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Posts posted by paranormio

  1. 19 minutes ago, Joker said:


    Looking at your sketch the first thing that jumps out to me is that it's too rigid. When you're learning to do throwups (and this is my personal opinion) I thin it's best to go with a loose, bubble-like feel. You'll get a feel for doing them much faster if the lines are loose, round-ish, and easily executed. When I was learning throwups (honestly, I'm still learning) the guys who taught me said think of a semi-deflated balloon... now shape it into a letter. Think about how the balloon looks when you squeeze it in half - how the air is forced to the ends and those ends expand creating two bubbly shapes (writing that made me laugh... sounds weird). 


    Anyway, keep it loose and as simple as possible (I mean, think about how simple Adek's throwup letters are but they're absolutely perfect). And really try to do each letter in one quick swoop instead of "sketching" the letters out. Sketching them will definitely help you get the letters down how you want them, but make sure once you're there that you teach yourself to do those lines in one go. 


    Here's a few ideas to inspire you...




    Thx so much man rly appreciate it I’ll try those out 

  2. I’m going to be honest I’ve never really put in any time to doing throws however I’m re-teaching myself the basics and I’m going into it with a positive attitude and a slight stiffy Crits??


  3. 12 hours ago, Mercer said:




    The supreme art of war is to defeat your enemy without fighting. There has never, even once, been a successful revolution based on violence. Each time lead to more government, granted in a different form, but in the end even more oppressive. Non-violence is the only way to force real change.

    Shyt I was abt that acab shit this summer 

  4. 42 minutes ago, glorydays said:

    General Milley said that if trump digs his heels in the white house


    and if trump decides to build up some sort of ragtag paramilitary made up of his loyal CHUDS


    then the military will step in to remove him

    He's gonna build a wall that the military is going to pay for

  5. 5 minutes ago, Dark_Knight said:

    Hes convinced everyone that everything is a lie and he is the only one they can trust and he’ll bring them to salvation. Totalitarian playbook. I’m genuinely surprised how a little less than half the nation falls for ancient control tactics. 

    Before a trumper comes and starts talking about how corrupt our system is... I know.


    This difference is trump is demanding complete control and inciting paranoia and polarization.  He will do anything in his power to hold on to his piece of the pie. 


    Also, he lost. So it doesn’t really matter. He can cry all he wants. 

    just like hitler used jews to rise to power and unite everyone under his control trump is doing that with democrats he's been calling them socialist for months now ntm making shit up about how china is trying to take over the us its just basic fear mongering. its working so well he has supporters going out armed to ballots ignoring public safety measures and threatening workers but when a football player kneels its a big fucken problem.



    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:

    Really, I'd like to hear his answer as to why Hillary never got "locked up" or brought up on charges.  She, if what was said is true, is guilty of some pretty heavy crimes.  I'm not a judge/jury but the sounds of it is that she's involved.  By proxy Billdo will also be involved.  My fear is that money can buy their way out of nearly anything.


    If you can pay to kill people that would testify against you and there's no way to track that down..... then I guess fuckin yolo and we'll always just have to speculate that they're up to something, until they actually leave some irrefutable evidence of crime somewhere in the public's eyes.


    Even then, we (seem to) live in this culture where people can do wild stuff and just say "sorry and I'm working to be a better person."  This gets them a "transparency pass" and then people think they're a "great person" because of their transparency and being up front about their mistakes.

    referring to the last part of what u said its true and pathetic its even easier f u have $ 

    • Truth 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, Dark_Knight said:

    @Tails0nETrump supporters will make up anything in order to defend him. It’s been like that for four years, but it’s getting more desperate now. This conspiracy is especially stupid.

    he could burn the flag and constitution and take away guns and still have his support and defend him because flag and blue line


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  8. 14 hours ago, Dirty_habiT said:

    How much of any of that would hold up in court though?


    Like, where is the proof that Trump "only paid $750 in taxes"?

    If that were true, what would be "wrong" with that if there was nothing illegal being done?


    Where is the clip of Trump saying "Mexicans are rapists, criminals, and drug dealers"?

    Where is the clip of him saying that about Africans?


    You cannot "put someone in prison".  Even if he said that, it would be Hillary putting herself in prison and him just seeing to it that it was handled properly and followed through on.  I could threaten to "put you in prison" and it really doesn't mean anything.... because I have no ability (without doing something illegal) of "putting you in prison".


    The difference is, that, this was said but most people understand that to mean what I explained and not "I'm going to do whatever it takes illegal or otherwise to make sure that my opponent gets locked away in prison."  Those are two very different things.... and Trump never said or made any intention towards the second one.

    damn u educated my ass man

    • LOL! 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Dirty_habiT said:

    Let's talk about it.


    What, very specifically, are you referring to when you say "tax evasion stuff"?

    What did Trump say that was controversial?


    I am not his lawyer and I'm not here to defend his honor or anything like that.  I'm just wondering what you're talking about.

    not to long ago theres been documents leaked about trump paying only like 750$ on his taxes and some controversial  stuff he said such as the mexicans are "rapist criminals and drug dealers" and when he called africans low iq refugees and threats made to Hillary about putting her in prison. I was going to get exactly what he said but im in school tho on top of that i cant even vote lmao so its not rly something big to me but otherwise thx your post made me think about shit i never would have 

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