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its a good start for sure, your blending is good. but it ends up looking pretty flat for 2 main reasons.

one, you only used 2 colors to blend. if you want it to really pop out your going to need at least 3 or 4 values of the same color. sometimes i will even use 6 values of the same color to get really smooth transitions, and add more contrast.

the second reason it looks flat is you have two different light sources, but didnt apply them to all the objects in the piece. you shaded the two chuncks on the left with a light source somewhere on the upper right, while you shaded the other piece and the sphere with a light source somewhere on the bottom right. if you stick with one light source at first it will be way easier.

other than that, it looks pretty good.


heres a pic of a piece i finished a little bit ago in this shitty hookah bar in seattle


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wow dude that shit is tighttt, did you do both pieces?

yeah the main issue ihave is lighting, just when im painting, it find it hard to keep it consistant and stil make it look decent, so i sorta wing it, but im definitly gonna try and start using diferent values, thats sorta a technique i used in pieces beause ass a whoel looked semi=3d

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yeah if you just fuck around with it you will figure it out, but a helpful way to think about lighting is if your light source is coming down on your piece, think of snow falling on the shapes, where the snow would be the deepest, it will be the lightest

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good improvement on the constant light source, i still think your colors are holding you back quite a bit. the leap between the dark brown and that tan is huge, so it looks weird when you blend them. if you had like 2 colors inbetween the tan and the brown it would work. also when your light source is coming down certain parts are going to blocked by other chunks, creating a shadow, and as light hits parts its going to reflect some of that light back up. dont be afraid to use more colors on the smae plane. i fucked with your canvas real quick in paint, its really shitty because that program is shitty but i think youll get my drift



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it's been quite awhile since i was here...hecz good work, but u could do better. pstain, don't leap before u can crawl. i can tell u don't have the can control yet for a good 3d. start with the basics, clean lines...layering...blending...proportion/dimension...i can go on and on.., ya got a long way to go kid. i'm glad fusy is inspired, keep it up. the black looks strange though, and a 3rd shade of color would've been better. 4 is pretty much the standard, with the last and darkest used for shadows. dbcoop try a simpler letter style..a little more legible. remember the more complex your letters, the more difficult to paint. also it is going to be much harder than u think. one pointer i can give u is to paint the porions of your piece furthest from view first and build your way forward. good luck...

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