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Originally posted by MuthaMolesta+Mar 3 2005, 04:17 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (MuthaMolesta - Mar 3 2005, 04:17 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>
Originally posted by 216ism@Mar 2 2005, 11:30 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-MuthaMolesta@Mar 2 2005, 05:38 PM

much props to simples for at least showing me something worthy. However I gotta disagree with you on that style comment. LA got its style on lock. nonetheless keep posting. your fellow dumbass Ohioians should follow suit.


You talk too much. No one gives a shit about your approval.


oh really? Eh dumbass no gives a shit about your disapproval so shut your felating priest ass and know your role. Fucking haole!



Im Puerto Rican not a haole, fool. I got nothing more to say to your dumbass. But you can keep talking shit since you got nothing better to do.



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Originally posted by SLANG@Mar 3 2005, 05:34 AM




Nah sorry fag... Fuck your whole ohio scene. I love this shit. You fags actually give me the time of day. A Herb uses all caps. A Herb doesn't paint yet talk mad shit on the internet, thus a Herb is you.

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Originally posted by TucanSalmon@Mar 3 2005, 05:38 AM

ohio doesnt need you motha molesta, im not posotive but i almost am that graff has been going on longer here then in the islands you "represent" half the peeps in the hawaii thread dont like you, your ot up, and you think your the shit get out your pen and paper and start biteing fucker, name droppin legal eagal


half the peeps don't like me... ha who?


hey dumbass try and learn how to write and spell a complete sentence. your coming off dumber than you originally was. "legal eagle" wow where did your brilliant mind come up with that? wow you some philosopher!! I guess all that time felating priest in the back of bible study paid off. Either start posting pics or shut the fuck up... your ruining your own thread with all this bullshit. I love polluting your shitty ass thread. However my pollution is better than the shit your Ohioians are posting so I guess I'm doing you moronic mormons a favor. How the fuck do you guys have time to paint? Don't you have to pay a shit load in tidings? All the jobs needed to pay that shit must not leave you much time to paint eh... I feel sorry for you losers.

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Originally posted by TucanSalmon@Mar 3 2005, 11:27 AM

and how are you NOT a herb?


hmmmm... let's see. I ACTUALLY paint. I ACTUALLY contribute to this shit. I ACTUALLY live and breath this shit FULL TIME. while you fags do this shit when its convienient I do it 24/7 whether it be on a wall, a canvas, or on poster... I am graff. Fags like you front.... you like to bring the ones that actually do this shit down cause it makes you feel inferior. Haters like you I dust off like dirt. You fags contribute nothing but negativity on those that represent. Haters die!!!!

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dont tell me you live this shit, you would rather do a production, cool i guess, but being nice with it aint the point, its being up, thats the point, i never leave the house without at least a marker or etch, for the past 2 weeks ive gone everyday, i average 2 pieces a week, so shut up, ill go there and crush, or you can come here and ill crush you. but what eves, i-net beef is so serious...


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Originally posted by 216ism+Mar 3 2005, 08:41 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (216ism - Mar 3 2005, 08:41 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>
Originally posted by MuthaMolesta@Mar 3 2005, 04:17 AM

Originally posted by 216ism@Mar 2 2005, 11:30 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-MuthaMolesta@Mar 2 2005, 05:38 PM

much props to simples for at least showing me something worthy. However I gotta disagree with you on that style comment. LA got its style on lock. nonetheless keep posting. your fellow dumbass Ohioians should follow suit.


You talk too much. No one gives a shit about your approval.


oh really? Eh dumbass no gives a shit about your disapproval so shut your felating priest ass and know your role. Fucking haole!


Im Puerto Rican not a haole, fool. I got nothing more to say to your dumbass. But you can keep talking shit since you got nothing better to do.





ew worst yet... a fucking spic... you guys are just wannabe popolos... I got lots to say to your "no posting"/"all words"/"all bark, no bite"/"priest fellating" mormon faggot. I got so much shit talking to do I should swallow a dozen roses. You got nothing better to do than respond to my shit talking. How hypocritical. proceed with your fellow Ohioians circle jerking.

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Originally posted by TucanSalmon@Mar 3 2005, 11:40 AM

dont tell me you live this shit, you would rather do a production, cool i guess, but being nice with it aint the point, its being up, thats the point, i never leave the house without at least a marker or etch, for the past 2 weeks ive gone everyday, i average 2 pieces a week, so shut up, ill go there and crush, or you can come here and ill crush you. but what eves, i-net beef is so serious...


bitch you don't know me.. being "nice" with it aint the point? I guess Seen and Saber weren't trying to make their shit dope. The shit your posting is hella wack. Getting up is a must but putting wack shit up is worst than not getting up at all. Get your "stamp", nah fuck that.... get your wannabe "stamp" outta here. Calling you a "stamp" would actually be a compliment. Face it your a hater. You try to bring me down in order to make your inferior self feel better. That shits weak. You'll crush me? Bring it.

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