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Posts posted by casekslays

  1. cause when it comes to the fbi and cia they are not exposed even if their audited it doesn't mean that we will hear from it it will be kept and dealt in secrecy so it's not negativity it's just that it's hard to believe that they will be expose to their faults



    Periods. Use them. Benefit.

  2. ouch...howd you break a femur?


    p.s. you dont have to answer that.



    A friend of mine jumped on my back just goofing off, he tripped me over a stump and all of his weight and my weight went into my left leg, I turned or twisted just the right way and "POW!" like a cap gun shot.


    I used to tell strangers who saw me walking with a cane that I was shot or it was a motorcycle accident. Never wanted to own up to the stupidity of how it really happened.




    Forgot to add zercher carries into my workout. 100lb sandbag.

    • Like 1
  3. Don't do all that 'one body part per day' bullshit unless you are advanced and on drugs.

    As a natural it is best to hit each body part twice per week through compound movements/full body and select single joint accessory shit.

    3-4 big days a week and whatever light shit you want to do the rest of the days.

    Also, if you aren't sure where you fit in on that chart, you are a beginner.

    Intermediate is for people who have been lifting for at least a year and have exhausted their linear gains.

    IE-You worked up to a 1.5x-2x bodyweight squat and have stalled and need slower progression.

    The intermediate shit will still work, but it will go much slower than if you chose a beginner program and rode it out until it no longer worked.





    They have a great sticky full of info.

    That and the shit is hilarious.




    Casek, I wasn't coming at you with that post.

    It was just a general post for whoever was interested, because the same shit gets asked in here over and over.

    We need a sticky.



    Eh. I don't have any questions about working out. I've been at it long enough to know what works for me and what doesn't. I've been working on creating a program for myself for a couple of weeks that incorporates all of those things, but haven't been in the mood to sit down and figure out what would be doubling up on specific areas and what doesn't.


    Here's what I've come up with so far. I'll explain after.




    Clean and Press 10x4


    Sandbag Stair Climb x5


    Chinups to failure


    Reverse Curl 10x4


    Curl 10x4


    Deadhang 3-5 for 10 seconds each


    Wrist Roller 5x


    Deadlift 1x5


    Shrugs 1x5 (been doing this with the rock recently. Good shit)



    and some of the stuff I've been experimenting with



    Poundstone Curls 1x100 (empty olympic bar) once every two weeks?


    Knee/leg raises from pullup bar


    Odd object training (rock/log/sandbag)




    dips (removing these and possibly replace with skullcrushers. pressing seems to work my triceps well enough, though)


    flat bench/incline bench




    I have metal in my left leg from a femur break back in 2001, so no squats.

  4. There are plenty of articles on strongman events and technique online, man.

    Just Google that shit.


    How long have you been lifting?




    I stopped for about six months last year and in to the beginning of this year. Started again around February. Prior to that, a few years on and off.


    As for strongman stuff online, yes, there is a lot. The problem is stone lifting and how sparse the resources are.



    Here is a short list of good shit.


    Old time strongman books/manuals



    Jim Wendler's fitcast



    Farmstrength (found this one the other day while researching stone lifting)


  5. don't know anything about stone lifting but i assume the reason it's harder is just because it's more of an awkward object to pick up than a barbell, the weight isn't perfectly distributed



    Most likely this is the answer. This morning I felt some soreness in my forearms, so I'm guessing that's what hauling this rock around is mainly hitting. Going to start ramping up my reverse curls and see where that gets me.


    Here's a bad ass forum I found on the subject (there aren't many around)


  6. Any of you into stone lifting? Just started a routine with 90 or so lb natural stone that I can't get past my waist so what I've been doing is pick it up and walking it across the yard and then tossing it, picking it up and repeating. I can flip a 100 bar from my waist to my shoulders for an OHP, but I can't flip this stone up to my shoulder. What gives and what do I need to work on for stone carries?

  7. I think it's just a measurement. Like this computer has a 3 GHz processor. So it makes so many decisions per second.


    Soon a processor will have the same processing speed as the human brain (which is pretty fast considering sight, spacial awareness, muscle movements, involuntary body functions, thought, speech, memory etc).


    Possibly in 30 years a computer could process every decision a human brain makes over the period of an average lifetime in an hour.


    It's also been thought that one day a computer will be able to process as much as all the decisions every human brain has ever made within a small period of time.


    I have no idea why we'd need this. But MS Access will load very fast.


    These guys are involved with pushing the limit of processing power. Also a customer.






    Once we hit the biological computers, which we already have a good start on, things are going to get super fucking futuristic.



    • Like 1
  8. they pay real mc guys to make appearances to make it seem more legit, apparently they were a "real"

    club till they went on the show and most of the dude's dropped it.



    Yeah, I've heard the stories about real mc guys getting paid gigs to "consult", etc.

    Good for them. Might as well make some of that tv show long money.

  9. Thats that show about the "mc" from san diego? Only time ive ever seen it was in my hotel room last time i was in Vegas, super lame haha. Im surprised the peckerwood guys havn't tracked dude down and whooped his ass for claiming east county for a fake club on a reality show haha.





    Chuck Zito will be in the new season. Heard he use to ride with a real MC.

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