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the skulls? harvard? nah, its too cold up there for frox and habits. they'd take the Hemingway approach to the finer things in life. i heard they do go deep sea fishing off the coast of antigua. twice a year. for marlin and dolphinfish. same yacht and everything.

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boo to you too brahh. i dont pay attention to who people are and what say screen names they come up. im not no ones father to handle their shit and walk them across the street, they wanna get hit by a car fine, they shoulda looked both ways. if i talk shit your gonna know its me, not no screen name i got from some rap group. dont know who hurtsdonuts is but maybe ill bite your M E R or I T S to the exact point and get on your good side.... kits

you can tell alot about a man by the company he keeps...whats with the tough guy talk there bigshot?...i've done nothing but show you respect. i mentioned your name because you paint with a dude who talks shit to people he has no right to, and claims to work for/with the APD. sounds to me like if you aren't bullshitting about "not paying attention", you better start..because cyst and everyone he paints with has got our full attention.


well then im just a big dick, drunk, fucked, high ass man arent i, callin the kettle black. you said i shouldnt had it gone this far, well thats not my responsibility. when cyst fucked with your shit way back when you should fucked his shit over not waited a couple months to reclaim that champions spot. so its your fault that it came to this internet point, you should have handled it at the balcones bash when you tagged that canvas of his, i was their you coulda asked me were cyst was. i told his whats up and what he chooses to do is all on him, and i still have no idea what this beef between yall two is al about. just some white boy stuff. ive showed you and your crew nothing but respect too, glad to see that i have your full attention...

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Stay hood dawg stay hood.


When I get the chance to meet this cyst kid Im gonna show him how hood this "white boy" can get.


Beat his face into ground hamburger and put some grey poupon on that shit top it off with some caviar and feed it to my poodle.

It boggles my mind when these little ass kids talk shit to grown fools. I aint some rich motherfucker i dont even have parents all i got is my friends and ill back them up 10000 percent. Crew or not. Prey there is a God in heaven we dont meet. That will be a bad day for you my friend.

Kits ive met you a few times youve always been a nice kid. I dont have anything against you. But if youre crew with people those should be people you back up and support and if they act stupid you should tell them so or cut ties. Other wise why are you even crew with them?

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Well either way he's been dissing habits spots so he's up shit creek and lost his paddle. so it would kinda make sense that it would be him. Then to talk shit under a sn made just to run your mouth not only about habits but all of hd? Well you got all of our attention hope you're as stoked to meet me as I am you.

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