a majority of people on here are users'.

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