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Official Battle Thread


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yo Q*666 me and my crew is down for that crew battle. lol im the one hat called it. anyways its 4 of us "400" "pen 15" "the 1" and me, "brain". our crew is "KS"



okay, is DC4 in on the crew battle also????


if so, i believe the rules were pretty simple,


write your own names

write your crew name, abreviation or spellout

character and backgrounds are optional, right?




this should be a bit longer than other battles to give people time to get together


if you cant get together to draw it all on one page, you are allowed to photoshop,

but ONLY to put the pieces on the same pic.




more people get their crews in on this, the due date is not decided yet










there is also still a "your own name" sketch battle going on






PM me to let me know u are for sure in on these battles!



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ok im calling out a battle and the first person to respond to it goes one on one with me.

its going to be a battle on killing a freight. ill give the link once someone responds, print out the link of a simple freight background, and do w/e you want to it, kind of like a old school theme from the NY scene of the 80's, if its to confusing just enter and ill explain myself more.

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the thread is starting to pick up a bit more again..


hurry up and finish them throwie battles u all got going and PM them to me, thanks




SKETCH BATTLE- your own name

Rules =

must be full color.

characters and backgrounds are allowed but not necessary.



advanced writers only, NO TOYS



post that u are in on the battle, and i will keep track...



there is no limit to the max amount of entries on this battle...


any questions PM me


Due Date = SATURDAY NOV 25



results will be posted in "Battle Results and Voting Superthread"

this thread will contain the pieces submitted.

this is so you can view who won and lost each battle and vote the quality pieces that were in it.





may the best writer win.



Additionally, save the chit-chat, keep it battle related.


is anyone even doing this??....

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2 people have submitted for the "your own name" sketch battle that was quoted a couple posts above.


both are very nice.


im looking for a few more entries before i post it so it isnt another 1 on 1.


anyone who is down for that battle please submit a piece as soon as you can.





also anyone else who is getting in on the crew battle please let me know.


any other side battles u all have called out, please let me know whats goin on with those too.

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