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Everything posted by Mindfux

  1. Mindfux


    too dope..i'm upset i didn't see this until now
  2. Northwest Superthread has disappeared (last i saw someone was posting pictures of peoples faces) so i figured i'd ask in here, hoping there's some Seattle heads floating around i was cruising flickr and keep seeing RIP tributes to Flint within the last couple of days..can anyone confirm this?
  3. where the hell is this? so many heads
  4. lol..glad to see this thing is still going strong
  5. ^^ this is the biggest joke in the thread..hands down we make fun of this backpack on a daily basis
  6. damn, already up to 3 pages. this thread is turning into pure gold LOL i just want to say, we laugh our asses off every time somebody orders a Cope 2 backpack from us
  7. fuck what you heard...the pilot bullet chisel tip is the dopest blackbook marker out..prismas bleed really bad...the molotow acrylics like the 127 and 227 are nice as well
  8. Mindfux


    when will the cops learn that this approach does not work
  9. i have a couple of homies that met him at a show and they said he acts exactly as advertised...or in their words "in 40 years, he'll still be Cope2" lmao
  10. well...you definitely can continue doing all the shit mentioned above, but then again, you seem to be accustomed to being the bad pun of the graffiti world.. ^^with that said: on with the show
  11. can you please stop self promoting this whack shit? nobody wants to see this but you
  12. i remember seeing all that shit in the MUL threads, and Cope co-signing for the fact that he paid people to use other writers government names..the fact that he puts his toy goons on blast like this is sad..almost like he's proud of these dronies he pays to do his bidding..these niggas don't have your back, they just want your money you claim Utah snitched on you or whatever, and that you most definitely are not a rat right? regardless of what you claim Utah and Ether have done to you (and you also claim you're above all this shit), why the fuck would you sink to a "rats level" and do some rat shit like fund some toys government name spree? you sir, are the ultimate rat and don't even realize it..pathetic i hope you're reading this Cope..and slap yourself in the mix..even if Utah started it, you can't call yourself a self proclaimed "legend" and talk about how much better than everybody you are, and then go off and do some shit that goes against everything you just caps locked about. you should know better
  13. L O L that's what i'm sayin...all they did was put the same word over the old word..what makes it even more pathetic is dude has other people writing his word for him..AND left the cop characters and the rats on the wall..hahahahaha i haven't laughed this hard at someone elses expense on the internet for a long time YO COPE! check your toy goons homie! EDIT: also, for extra Cope2 LULZ...see the link below http://www.12ozprophet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=140368
  14. i just always go with primo cause they have a few accounts that nobody else has i can't fuck with 33third after the whole Revok fiasco lol
  15. ^^you bumped a 2 year old thread for that shit? anyways, i can sort of dig what the OP is saying...Seattle isn't really known for it's "style"...a majority of the writers are all the BTM/3A types that are out to destroy, more than anything..that's a style in itself...the buff in Seattle is strong too (the law states that the building owner has a week to clean up graffiti within the notice, and each day after that is a $300 fine)...so that has something to do with it...alot of the stuff resembles the SF bus hopper shit.
  16. L O L one of the funniest fucking youtube videos ever
  17. had to post the picture you posted in the brick slayers thread LOL ^^what's funny to me about that is, that's clearly not Cope or Seen that threw those up, and they didn't even fuck with the characters flashing badges, so it's still reiterating that Cope is a Cop hahahahaha..all you did was took the original piece, and put the same word up over what was already being said here lmao...and what's even more pathetic is that it's not even you that did it...you'd get clowned on way less if you had your toy army throw up their word in sake of your name..but you just had some jackass replicate the same throwie we've all seen for the past 40 years
  18. HAHAHAHA SOMEONE ACTUALLY DID IT? this guys got toy goons on deck like that?
  19. L O L theres some hilarious shit in here to add to the Cope Rants thread...keep it comin
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