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wow...ohio's pretty fuckin lame can't even post RECENT flicks, thats just fuckin sad yo


You are an idiot, street wise compartivly to other cities in the country ohio is lacking but the freight scene, numbers wise for how many writers we have is pretty impressive, not everyone self promotes and posts every single piece of graffiti they have done on the internet.

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You are an idiot, street wise compartivly to other cities in the country ohio is lacking but the freight scene, numbers wise for how many writers we have is pretty impressive, not everyone self promotes and posts every single piece of graffiti they have done on the internet.


no shit, thats why im sayin wheres the new shit at, i aint hatin on the old skool...oldskool shit is fuckin raw, bump that! but i speak for ALL of us when i say lets get out and wreck shit!

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