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Guest Prae1Boston

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you sir are a fucktard.


and since stealing names is what the cool kids are doing now adays...

im now writing CopeJaSmithRevokOner.

ya'll aint got shit on me.


actually, id like to know what u do write cuz ur last 50 posts dont have a single pic of graf so ur probly wack or this forum is very very important to u...lmao. i dont get y u niggas are stressin that my name is ave12 and some suppposedly "well known" dude writes aves...ur that bored bro?

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actually, id like to know what u do write cuz ur last 50 posts dont have a single pic of graf so ur probly wack or this forum is very very important to u...lmao. i dont get y u niggas are stressin that my name is ave12 and some suppposedly "well known" dude writes aves...ur that bored bro?


not to beat a dead horse cuz i could give a fuck less what u write out in east bumfuck NY.....but ur sayin supposidly well known......did u not see those flics i posted lol

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your all retards, every one of you, first off, its ave not aves, and a num,ber after, aves and ave12, noones getting confused so shut the fuck up, and im sorry busy but ave BURNS you and he doesnt even burn.... yea cool you write on bitches, those bitches are 16 and beat as fuck already, they fail at life and it doesnt matter, theyre gonna end up like your mom anyway.... aves is one of my favorite writers, always commin with heat and orgionality, his style is so amazing to me, but ave12 is just a dude writing ave12 if he wrote aves2 that would be a problem, but he doesnt so shut up and get along with your pathetic little wannabe graffer life toy

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your all retards, every one of you, first off, its ave not aves, and a num,ber after, aves and ave12, noones getting confused so shut the fuck up, and im sorry busy but ave BURNS you and he doesnt even burn.... yea cool you write on bitches, those bitches are 16 and beat as fuck already, they fail at life and it doesnt matter, theyre gonna end up like your mom anyway.... aves is one of my favorite writers, always commin with heat and orgionality, his style is so amazing to me, but ave12 is just a dude writing ave12 if he wrote aves2 that would be a problem, but he doesnt so shut up and get along with your pathetic little wannabe graffer life toy


ok skid marks sparks.....what u write anyway....cuz i know u must have SOME ups talkin like that......but i never seen sparks anywhere....maybe sparty, who i know isnt u.......

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...stop bitchin and get the thread back on track....and to the other guy that girl has one clean shaven snatch(last page)...props....and i cant believe these idiots are still postin painted flicks...jesus christ.


first one...i dunno...

second one...has other shit but a throw is on the top so wtf.



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