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NC graf.


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dude it was old as fuck, they painted over it, and thats a bad night piece. busted? like all of NC's graff right? oh wait i mean you deff get up when you bomb the shit out of a little bumfuck mountain town. you guys are like women, bitch no matter what.


bad night piece? no. it was old as fuck? not really and even if it was you should leave it alone. going over history makes you a TOY!

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i mean they are the only ones that can drop a piece in this state lol. here we go actual writers of NC fowl, obsoe, aloha, woem, close, sleroe, lawst, hide, u know people with actual style! and uhh yea sadly thats about it. lol and i didnt mention others its cause painting once a year doesnt make you a writer, and im not even gonna get into the other 90% of nc bullshit they call graff.

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i mean they are the only ones that can drop a piece in this state lol. here we go actual writers of NC fowl, obsoe, aloha, woem, close, sleroe, lawst, hide, u know people with actual style! and uhh yea sadly thats about it. lol and i didnt mention others its cause painting once a year doesnt make you a writer, and im not even gonna get into the other 90% of nc bullshit they call graff.


man, nice of you to let us know who the 'actual' writers in the state are...do you realize how arrogant you sound? everybody's entitled to their opinion, but get off your high horse. you show your own ignorance by NOT mentioning writers from BOTH carolinas that are (arguably, according to how your opinon runs) longer standing and have put in mad work that maybe you just weren't around for or don't know about. either way they're at least as fresh as any of those others you mentioned. if you don't care, fine, but you're the one that ends up looking like a fool for it to people who know better.

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yea its sad they dont paint as much which is why graff scene sucks here. im not hating im just saying that those are people that actually hold it down and are good in all aspects of graff. u can bomb all day long and have throws all over the state but if your shit is weak then enough said.


you just want your 15 mintutes of fame again because since over the last month and a half or however long its been since you decided to cause a scene since you've been forgotten about...and the reason behind that is..you dont count. keep painting and whatever..but your opinion doesn't count.. so quit while your only so far behind.


but on the other hand bump bars and knowe

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