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Originally posted by kid furie:

blahblahblahblah, this girl fucking sucks. have any of you read all that shit she wrote about herself? i fucking hate girls like her, the ones who think they're these big rebels, thinking they're some kind of unique snowflake bullshit and they ALWAYS have to be getting attention. she is just as fucking lame as all these other fucking teeny-popper girls. this girl is so fucking ful of shit. anti-social my fucking ass. i guess thats why she posts her user names for AIM and starcraft and her email address too. i guess thats why she plasters the internet with pictures of herself and does live video feeds, to. thats why she made a website dedicated to herself for others to look at. i could understand someone doing all this if they were an interesting person but she IS NOT. all her hobbies are basiclly, talking, shopping, tanning, computers and showers. what the fuck! i don't fucking care, she might have well just said "none". i bet shes never read a book (maybe for school once or twice but nothing more than that). i can probablly yabber on for many more hours about how lame this girl is but im far too lazy to(i don't even know why typing this...) so i will just sum up my whole post; THIS GIRL HAS COTTON BALLS AND BONG RESIN FOR A BRAIN. THE ONLY THING SHE'S GOT GOING FOR HER IS HER LOOKS AND THERE ARE ALOT OF HOT/HOTTER WOMEN OUT THERE. her site should just be her stating that she is a run-of-the-mill teenage twerp thats pretty hot and than just have the pictures, nothing else. man fuck all this, i'd rather jerk off to girls that are naked...


yeah man, know what you mean. she sounds like one of those types that rebel just to rebel. it doesnt sound like she has a cause or anything. its becoming popular to be a rebel, i swear. next thing ya know the HS football players will be saying fuck p.diddy and the cheerleaders will look like they are straight from Nirvana "Smells Like Teen Spirit". i wonder if that deep dark seattle grunge scene is coming back.

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Originally posted by BoB Hope ONER:

man.. get offline.. go outside. listen to house of pain.. jump around.


go to a bar.


relax drink a pint of ale.


find a real girl to talk to..

one that isnt online .. and isnt online.. taking fotos to show strangers and has a boyfriend.






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