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Patriot act

Same SBC

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just punch them in the face


your an idiot assult on a police officer is NOT what u want on your record jsut be polite and shit they do let u off sometimes but if your about to get caught red handed 10 block sprint!!

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man fuck tha police, but this is all gonna lead into some fuckin dictatorship shit or totalitarian (the government does what the fuck they want when the fuck they want wit no excuse and no warrents i.e. Sadam, Stalin) state in the fuckin US. this shit is all gonna go down hill from today. Soon enough they wont even need fuckin cops, they'll have cameras and shit everywhere to watch what the fuck we're doin every minute and second of our lives and maybe some whack mother fuckers to keep shit under tab. fuck it



...this was a mad rant

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man fuck tha police, but this is all gonna lead into some fuckin dictatorship shit or totalitarian (the government does what the fuck they want when the fuck they want wit no excuse and no warrents i.e. Sadam, Stalin) state in the fuckin US. this shit is all gonna go down hill from today. Soon enough they wont even need fuckin cops, they'll have cameras and shit everywhere to watch what the fuck we're doin every minute and second of our lives and maybe some whack mother fuckers to keep shit under tab. fuck it



...this was a mad rant


some conspiracy shit my brotha:zombie:

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